Unit Leaders, the Order of the Arrow is at your Service!
Thank you for your interest in the Order of the Arrow! The Unit Leaders in the East Carolina Council are an integral part of the success of our program. With your endorsement and encouragement, you provide credibility to the elected youth, and thus strengthen the organization and your own unit.
In particular, we think it is crucial that every unit have an OA Troop/Crew/Ship Representative (explained below). This person is a liasion from the local chapter to the unit and is one of the keys to effective communication. The youth will also have the opportunity to advance in rank because this is an official position of responsibility.
OA Troop /Crew/Ship Representative Program
To help promote communication between individual units and the Order of the Arrow lodge that serves them, the position of O.A. Troop/Team Representative was devised. This position of responsibility counts toward rank advancement, and will help you and your unit learn more about what Croatan Lodge is up to and how their service is making a positive impact on the council’s program.
Camping Promotion
Annually, the Order of the Arrow promotes camping to units in the East Carolina Council. These range from presentations at Council events and District roundtables to camping presentations at individual units. These Camping Promotions Presentations are often coupled with unit elections.
Order of the Arrow Unit Elections
Once a year, usually from October to February, the Order of the Arrow conducts unit elections. Once elected, that youth is a candidate for membership to our organization.