The new year was appropriately also a new decade. Fresh ideas and a different outlook by a band of youthful visionaries. The elected youth leaders decided to heed the opportunity to be pro-active with their responsibilities. Officers took more initiative to actively plan meetings, record minutes, write and publish the newsletter, correspond between each other
through detailed letters, worked to strengthen chapters, and attempt new ideas, all which collectively helped build positive synergy and increased membership. Lodge Chief Herman Gaskin's fervor would prove years later to be a catalyst for stronger lodge program and motivation for younger arrowmen who made their own contributions in the future including Steve Worsley, Roger Billica, David Goodsell.
During his installation address at the lodge banquet held January 7th, Herman challenged the lodge to take ownership of officer responsibilities, program, and promoting summer camp:
"When I was elected at the Fall Fellowship, I promised you this year that the leadership in the lodge would be returned to the Scouts where it belongs. But also I promised that the responsibility would be returned to the Scouts. We have a great group of lodge officers who have already willingly assumed this responsibility.
Also, I promised that I would get the Croatan Lodge state of affairs in order. Anyone who is realistic must realize that the only way for us to go is up. We will be doing many new things this year. Many old things will be done different. I beg of you don't be trapped by tradition into saying "That's wrong, we've never done it that way." It's about time that we tried a few new ways............
I realize that you individually are the missing link in a chain of success. It's up to you..............Finally, the most important thing that I'll say to you tonight. I want to see every council camp filled to it's capacity every week this summer. As Dr. Goodman said, "Scouting is an outdoor thing." ........The Lodge will be asking much of you this year. But it will be no more that I
will be giving it. It'll take work, but I want the Croatan Lodge to not be the best lodge in Area 6A, but the best OA lodge in the nation. It's up to you."


January 28th, Executive Committee Meeting
Respess James Barbecue House in Greenville |
Herman discussed the importance of the chapter and also discussed chapter attendance. He asked the new advisers to meet with him after the meeting. Next, the vice-chiefs reported on their committees. Vice-Chief of Camping Promotions Jimmy Woolard had trouble with his voice, so Herman gave the report. Herman expressed the need for the lodge to have a camp promotion program in every troop in order
for the lodge to meet the requirements to be a national standard lodge.

Vice-Chief of Inductions Steve Worsley reported that there would be an equal number of candidates at each ordeal and that order for this to happen, the chapters must elect one-third of their boys into the Order for each ordeal. Vice-Chief of Service and Activities Tom Davis gave his report. Lodge Secretary Arthur King gave the minutes of the last executive meeting and Lodge
Treasurer Roger Billica reported $1,168.78 in the treasury.
Danny Pittman, Editor of the Croa-Talk, followed with a summary of the new format and the type of articles that would be included. The new format was conceived at the 1969 NOAC and the name submitted by the Tanugahi chapter at the fall fellowship. The cover was designed by Danny because "the emblem resembles one of the earliest Croatan patches."
The new bulletin was filled with chapter and officers reports, information for the 6-A, national conference, local Indian history, ceremony tips, chapter totems, and patch trading. An insert in the summer issue had a "food service poll." The Croa-Talk was published four times throughout the year.
The executive committee discussed hosting the area conference at Camp Bonner in 1972. Motions were passed to ask the area congress at a forthcoming meeting. The 1970 area conference was mentioned to cost $6.50 and would be hosted by Tali Tak Taki in Greensboro April 24-26th.
Chapter responsibilities for the March Ordeal at Camp Sam Hatcher were assigned. Tanugahi and Neusiok would perform the pre-Ordeal ceremony and Tanugahi and Coree the Ordeal. The ordeal master was lodge adviser Tom Marr assisted by VC Worsley. The task master was Tom Abell assisted by VC Tom Davis and Ray Higdon. Reverend Hintze was assigned to cook for the weekend assisted by Machapunga and the crackerbarrell by Toisnot.
February 28th, Chapter Training Conference Conference
Bonner Scout Reservation |
The first Chapter Training Conference was held during the afternoon at Camp Bonner in the reception center. Chapter advisers, chiefs, and secretaries were invited to learn their duties and expectations. The adgenda also included an overview of the lodge camping promotions program, elections, inductions, the role of the executive committee, the 6A conference, fall fellowship, national conference,
lodge goals, and the chapter program.
The New Reception Center at Camp Bonner |
Camp Bonner was literally a brand new camp, the first year open was 1969. The lodge played an integral role building and supporting projects all over the camp. One major project was the building and raising $20,000 to pay for the reception center. The lodge executive committee submitted the name "Croatan Lodge Reception Center" to the council executive board. However, concerned
that parents of young Scouts would have no concept of the OA and might be puzzled by the name, the council board compromised and added the word "and" between Lodge and Reception. Also, the building would serve as other functions beyond lodge activities. Harold Bowers would be responsible for making the signage.

April 8th, Executive Committee Meeting
Barbeque Barn Restaurant in Wilson |
After dinner the Lodge Secretary Arthur King gave his report. He stated that 83 candidates were inducted at the Hatcher Ordeal, bringing total membership to 497. Camping Promotions VC Jimmy Woolard reported that his committee had a goal to have the "Where To Go Camping" booklet finished in time for the 6A fellowship. Herman stressed the need for camp promotion and stated that a calender of campsite
reservations would be sent to each chapter. Steve Worsley gave his report. Tom David was unable to attend but it was reported that he was handling the quest team for the 6A. Roger reported a balance of $1,873.84 in the lodge treasury.
Herman mentioned that in the lodge constitution seven hours of work qualified a member to purchase a lodge patch. He said that in order for a record to be kept, the record cards would be given to each boy and would have to be signed by the chapter chief or adviser and then signed by either the lodge chief or adviser. Cards would be issued in the next Croa-Talk.
Responsibilities for the May Ordeal at Camp Bonner were assigned. The pre-Ordeal was assigned to both Neusiok and Natsihi chapters and the Ordeal to Tanugahi and Machapunga. Coree and Neuseukena volunteered to help set the dining hall and Tearora volunteered to handle the crackerbarrels.
The taskmaster would be Tom Davis advised by Tom Abell and the ordeal master would be Steve Worsley advised by Tom Marr. Projects for the May Ordeal would be to help prepare camp for the summer.
Herman brought up the idea of a summer activity for the lodge. A motion was made that the lodge begin to look into it as a possible event. Forty-five members from the lodge would attend the 6A. Herman mentioned that in the past the lodge had not had a dance team that could win at the 6A or at the national conference. For this reason, a lodge dance team would be organized and to be advised by Mr. Harvey of Kinston.
The executive committee was told that a trophy case was being built for the lodge and the reception center. Danny moved that a blackboard be purchased for use in the reception center. A vote was taken and unanimously passed.
6-A Fellowship April 24-26th
Camp Wenesa, Hosted by Tali Tak Taki |
Forty-five lodge members participated at the area fellowship. Neuseukena had an entry for the team dance competition. Roger Billica and Arthur King danced solo, Arthur placed third. The Brotherhood team drew favorable comments performed by Duane Tolan, Jimmy Woolard, Will Sharp, and Howard Lincoln. The lodge led a discussion group for lodge orientation. Danny Pittman coordinated
Phil Chabot Jr., the 1969 National Vice-Chief, to speak. Another highlight of the weekend was seeing co-founder Carroll A. Edson and hearing his experiences of the early years of the Order.
Lodge member Willie Long, Jr. from Roanoke Rapids served as the area adviser, a position he held through 1977. The lodge key-three submitted a letter to the area congress to petition to host the 1972 6A at Camp Bonner, which was approved before the conclusion of the weekend. The Croa-Talk mentioned much work will be needed to prepare to host the event. The campfire circle will need vast improvements on the stage and the seating to accommodate 400

Lodge Display

Co-Founder Carrol Edson

Area Chief Installed

Quest Egg Toss


Indian Dancing

Quest Rope Climb

New Chief Wes Morgan
Campaign rules for lodge elections were enacted at the fall fellowship to include specific locations where candidates could place posters and when to remove, encouraged campaigning, each candidate would be introduced at the Friday night campfire and allowed one minute to address the lodge. Nominees for chief included Ray Higdon and Steve Worsley.

Vice-Chief candidates included Dennis Abell, Joe Hatem, Arthur King, Glenn Pittman, and Mitchell Riley. Paul Bauer and Steve Formo ran for secretary. Steve Feldhaus and David Goodsell ran for treasurer. Roger Billica was nominated for 6A Chief.
During the Sunday lodge meeting, Chief Gaskins recognized and presented awards to all new Vigil members. Then he gave Tanugahi chapter the Quest for the Silver Arrow Award, which they won. Next, Arthur King recognized the lodge dance team and Herman announced the winners of the Indian dance competition. The meeting was wrapped-up calling out the newly elected lodge officers .

Second Lodge Officer Training Conference |
Steve Worsley was elected lodge chief at the fall fellowship. Under his guidance, the second LOTC was held December 19th in Greenville. Each lodge position was reviewed with the new respective officer and adviser. The forthcoming calendar of events was reviewed and approved. This is the meeting that became a template for future lodge planning. Dates for 1972 events were designated as well.
The executive committee decided on the following lodge goals:
1) Earn the Outstanding Lodge of 6A at the area fellowship.
2) Earn National Standard Lodge status.
3) Earn the E. Urner Goodman National Camping Award.
At the LOTC there was discussion to amend the lodge constitution that lodge officer elections would be held in the summer so officer duties could start by the first of October. The idea was to get the lodge year to parallel the school year. However, the vote was not approved.
Don Young became the new lodge adviser. He was from Kinston and worked at the Lenoir County Mental Health Clinic.
The culmination of 1970 ended with the annual banquet, though it was held on January 2nd, 1971 in Kinston at the Westminster Methodist Church. Wiley Long led everyone in songs, Danny Pittman recognized the new Vigil members, Roger talked briefly about activities in the Area 6A. Trophies were awarded to Coree for Banquet Attendance, Tanugahi for winning the Silver Arrow, and Arthur King for the Solo Indian
Dance Competition. Roger Billica came in second place.
Lodge advisor Tom Marr presented Herman with a plaque for his outstanding job as chief. Herman then gave a summary for his term and challenged chapters to promote summer camp. Incoming Lodge Chief Worsley addressed members urging chapters to “Get everyone registered, get active, and to earn the Best Lodge Trophy for the 6A.”
January 6th, Executive Committee Meeting
Barbeque Lodge, Kinston |

Lodge Chief Steve Worsley

Sketch for Lodge Planbook Cover
Steve Worsley's Papers
At the first executive committee of the year VC Camping Promotions Glenn Pittman encouraged camp promotions to be conducted twice a year with the new slide show produced by the lodge. Arrowmen were expected to wear their full uniform with sash and to initially contact every troop in their district starting with the units that did not camp.
VC Inductions Arthur King explained how-to conduct elections. VC Service and Activities Joe Pat Hatem gave his report and Secretary Paul Bauer discussed changes with the chapter trophy contest form.
The March Ordeal would be held at Camp Sam Hatcher March 12th-14th with the following assignments. Ordeal master Arthur King advised by Don Young, task master Joe Pat Hatem advised by Tom Abell. The pre-Ordeal ceremony by Natsihi and Tanugahi, the Ordeal by Tau and Machapunga. Food service handled by Coree followed by the crackerbarrels by Tarhunta and Tearoroa.
Herman Gaskins was called upon for a report on the trophies. He said that all new trophies would remain in the trophy case in the reception center. There was discussion as to whether the old trophies would be placed in the trophy case. Since no vote was taken, this would be decided by the lodge chief. Toisnot chapter said that it would consider donating a trophy listing past lodge chiefs. It was announced that the lodge chief would appoint a history committee to trace past winners of the trophies.
1971 NOAC Chairman Herman Gaskins gave a brief report regarding tentative travel plans and costs. At this time five deposits had been made. Herman strongly urged all executive committee members to attend.
The 6A Fellowship in April was discussed. Glenn would lead a discussion group on camping promotions, Herman would lead a discussion group on lodge bureaucracy, Joe Pat Hatem would organize the quest team, Danny Pittman the Vigil session, Arthur would handle the Brotherhood team. The Brotherhood team consisted of Stan Worth, Glenn Pittman, Dennis Abell, and David Goodsell. Roger and Arthur would participate in the solo dance competition
and Arthur and Ray Higdon would handle the dance team. The lodge quota was 55 delegates. Members of the executive committee were given first priority.
Lodge Dance Team Adviser Chick Harvey announced there would be a training session at Camp Charles for team members. At this session members would be helped with costumes and beadwork. He also reported that team jackets were not ready. Chick suggested Dance Team Chief Ray Higdon should be present at executive committee meetings to make team reports. Steve Worsley immediately appointed Ray as chairman of this new committee, thus giving him a seat on the lodge executive committee.
Neusiok Chapter Chief Gary Hemby reported 131 tickets had been sold to the upcoming lodge banquet. Presentation of the attendance award for the banquet was discussed. A motion was made to have the award presented to the chapter whose attendance times the distance traveled by their members was greatest. The motion died for lack of a second. Roger moved that the award be presented to the chapter with the largest precentage of its membership in attendance. The motion was seconded. Roger then moved to amend the motion
to make the host chapter ineligible to receive the award. The ammendment was seconded. The ammendment was discussed and passed. The original motion was discussed and passed as well.
There was a motion to discuss lodge policy on the neckerchief which was "A member may exchange an old lodge neckerchief for a new one upon payment of the full price of a new one at the cost of $3.” This change was approved.
There was a motion and seconded that the April 17th ECM be held in Wilson. The motion was defeated. It was moved and seconded that the next ECM be held in Greenville, which passed. A motion to adjourn was passed at 8:45pm. The meeting was closed with the singing of the OA song.
Paul Bauer, Secretary
April 7th, Executive Committee Meeting
Parker's Barbeque, Greenville |
VC Camping Promotions Glenn stressed the importance of covering every troop. The VC of Inductions did not report. VC of Service Hatem discussed the quest events for the area fellowship and said he wanted the lodge to win. Chapters were expected to donate $15 by May 1st to collectively purchase a sailboat for summer camp. Chick Harvey reported new costume material was recently
acquired by the dance team.
Herman provided more information about NOAC which would be held in August. He gave a fervid pep talk to the committee how he wanted the lodge to not only be the best at the 6A but also send a large delegation to the national conference. Roger introduced a motion to invite all seven area lodge chiefs to the May Ordeal, which was passed unanimously.
The Bonner May Ordeal assignments were made with pre-Ordeal by Natsihi and Tearora, Ordeal by Toisnot and Tanugahi, Tarhunta volunteered to supply torches and bearers, food service by Arapahoe, the crackerbarrels by Neusiok and Tarhunta. Glen would make arrangements for the Brotherhood ceremony. The ordeal master would be Arthur King advised by Don Younge, task master Hatem advised by Tom Marr, and Gene Newberry as quartermaster.
The main project at the ordeal would be building a new OA circle to be used for the 6A Conference. David Goodsell was appointed chairman of a newly formed history committee.
There were a series of motions introduced by Steve Feldhaus to change the ruling on the lodge flap patch. The first motion was suggested to provide a flap to arrowmen that transferred into the lodge from some where else after three months active service. The motion died for lack of a second.
Another motion was introduced to include summer camp promotion programs be counted as service hours towards the flap. After wide discussion the motion failed by a vote 1 for and 8 against. Twenty-One members attended.
Area 6A Vice-Chief Roger Billica started a new section newsletter called the “Apensuwi” interpreted at “Useful One.” The first issue was April 1971. The Apensuwi is still the name for the current section newsletter which is now SR-7B.

First Issue of Section Newsletter
April 1971
6-A Fellowship April 24-26th
Camp Raven Knob, Hosted by Wahissa #118 |
The lodge sent a full delegation of 55 brothers to the area fellowship representing 10 chapters. The lodge performed the Brotherhood ceremony.


Welcome Sign to the 1971 6A

To the Colors

"Croatan Power" Display

Solo Dance Competition

Solo Dance Competition

Croatan Dance Team

Occoneechee Dance Team

Kellock Hale Installs Newly Elected 6A Chief Roger Billica

Steve Worsley with the Cro Boat

1971 NOAC
University of Illinois at Champaign |
Herman organized the travel arrangments and provided a delegate handbook. Thirty-four members departed the area in a chartered bus to Portsmouth, Ohio for the night and the next day they arrived in Champaign. The lodge delegation was expected to wear their blue neckerchiefs. Flap were made available for purchase at $2
for members with completed service cards. The cost of the trip was $115. At the conference Tearora chapter adviser William Hudson served as a discussion leader for an "Innovative Forum.”

At the conference lodge members dispersed copies of the lodge planbook and newsletters to share ideas with other lodges. An idea taken from this conference, which is still used, are Vigil “emblems” presented to candidates for the honor. The national committee introduced a new inductions sequence called the “Sprit of the Arrow” designed to help arrowmen better understand the ordeal
experience. This program was first implemented at the next October Ordeal. Chief Worsley received letters from arrowmen in Virginia and South Dakota exchanging program ideas.
Area Chief Wes Morgan from Wahissa was selected to serve as the Director of Personnel Services for the conference. Chief Morgan asked Roger and Steve to assist him as crew leaders. A few other lodge members volunteered as administrative aides for Morgan too. The following year, Morgan was selected as a youth member to help revise the OA Handbook.

Croa-Talk, August 1971
NOAC Issue
Delegation |
Herman Gaskins |
Glenn Pittman |
Russell Morris, Jr. |
Roger Billica |
Clayton Lewis |
Paul Bauer |
Steve Worsley |
Steve Feldhaus |
Tom Marr |
Bruce Anderson |
Bill Hudson |
David Goodsell |
Marvin Pippin |
Ricky Mann |
Stan Worth |
Mickey Hatem |
Scott Worth |
Ovid Joyal, III |
Norwood White |
Steve Bryant |
Jesse Crawford |
Mitchell Riley |
Pat Hatem |
Albert Allen, Jr. |
John Hinnant |
Paul Lewis |
Fred Mezias |
Arthur Sepmeyer |
Pratt Williamson |
Gene Newberry |
Dennis Abell |
David Bryant |
Robert Sample |
Hayes Carroll |
Ray Franks |
September, Executive Committee Meeting |
After officer reports, October Ordeal assignments were made:
Ordeal Master Pratt, Task Master Wiley Long, pre-Ordeal Tearora and Natsihi, Ordeal Tau, Crackerbarrels Toisnot and Tarhunta, food service Tanugahi, distribution of tools by Machapunga, cleanup by Natsihi. There was a proposal at this meeting to establish a lodge patch collection and a new national program called "Operation Help A Scout” was discussed.
The lodge chief sent a memo to each chapter requesting chapter totems to be painted on a plywood disk to be hung in the reception center. These totems still hang in the reception center.
Area 6A Fellowship Planning Meeting |
The first meeting of the committee chairmen and advisors for the 6A conference was held in Greenville on September 15th. According to the February Croa-Talk "Much was accomplished in the way of preliminary preparation for the coming conference." The committee structure at the moment is as follows:
Area Chief |
Roger Billica |
Service Committee |
Jim Dever, Chairman |
Bill Hines, Adviser |
Quartermaster Division |
Paul Lewis, Gene Newberry |
Dining Hall Division |
Gary Hemby |
Registration Committee |
David Goodsell, Chairman |
Mr. Pearsall, Adviser |
Trading Post Committee |
Steve Feldhaus, Chairman |
Bill Courtney, Adviser |
Dance Competition Committee |
Francis Bridges |
Publications Committee |
Ray Franks, Chairman |
Pratt Williamson |
Discussion Committee |
Steve Worsley, Chairman |
Exhibits Committee |
Glen Pittman, Chairman |
Harvey Vaughn, Chairman |
Area Lay Adviser |
Willie Long, Jr. |
Area Professional Adviser |
Mac Gaskins |
Lodge Advisers |
Rev. Donald Young |
Richard Britt |
Richard Kelley |
Future Planning Meetings |
December 11th |
Area Planning Meeting, Raleigh |
February 19th |
Word Day, Bonner |
March 17-19th |
Ordeal, Bonner |
April 8th |
Work Day, Bonner |
April 15-16th |
Work Weekend, Bonner |
April 21-23rd |
6A Conference, Bonner |
Lodge officer candidates for lodge chief were Joe Pat Hatem and Glenn Pittman, vice-chief were Bruce Anderson, Jim Dever, Mac Godfrey, David Goodsell, and John Watts. Secretary were Ray Franks and Joe Garner. Treasurer were Gary Hemby, Ricky Mann, Russell Morris, Scott Worth.
At this time in the lodge there was much discussion about lodge lodge flap. One idea was to create an entirely new flap with a high restriction such as one per honor. Or retain the present flap and also make a special trading flap. Tanugahi won the Quest for the Silver Arrow. Tom Butts designed the patch case.


Third Lodge Officer Training Conference |
The forthcoming lodge officers gathered in Rocky Mount at the Scout hut. Led by incoming lodge chief Glen Pittman and assisted by other officers, Glen wrote "A close coherence must be created between lodge officers, the lay adviser, and the professional staff for the betterment of the Croatan Lodge in general." |
The lodge banquet was held Saturday, January 2nd, 1972 at the Westminister Methodist Church in Kinston. Reverend Donald Young gave the invocation followed by the meal. Wiley Long led everyone in songs, then Neusiok Chapter Chief Ray Higdon welcomed everyone to the banquet. Outgoing Lodge Chief Worsley recognized the new Vigil recipients, Danny Pittman presented some awards, and Roger Billica gave
a 6A report. Worsley followed with a summary of the year and all the strides made to lodge program. Closing the banquet, incoming Lodge Chief Glenn Pittman addressed the lodge.
The council annual report noted that 249 candidates were inducted and 72 Brotherhood honors conferred, for a total membership of 750. |
January 26th, Executive Committee Meeting
Overton's Restaurant, Rocky Mount |
The blessing was given by Jim Dever. After dinner discussion was started by Mr. Britt on the need of an offset press by the council for newsletters and correspondence. Mr. Britt asked the lodge for a contribution. The fact was pointed out that the lodge would save money on its camp promotion program if the council had such a press. Ray Franks made a motion that $750 be given to the council to help
buy the offset press, Jim Dever seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Next, VC David Goodsell gave his report for camping promotions. He handed out the camping promotion booklet and reviewed it with the chapter chiefs. All chapters were asked to return their slides. Chief Pittman asked that chapters pay their mail bills to the council from last year. Vice-Chief Mac Godfrey reviewed some of the points of the induction report procedure. March 1st was set as the deadline for submitting names for the March Ordeal. |
Vice-Chief of Service and Activities Jim Dever reported on the Tanugahi work weekend, which was also attended by Tarhunta and Tau chapters. Lodge Secretary Ray Franks reviewed changes in the chapter trophy contest forms. The lodge fellowship and banquet minutes were read. Chief Glenn Pittman reported the lodge treasury at $2000.18. Members were reminded about the Croa-Talk deadline.
The ordeal master for the next ordeal would be Mac Godfrey. The task master would be Jim Dever. Other assignments included pre-Ordeal Natsihi, Ordeal Tau, food service Tanugahi, crackerbarrels Tearora and Tarhunta, with final cleanup by Coree. |

Jim Dever, 1972
Camp Bonner Waterfront Staff
Area Chief Roger Billica repeated the work schedule preparing the 6A Fellowship. Remaining workdays were in February, March, and two dates in April. Roger introduced the following way to help fulfill the 3 our of 4 attendance requirement - "Each Chapter may have a work day. The projects and date must be approved by the council and the area chief. There must be at least 10 members in attendance to count."
The adult nominations were received and approved unanimously. Twenty-One brothers were in attendance represented by 7 chapters. The meeting was closed with the singing of the OA song.
Ray Franks, Secretary
Final Preparations for the Area Fellowship |
The lodge diligently prepared for the forthcoming area fellowship under the leadership of Roger Billica. A letter was sent to lodge members, "Croatan has a great opportunity for its members to attend this fellowship, which is always one of the major highlights of the year for any lodge. It provides many important training sessions, inter-lodge competition, fabulous displays, Indian dancing, patch trading and most of all
For lodge members to attend several requirements must be met. First of all, he must be willing to contribute to the success of the fellowship, as well as reap the rewards. Each members will be on the service crew and will take some part in the running of the fellowship. The second requirement is that he participate in three specified work weekends which are aimed at the preparation.
One hundred and eighty members attended the March Ordeal along with 130 candidates. Specific work projects were to complete the bridge behind the reception center, the bridge behind the swimming pool was partially prepared, a drainage system was installed around the pool.
The last scheduled work weekend was April 15th-16th. Projects to be completed included to clear dead brush, level the dance arbor and construct a fence, install at P.A. system, install electricity in campfire circle, put up tents and cots, clean swimming pool, take boats out of the dining hall and nature lodge, install new shower curtains in the reception center.
April 5th, Executive Committee Meeting
Three Steers Restaurant, Greenville |
The meal started promptly at 7pm according to the recorded minutes. The meeting was called to order by the chief after Jim Dever finished his chicken and Steve Feldhaus finished his salads. The January ECM minutes were read by Secretary Ray Franks and approved.
Glenn, who served as the 1971 VC of Camping Promotions, informed each chapter to carry out its own camping promotions program and to send a record of the promotions held to VC David Goodsell. All camperships should be in the office by May 1st. VC of Inductions Mac Godfrey stated that the deadline for reporting the names of candidates for the May Hatcher Ordeal was May 1st. Secretary Ray Franks reported the chapter secretaries had a meeting at the March Ordeal. He reported that many chapters were not sending in
their reports. Due to the absence of the lodge treasurer, Glen reported the lodge balance at $1,915.83.
Area Chief Roger reported that everything was running smoothly preparing for the 6A Fellowship. He reminded members of the upcoming work day. Everyone was asked to quickly send in the money for the work weekend. Roger assured everyone that he knew exactly who had been to the work events. He stressed that "No one will sneak by David Goodsell's registration committee." The $6.50 registration fee will be paid at the gate the Friday of the fellowship.
The lodge chief announced three appointments: Vigil Committee - Roger Billica, Nominating Committee - Norwood White, Publicity Committee - Roger Billica. Glen asked that after the 6A, each chapter put stress on the National Standard Lodge Award and the E. Urner Goodman Camping Award. He also reported that the Croa-Talk and Lodge Planbook will be published soon. Eleven adult nominations were unanimously approved.
Three amendments were submitted to the Lodge Executive Committee. The amendments will be voted on at the Hatcher Ordeal by the youth membership.
Each member shall be allowed to purchase only one official neckerchief that is not to be sold or traded.
Each member shall be allowed to purchase only one official neckerchief. |
Dues of the lodge shall be collected annually by the chapter treasurer in the amount of $2, to be given to the lodge treasurer immediately for deposit with the council office. Dues must be paid by December 31st. There will be a penalty of $1 late registration.
Omittance of Sentences 2 and 3. |
Inactive members may be restored to active status by paying back dues for one year and the current dues. |
Inactive members may be restored to active status by paying present dues. |
Ordeal assigments were made as ordeal master Mac Godfrey advised by Paul Godfrey, taskmaster was Jim Dever advised by Tom Abell. Natishi volunteered for the pre-Ordeal, Tau the Ordeal, Neusiok the Brotherhood. Tanugahi would handle meals, the crackerbarrels by Machapunga and Tarhunta. Twenty two brothers were present representing eight chapters. The meeting was dismissed after singing the OA song.
Ray Franks, Secretary
6-A Fellowship April 21-23rd
Camp Bonner, Fourth Hosted Section Event
Camp Bonner was prepared on time and ready to host the area lodges for the first area fellowship held at the camp. One hundred and fifty-eight lodge members qualified for the service crew. After registering for the event, the service crew was instructed to report to Seminole campsite where the lodge was to camp. Staff responsibilities were very well organized for the event with detailed dining hall rotation
and assignments. Glen Pittman led the secretary and publications discussion group. |

Roger Billica served as Area Chief. At this time on the national level, national officers were elected every two years and only planned the national conference. The year Roger served as chief was an “off year” – meaning he did have the opportunity to participate in a national planning conference as an area chief.


Training Session

Camp Promotions

Balloon Relay

Lost Scout Drill

Flour Fling

Wiley Long Leads a Song

Roger Leads an Open Forum

Saturday Evening Campfire

Indian Pageant Opening

Uwharrie Team Dance

Uwharrie Places First

Ray Franks (Foreground) & John Hinnant (Background)


Fire Hoop Dance

Lodge Chief Glenn Pittman
The major event for the year was hosting the Area Fellowship, the first one held at the relatively new Camp Bonner. Closing the weekend, Roger reminded attendees that "The Order of the Arrow is a thing of the individual. Each individual Arrowman in the Area 6A is important to the success of his chapter, lodge, and area. Only if each of you puts forth an amount of effort will the Order gain it's goals."
The Executive Committee discussed, voted, and amendmened a change to the rules of the lodge “Each member shall be allowed to purchase only one official neckerchief.”
September 13th, Executive Committee Meeting
Three Steers Restaurant, Greenville
The minutes from the April ECM were read by Ray Franks and approved. VC David Goodsell reported that the council office guaranteed the camping promotions packets would be distributed next year and they would be on time. VC Jim Dever reported there had been another work weekend recently construct the new lodge ceremony circle. He stated the work was practically finished. The lodge chief reported the lodge had received its quota
for the next NOAC - 5 youth and 2 adults. This may change when the lodge asked for a larger quota. If not, the lodge officers would have first priority.
Lodge Secretary Ray Franks reported on the chapter trophy contest. Next, the results of the lodge rules amendments were distributed. The amendment to Article I, Section E was the only amendment to be approved by the lodge membership. The active membership was stated as being 514 members. Chapters were asked to send in all of their reports on the trophy contest. Ray reported the printing press that the lodge appropriated funds to buy for the council office was now in operation.
The October Ordeal was discussed and assignments made. The ordeal will be held at Camp Charles. The ordeal master would be David Goodsell advised by Paul Godfrey, task master Jim Dever advised by Harvey Vaughn. Natsihi and Arapahoe would perform the pre-Ordeal, Tau the Ordeal. Toisnot would handle food service, the crackerbarrels by Tanugahi, Tarhunta, and Tearora.
There was discussion regarding the fall fellowship as to whether or not hold the Indian dance competition. Chapters were asked if they were going to have dance teams, four replied yes. Thus, assignments were made for the Indian events. Jim Dever would chair all Indian affairs, as well as, the auest for the silver arrow. Other fall fellowship responsibilties included Ray Franks for registration, discussion groups beyond Indian affairs,
and chapter officer training. Mac Godfrey would handle chapter displays, Ricky Mann the trading post, David Goodsell would oversee all aspects of the Brotherhood questioning and ceremony.
Next, the subject of three new lodge flaps was discussed. The executive committee voted wisely to present the subject to lodge membership at the October Ordeal. It was noted that Richard Kelly was transferring the council to Tuscarora Council based in Goldsboro. The lodge approved a motion to appropriate no more than $10 towards a plaque of appreciation. Twenty-nine brothers were present representing eight chapters, as well as, the council staff.
Ray Franks, Secretary
October Ordeal
Two New Lodge Flaps Approved |
One hundred members attended with 50 candidates. At the ECM motions were passed for two more flaps with borders designated to distinguish Brotherhood (gold) and Vigil members (silver). The thought behind adding borders was to stimulate advancement from Ordeal to Brotherhood membership which would help earn the National Standard Lodge status. The 7 hour service restriction would remain.
The new patches were available at the fall fellowship and sold for $2.


One hundred and fifty Arrowmen attended and 29 Brotherhoods were conferred. Natsihi won the chapter display, Tearora won the quest, Natsihi won the team dance dompetition followed by Roger who won the solo dance. The chapter display was won by Natsihi, the lodge trophy contest by Tanugahi, and the attendance award by Coree.
A special open forum was held as a training session with council president Dr. Harry Billica as a panel representative. Approximately 75 participants learned about the lodge’s responsibility to the council.
A brand new lodge ceremony circle was christened with the Brotherhood ceremony.

Tucked in the woods near the Pamlico River in the form of a natural amphitheatre provided mystique. The location had been selected in the summer of 1970 by Herman and Danny. Construction for the new site had begun in May of 1971 but a switch in priorities halted the project until January of 1972. A series of workdays largely spearheaded by Jim Deaver and Tanugahi, Tarhunta, and Tau
chapters completed most of the work. This site was used until 1999 when the area was flooded due to Hurricane Floyd.
The lodge banquet was held Wednesday, December 27th at D.H. Conley High School near Greenville. After the invocation by Reverend Donald Young, according to the Croa-Talk, "The lodge sat down to a delicious meal of fried chicken and other delicacies, topped off by a generous helping of "mom's apple pie." Settling down for the program, Wiley Long led members
in a songfest. Lodge Chief Glenn Pittman welcomed everybody, Roger recognized the new Vigil members, then a presentation of awards was made. Tanugahi was selected as the outstanding chapter. The new officers were duly installed. A special presentation was made to Glenn for service rendered to the lodge while serving as chief. Following the presentations, incoming Chief David Goodsell addressed the lodge concerning aims and objectives of the year.
Scout Executive O.B. Roberts then introduced Dick Auger who gave the keynote address. Auger was the Scout Executive in Goldsboro and had been an important Croatan lodge adviser from 1960-1964. He entertained the lodge with amusing comments and personal experiences while speaking about the qualitites of leadership. As a token of appreciation Mr. Roberts presented Mr. Auger
with a lodge mug and three lodge flaps. Natishi chapter closed the meeting with an excerpt from the Ordeal ceremony. Attendance was 135 people.

Roger Billica, Arnie Formo,
and David Goodsell

1973 Lodge Officers
Left to Right:
Steve Feldhaus, Chip Pearsall, Roger Billica,
Jim Dever, Butch Harris, David Goodsell.

Scout Executive O.B. Roberts
Fourth Lodge Officer Training Conference |
The first event for this year was the LOTC held December 23rd in Rocky Mount under the leadership of Lodge Chief David Goodsell. The lodge calendar was reviewed and the 1974 calendar approved. Arnie Formo was introduced as the new lodge adviser.
The ECM decided on the following goals:
1) Outstanding lodge for Area 6A.
2) To have at least 50% eligible membership qualify for Brotherhood.
3) To conduct OA elections and camping promotion programs in every council troop.
January 31st, Executive Committee Meeting
Parker's Barbeque, Greenville |
Lodge Chief David Goodsell opened the meeting by welcoming everyone. The first item of business was a report on camp promotion. According to the lodge minutes, "This year, the lodge will use the tracking, stomping, and stalking approach for promoting camp." David said all the material has been put together with the exception of the summer camp and JLT brochures. The campership
program for needy Scouts will also be used again, which was determined to be $28.
Next, VC of Inductions Roger reported that the deadline for sending canidates for the March Ordeal would be March 1st. He mentioned the Spirit of the Arrow Program would be used, volunteers for Kichkinets were already secured. Lodge Secretary Chip Pearsal reported on changes in the chapter trophy contest concerning points alloted for different items on the contest sheets. Roger vehemently plead to chapters to submit articles for the Croa-Talk.
Chapter assignments for the March Ordeal at Camp Hatcher were planned. Lodge Chief Goodsell announced a proposal for the lodge to furnish funds to have a concrete floor put in the handicraft lodge at Hatcher at a cost of $250. The floor would have to be in place before the ordeal so the plywood sidings could be erected, which was estimated to cost an additional $100. A motion was made that the lodge allocate funds in the amount of $350 for both projects. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
A suggestion was made by Mr. Higdon that the lodge allow a professional concrete finisher to do the job properly. The suggestion was approved. March Ordeal assigments were ordeal master Roger advised by Don Younge, task master Jim Dever advised by Luther Hardy. Natsihi would perform the pre-Ordeal, Neuseukena the Ordeal ceremony. Toisnot volunteered to handle food service, crackerbarrels by Machapunga and Tarhunta, with final cleanup by Machapunga.
The 6A planning conference was held December 9th. The lodge quota was 65 delegates to be held at Camp Cherokee hosted by Tslagi Lodge. Croatan was responsible for a discussion group on publications, plus a display on how the honor lodge conducts a service weekend. The lodge was also responsible to conduct both the Brotherhood and Vigil ceremonies at the fellowship. Regarding the dance competition, the lodge were allowed two entries in the solo category and as many as wanted for the war drum category. The
price of the fellowship was $10. This was the last year of the 6A designation.
The national conference would be in Santa Barbara, California and therefore too far to feasibly drive. The NOAC chairman was looking into airfare options. Adult nominations for the March Ordeal were submitted and approved. Mr. Formo reminded the lay advisers that in order to be able to register in the OA, they must first be registered in some capacity in Scouting. David closed the meeting. Twenty-six brothers attended.
Chip Pearsall, Secretary
The Origin of Chapter Names
from the Croa-Talk, February 1973
An article posted in the Croa-Talk was about the origins of chapter names. "While recently looking through some research material on the local Indian tribes I came across some names that seemed familiar. After some deep thought, I realized that they were the names of a few of the chapters in our lodge. Perhaps some of the chapters that are not listed would find it interesting to locate the origin of their chapter name."
Coree - A tribe in the Tuscarora Confederation located on the lower Neuse River and Coree Sound. It was a very war-like tribe numbering around 1000 in the year 1600.
Neusiok - A Tuscarora tribe very similar to the Coree. They were both in the same general area.
Woocon (Wiccacon?) - A tribe of Souian origin, it was located on the Neuse River southeast of the Tuscaroras. (There is also another possibility - Wocokon was the Indian name for Ocracoke.)
Machpunga (Matchapungo) - An Algonquin tribe of very small popluations. Early enemies of the Tuscarora, they later allied themselves with their former enemies to fight the white settlers. For some reason (unknown to me), they were also called the "Bad Dust" Indians. They were located on the north side of the Pamlico River and Sound.
NOTE: In the Fall 1973 Croa-Talk, Butch Harris wrote to the editor to correct the information printed about the Machapunga Indians.
To the Editor:
Your article about the Machapungo is wrong. They were an Algonquin tribe, not of small poplulation. In relation to the area they covered and compared to other local tribes they were a large group. They were located by the European map-makers of the 1600's as being between the Albemarle Sound and the Trent River. This area called the land of the Mach.
They were a powerful, roving tribe, ranging into Virginia from the Trent River and from western Beaufort County as far east as Dare County. They were of Algonquin linguistic stock and were closely akin to the Bear River Indians, the Pamtico Indians, and the Coree tribes. They were strong political alles of the Tuscarora Indians, the largest group of eastern North Carolina Indians.
In 1715 the Machapunga and the Corees were settled on a reservation in Hyde County around the lake now called Mattamuskeet. Later they transferred to Bertie county to what is called Indian Woods.
Machapunga does not mean bad dirt. It means much dirt or great dust. This refers to the distance they had to travel.
Courtesy of your local Anthropologist and Historian,
Butch Harris
PROOF: People did read the newsletter.
April 18th, Executive Committee Meeting
Parker's Barbeque, Greenville |
Lodge Chief David Goodsell called the business meeting to order. The first report was by VC of Camping Promotions Butch Harris. He reported the camping booklets were out, the campership fee was still $28, and asked the chapter chiefs to send him which district troops they have already visited. VC of Inductions Billica reported 61 candidates were inducted in March. The Spirit of the Arrow Program was used and very successful.
An Ordeal Master's Guide was completed and hopefully will be distributed at the 6A. An Induction and Orientation Guide for use by chapter chiefs will be developed over the summer and distributed in the fall. The candidate deadline for the May Ordeal was May 7th. Jim Dever reported that steps have been completed at the new lodge ceremony circle.
Lodge Secretary Chip Pearsall reported the point totals in the lodge trophy contest. Chip also reported that as of the meeting there were 421 members registered in Croatan Lodge. Steve Feldhaus was absent so there was no report by the treasurer. Croa-Talk Editor Billica urged everyone to send in articles by the April 21st deadline.
The May Ordeal at Camp Bonner was discussed and assignments made. Ordeal master would be Roger advised by Bill Hudson, task master Jim Dever advised by Paul Godfrey. Natsihi would perform the pre-Ordeal, Tau the Ordeal. Tanugahi would handle food service, crackerbarrels by Neusiok, Tearora, and Tarhunta Chapters. Coree would do final cleanup. There would also be a Brotherhood ceremony.
The next item on the agenda was the 6A conference. Thirty-five members were planning to attend. It was mentioned that this year there will be two patches available, the regular 6A patch and a commemorative patch recognizing the final year of the Area 6A. Roger Billica would handle the publications discusion group and Chip would head the lodge display. Jim Dever was in charge of the quest, Butch would coordinate the Indian dancing and Brotherhood ceremony.
Herman Gaskins reported on NOAC. He was still looking into methods of transportation. He was unsure if a plane would be the best method, but this was being researched.
Lodge Chief Goodsell brought up an idea that has been suggested to him since the Hatcher Ordeal. The idea concerned emergency expeditures that sometimes needed to be made. He suggested that the lodge set aside petty cash (not to exceed $50) for such expeditures. The actual spending of the money would be sanctioned by the lodge officers and lodge adviser. It was moved and seconded that the lodge vote in favor of this proposal, the
vote was held, the motion passed.
Next, Chief Goodsell recognized Roger to bring up some proposed amendments to the lodge constitution. Roger reminded the executive committee of the method of amending and proceeded to read the proposed changes.
Regarding restrictions to the lodge flap. |
Stated that the Ordeal flap would be unrestricted, and that Brotherhood and Vigil members could purchase one of their flaps per event. |
There will be a penalty of $1 for late registration. |
Stated that the $1 late registration fee be abolished. |
The proposed amendment changes were sent to the lodge members for analysis and review. Adult nominations were submitted and approved. There was a brief discussion on the possibility of holding elections for troops at summer camp. The executive committee considered the idea a good one and it was decided action would be taken. The meeting was adjourned. Thirty-four brothers attended.
Chip Pearsall, Secretary
The Last 6-A Fellowship April
Cherokee Scout Reservation, Hosted by Tslagi Lodge

The Croa-Talk reported "37 delegates attended the area fellowship. From Croatan's songfest at the opening campfire until the close of the weekend, the lodge was in the running for the Honor Lodge Trophy. Although we came back empty handed, the 6A was improved by the constant and undying cheering and singing of Croatan. It is till hard to believe Jim Dever got thirds at every meal, or that some lodge members managed to trade
patches until 3 in the morning, or better yet - that the lodge tug-of-war team (1700 pounds of muscle?) lost to a smaller team during the Quest for the Golden Arrow.
Much more happened that weekend including competition for the Indian war drum and war dance competition. Chip Weidner from Occoneechee was elected area chief."






May 20th, Executive Committee Meeting
Highlighted items of discussion were two proposed amendments to the lodge constitution. First, Steve Worsley proposed waiving the $1 fee when registering late. The motion was defeated. Second, Herman proposed changing the flap restriction of 7 hours of service. After discussion the motion was not passed nor defeated due to an exact tie during the vote. The issue was tabled until the next ordeal.
It was noted there had been positive feedback about the Sprit of the Arrow Induction sequence at the last two ordeals. Those involved had been successful in creating a more meaningful and worthwhile ordeal for those taking it. Much credit for the success of the program was due to those members who served as Kichkinets or guides to the candidate groups. These members are Byrant Hardison, John Surles, Steve Worsley, Leon Peele, Mike Hodges,
and Chip Pearsall.
May Ordeal had 87 candidates and 30 Brotherhoods conferred.
National OA Conference
University of California at Santa Barbara |
The delegation took a chartered bus to Atlanta to catch a chartered flight to Santa Barbara. The national office offered coordinated flights for lodges to travel to the west coast. Additional conference attendees joined the charter flight in Dallas for the second leg to California. Herman was the lodge chair and handled the arrangements. The cost was $250, airfare cost
$177, the conference fee was $48, and $25 for miscellaneous transportation fees.
Herman wrote letters to the Area Chief Blair Madren from Tslagi Lodge and the area lodge chiefs to try to get the area to travel together to cut costs. He also put together a handbook to prepare members and secured the travel permit for the cross-country expedition.

Delegates |
Steve Feldhaus |
Larry Feldhaus |
Donald Titus |
Daniel Titus |
Joe Garner, Jr. |
John Moore, Jr. |
Butch Harris |
David Goodsell |
John Surles |
Paul Lewis |
Herman Gaskins |
Fred Mezias |
Recap of the National Conference from the Croa-Talk
Sunday, August 19th
What a ride. We traveled from Rocky Mount to Atlanta via Chapel Hill and Ray's Kingburger in seven hours. The drive wasn't too bad but the driver sure was.....we managed to reach Atlanta physically unharmed. We met the rest of the group at the Airport Holiday Inn and managed to get a real classy room. Seven bodies scattered between the fours walls created some mobility problems.
Monday, August 20th
Out of the dark came the piercing cry of the telephone wake-up service. Gosh, 4:45am came awful early. All the bodies lying about managed to come to life, grab a shower, and pile into our cars to the airport. We checked out baggage and headed for the inspection point. All the hand baggage was searched. The inspectors couldn't seem to understand why all the hand baggage contained nothing but patches. But they did understand the meaning of the warning buzzer! Paul Lewis was escorted to one side and was told to
empty his pockets for something had set off the alarm. Nothing....finally he was told to remove his belt and thus the inspectors pronounced him "clean" and Paul was released.
The 747 we flew on to Dallas was hard to believe. It is difficult to imagine a plane that big. Soon the plane landed in Dallas. We flew from Dallas to Los Angeles in a 727 Astrojet. One hundred and fifty odd arrowmen (the odd ones were from Texas) piled into the plane and off the plane went for the sunny skies of southern California. When the plane landed in L.A. at 11am we were immediately taken to Disneyland. Although the lodge had not planned to go to the "enchanted kingdon" we were more or less
forced to for lack of anything better to do. However, it was worth it. Finally at 11pm we arrived at the University of California at Santa Barbara.
Tuesday, August 21st
The day started off with a bang. We missed the better part of breakfast. It was the sale of patches, mugs, and neckerchiefs that awoke the weary Croatan delegates. Lines for these items didn't exist, just mobs. The afternoon was spent surveying the coastline and the girls. The evening show featured the usual of skits of wits, Chief Scout Executive Alden Barber, Miss Teen-Age America, plus the co-founders of the Order, E. Urner Goodman and Carrol A. Edson.
Wednesday, August 22nd
It was training session time and despite the confusion of last minute location changes everyone seemed to find a discussion group which suited them. Steve Feldhaus and David Goodsell were discussion leaders in sessions which covered a wide variety of topics.
The evening was filled with the pagentry of the finals of the team dance competition - old style, straight, and fancy dance. The Area 6A was well represented in the team competition as Occoneechee Lodge won the national title with a flawless old style Sioux dance. Miss Indian America highlighted the festivities with a short talk on the heritage of the American Indian.
Thursday, August 23rd
The spotlight shifted from training in the morning to some lighter activities in the form of the arrow-rama. It consisted of exhibits from the lodges across the country, an Indian pow-wow, brief speeches from Miss Teen-Age America and Miss Indian America, and astronaut Richard Truly.
The evening show, "Horizons" , portrayed the five-year program of the Boy Scouts to celebrate the 200th anniversary of our nation. Patriotic songs and a flag ceremony by the Marine Corps filled the program. After the show, most of the lodge traded patches until the wee hours of the morning.
Friday, August 24th
Our baggage was checked for the flight home before breakfast. After the meal, we headed for the stadium for the closing show. For some reason the skits seemed funnier today. Maybe the sun was getting to us. During the program the Distinguished Service Awards were presented. Once again our Area was in the spotlight as Wes Morgan of Wahissa Lodge received the highest award for service given by the Order. Before the conference concluded, E. Urner Goodman issued a challenge to the 4,200 Arrow members in attendance.
The Croatan Lodge made it back to Atlanta at 3:30am. What a trip! Plan to see the conference at the Lodge fall fellowship.


Kenny Olive
Camp Bonner
Roger and Billy Billica
Camp Bonner

1973 Camp Bonner Staff
September 26th, Executive Committee Meeting
Parker's Barbeque, Greenville |
Lodge Chief David Goodsell opened the meeting and asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes that had been previously mailed. There were none and the minutes stood as read. Next, Goodsell reported on camp promotions. He said there were no applications for camperships yet. At the time attendance at summer camp was down 157 campers. He also noted that the Bonner staff had been graded 99 out of 100 possible
points by the inspection team.
VC of Inductions Billica reported the deadline for candidate forms. He also said that the response to unit elections at summer camp had been very good. He ensorsed the plan and hoped it would be implemented the following summer too. Lodge Secretary Chip Pearsall reported on the chapter trophy contest scores. Treasurer Steve Feldhaus reported a balance of $4,300 in the lodge treasury. Croa-Talk editor Billica reported that the latest edition was out and that he planned a special fall fellowship issue.
October ordeal assignments were ordeal master Billica, advised by John Moore. Taskmaster was Jim Dever advised by Mark Roberson. The pre-Ordeal would be Natsihi, the Ordeal by Tau. Food service would be handled by Tanugahi, crackerbarrels by Tanugahi, Toisnot, and Machapunga. Final cleanup was volunteered by the brothers of Neusiok.
The fall fellowship was discussed and included a revamped program in hopes of including more members and making the event both educational and fun. The prize for the winning chapter would be one flap patch per member. The executive committee voted to allocate $30 for these patches. Chapter assignments were designated. Rounding up the meeting, the lodge banquet was scheduled for December 20th but the location had not been decided yet. Adult nominations were submitted and approved, then the meeting was adjourned.
Chip Pearsall, Secretary |
October Ordeal
Proposed Lodge Amendment |
A proposed amendment to the lodge rules resulted in a tie at the May Ordeal. Therefore, the proposal was discussed again and voted on at the ordeal. The "controversy" was regarding the lodge flap restriction of seven hours. Pros and cons were discussed as to eliminate or keep the current seven hours of required service to purchase a flap. Some arrowmen wanted unrestricted flaps while others wanted more restriction.
Another question was concerning what type of service work would give hour credit towards flaps. |
Area Seminar on the Order of the Arrow
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
Croatan sponsored a special seminar for lodge officers within the Area 6A on Saturday, October 13th at the UNC-CH Newman Center. Participation was limited to five members from each lodge. The goal was to assist youth officers and lodge advisers better understand planning activities, the inductions process, learn about available resources, to listen, learn, and share ideas to better serve lodge program. The trainers
were recent youth officers and included Wes Morgan, Roger Billica, Herman Gaskins, Steve Worsley, and Tommy Friddle.
The cost was only 50 cents per participant and covered refreshments, publications, and postage. At this time, many lodge officers attended school in Chapel Hill. The location was also a central place to gather. Former Tali Lodge Chief Tommy Friddle welcomed attendees then Roger led a session on Inductions and the Spirit of the Arrow program. Next, individual lodges were given an allotment of fifteen minutes for a presentation about their lodges to share ideas and discuss challenges. After lunch Wes
gave a session on the new OA Handbook, Herman moderated an open session, then Area Chief Chip Weidner chaired a council of chiefs meeting. |
A new feature at the fellowship were displays such as for Alpha Phi Omega (a college service fraterinity), Professional Scouting, camp staff, patches, Philmont, national jamboree, NOAC, beadwork and among others the 3A Conclave. Chapter displays were at the same time.
Guests Mac Gaskins (Uhwarrie Scout Executive and Area Adviser) and Chip Weidner from Occoneechee, who was the current 3A Area Chief. Mr. Gaskins was the keynote speaker at the opening campfire. A special recap of the national conference was presented by the delegation.
The team dance competition was won by Natsihi, solo dance by Roger. Lodge Brotherhood team that performed at the 6A also did the ceremony at the fellowship. The weekend "Croa-Squawk" newsletter announced special "Who-Done-It Awards" which included the Big Bag Award to John Hinnant for proving he did have enough wind in him to serve as patch auctioneer, the George Sullivan Look-Alike Award to Gene Newberry, the Gene Newberry Look-Alike Award to Ray Franks, the Graham Lee Patch
Designing Award to Roger Billica for his fall fellowship creation, the Leave It To Dever Award to Jim Dever for find a way to get the concrete pipes to the lodge circle, the Thank Goodness It's November Award to Lodge Chief David Goodsell, and the Good Gals of the Year Award to the council secretaries for services rendered.
Food service was handled by Tanugahi, crackerbarrels by Tarhunta, Toisnot, and Machapunga, final cleanup by Natsihi.

Roger Performing
the Hoop Dance

Another View
of the Hoop Dance

Ray Kinnon During Ceremony Competition
Lodge officer candidates for chief included Roger Billica and Jim Dever, vice-chiefs were Billy Billica, Wick Bode, David Goodsell, Joe Garner, Leon Peele, and John Surles. Treasurer were Tommy Fulghum, Tommy Manning, and Read Patton, and for secretary were Frankford Johnson and Don Patten.
John "Birch" Hinnant donated his vocal cords as the patch auctioneer. A Brotherhood ceremony was held at the fellowship.

The banquet was December 20th at Camp Bonner, attended by 150 members. The invocation was led by Assistant Lodge Lay Adviser Tom Abell. The meal was the traditional turkey and dressing feast with all the trimmings. Lodge Chief Goodsell welcomed everyone and then Vigil Committee Chairman Ray Franks recognized the recent recipients. Next were presentations of awards which included the Quest for
the Silver Arrow won by Neusiok, the Chapter Dance Team Trophy by Natsihi and the Solo Dance Trophy by Roger Billica.
The forthcoming lodge officers were installed by Arnie Formo, Lodge Lay Adviser. Newly elected Lodge Chief Roger Billica gave a brief speech concerning lodge goals for the new year. The hightlight of the evening was the guest speaker Doc Murphrey, who was introduced by Willie Long. Mr. Murphey entertained lodge members with humorous stories and personal experiences. He had the lodge members all but rolling in the aisles with laughter.
Near the end of the banquet, David Goodsell and Mr. Formo were presented with special awards for their unselfish service during the past year. The banquet was officially closed by Machapunga who hosted the banquet, with an excerpt form the Ordeal ceremony.
LOTC, Lodge Goals, and the Reversal of Positions |
David Goodsell stepped down to a VC position to allow Roger the opportunity to serve as chief. Roger had previously served as a section officer for three years .
Lodge goals for the year included:
1) Outstanding lodge at the 3A Section Conclave.
2) 50% of eligible membership become Brotherhood.
3) Conduct camp promotions and OA elections in every eligible council troop.
New Goals
1) To expand our camp promotion and Camp Bonner development activities.
2) To create stronger chapter organization.
3) Add photos to the Croa-Talk.
Discussed at the LOTC, the executive committee elaborated on the goals. Promoting summer camp to include an updated slide show and “WTGCB,” a summer camp pavilion at the council camporee, create a better outpost camping system at Camp Bonner through canoe and backpacking trips and hiking trail activities.
The council comprised of twenty counties which equated to 1/5 the state of North Carolina. Chapters mirrored the council districts to split up the vast territory. The chapter system helped facilitate lodge goals to promote summer camp and foster the camaraderie of lodge fellowship. Chapter activities, service projects, and participation at ECM would also make chapters stronger.
January 30th, Executive Committee Meeting
Parker's Barbeque, Greenville
Lodge Chief Roger Billica welcomed the brothers present and started the meeting at 7:40pm. VC of Camping Promotions Goodsell discussed the camping pavilion to be held at the council camporee, each chapter was to volunteer to develop a topic concerning Scouting. The ideas was to help boost summer camp.
VC of Inductions Billy Billica clarified a new procedure of recording troop elections. A little variation from previous years, was reported that name tags were to be used for each candidate. The idea was to make the ordeal a little more personable and meaningful. VC of Service and Activity John Surles reported on Area 3A delegation tips, chapter trophy contest service projects, and the summer fellowship to be held in August. Anyone having suggestion regarding the fellowship were asked to contact Surles.
Secretary Frankford Johnson reported on the change in the chapter trophy contest and read out the poor registration list for the lodge. Chapters were asked to actively seek members and reregister them. He reported the cost of lodge dues were regularly $2 but would include a $1 late fee. Treasurer Tommy Fulghum reported a balance of $6,427.65 in the lodge treasury.Croa-Talk Editor Pearsall reported the next issue would be out in March. He also reported that the newsletter was planning to include photographs in
future issues.
The Hatcher Ordeal assignments were ordeal master Billy Billica advised by Pratt, taskmaster Surles advised by John Moore. Ceremonies would be pre-Ordeal Natsihi and Tanugahi, the Ordeal by Tau. Food service would be handled by Neuseukena, crackerbarrell by Arapahoe, Machapunga, and Tarhunta. Final cleanup by Nuesiok.
Chief Roger reported on the details of the forthcoming 3A Conclave. The lodge had been assigned the largest delegation of 83 delegates, which would be decided after the Hatcher Ordeal. At the conclave, David was responsible for camp promotions and Billy would handle the Spirit of the Arrow discussion group. John Surles would be the coach for the quest. It was mentioned that the lodge was looking into the possibility of using busses.
Next, the Chief reviewed the planbook and operational committees. VC Goodsell proposed a change in article III, Section C dealing with chapter officer terms to be moved to coincide with the regular school year from September 1st to August 31st. This was to be voted on at the next ordeal. Also credit hours for lodge flaps were discussed. Members were encouraged in two areas for flap credit - planned service rendered by three or more chapter members or its complement participation in lodge service projects.
Lodge Lay Adviser Arnie Formo, at the request of the council, presented plans for a full line of equipment at Camp Bonner this year at the cost of $1,600. A motion was made by VC Goodsell, seconded by VC Fulghum which would provide for funds for the amount. The motion was defeated. Nelson Goforth made a motion to provide a new water softener for the entire lodge building. He noted currently this was only available at the trading post. This motion was passed at a cost of $90. Two more motions were made
concerning the new display of Scouting equipment to be put on a Camp Bonner. Both failed. Wayne Brock was announced as the new Associate Staff Advisor. Adult nominations were then submitted for approval. Afterwards, the meeting was adjourned. Forty-five members representing 11 chapters were present.
Frankford Johnson, Secretary |
New Southeast Region OA Committee and Region Bulletin
The Boy Scouts made a major change to it's national structure. Effective January 1st, 1974, the former 12 regions were dissolved into 6. The new Southeast Region encompassed the former Region 6. At this time, the District of Columbia and Baltimore were also part of the new region. According to A History of the Order of the Arrow by Ken
Davis, "In line with the BSA reorganization the National OA Committee would become a subcommittee of the BSA Scouting Committee.

At this time, the national committee created a new region chief position. The first chiefs were to be elected in December 1974 and serve 2-year terms along with the national chief and vice-chief. Also recommended for OA support in each region was a regional OA committee chaired by a member of the national committee residing in the region. The chief and chairman were recommended for service on the regional
Scouting committee and the chief as a youth representative on the regional board. This approval were to have exceptional positive affects on Order of the Arrow outreach, communications, and all facets of field programs. And would prove to be one of the key accomplishments of the Order in the 1970s."
Soon after the new region was established, a region newsletter called "Horizons" was created to help communication, share ideas, lodge accomplishments, and garnish more youth participation. Lodge member Willie Long, Jr. served as the Southeast Region Scouting Committee Chairman during this time and performed an intregral role in the new leadership structure. In the SE Region OA Bulletin the new region committee was announced,
"At the request of Mr. Willie Long, sections are recommending youth arrowmen for appointment by the Scouting Committee to its OA subcommittee." Roger Billica was one of the youth selected. Recently appointed to the National OA Committee, Ken Davis was selected to serve as the first region chairman. |
April 3rd, Executive Committee Meeting
Parker's Barbeque, Greenville
Lodge Chief Roger opened the meeting at 7:40pm. VC of Camp Promotions David Goodsell encouraged chapters if they wanted credit for the chapter trophy contest when they gave slide shows to keep a record of these troop camp promotions. The amount of a full campership had increased to $35, there was $324 available to date. VC of Inductions was reported by Roger for his brother, who was out of the state for the week on Scouting
business. He reported that 62 candidates and 123 members were at the Hatcher Ordeal. Chapters were encouraged to hold elections at the camporee and to ask candidates to follow the directions they would receive in their letter concerning the ordeal.
Secretary Frankford Johnson reviewed the reregistration figures of the lodge and encouraged each chapter to reregister old members. He also reported that only six chapters had turned in any points towards the chapter trophy contest. Current scores would appear in the next lodge newsletter. Treasurer Tommy Fulghum reported a balance of $7,013.43. However, the total did not include $1,700 that had been allocated for the Scouting equipment at Bonner. Editor Pearsall announced the next submission deadline for
the Croa-Talk.
Assignments for the Bonner Ordeal were ordeal master Billy Billica, advised by Pratt. Taskmaster would be John Surles advised by George Sullivan and Paul Godfrey. The pre-Ordeal would be performed by Natsihi and Tanugahi, the Ordeal by Neusiok, the Brotherhood by Machapunga. Tanugahi would handle food service, crackerbarrels by Tarhunta, Tearora, and Wiccacon, and final cleanup by Coree.
Next, Billica encouraged every chapter to prepare it's eligible members for the Brotherhood ceremony. This was important towards the lodge obtaining the National Standard Lodge status. VC Goodsell presented to the committee a certificate signed by all "Big Wigs" up North, certifing Croatan as a National Standard Lodge for 1973. Last minute details concerning the summer camp pavillion at the camporee wee also ironed out with each chapter.
Chief Billica the summarized registration for the 3A. The bus schedule and route were announced. Each driver going to the 3A was asked to secure a tour permit. A clarification sheet concerning the flap service hour credit was voted on and approved. The national summer program, which was an Indian Lore Seminar at Philmont, was announced. The possiblity of purchasing a rear-screen projection aparatus was voted on and passed provided Mr. Britt and Mr. Formo found it practical. Adult nominations were submitted and
approved. The meeting was concluded by the chief leading in the OA Song. Thirty-nine members attended.
Frankford Johnson, Secretary

Clarification for Service Hours
First 3-A Conclave April
Camp Durant, Hosted by Occoneechee Lodge
Wiccacon Chapter Conceives Ambitious Project
During the area fellowship, Wiccacon Chapter Chief Garry Whitaker conceived an idea to develop a hiking trail that would hopefully stimulate interest in both the chapter and the lodge. The trail would be centered around the town of Windsor steeped with colonial and 19th century icons, it would also promote camping, hiking, restore, preserve the natural and cultural history of the area. Soon after
the conclave, chapter members worked through serious discussions to organize a plan for this tremendous project, that started as a simple idea.
Chapter officers played an integral role planning meetings and organizing workdays. Key youth at the start of the project included Chief Whitaker, Jeffrey Parker, and Lindsey Chamblee, Jr. Adult guidance was also important to the support and success of this momentous game plan. Key advisers throughout the process were Chapter Adviser Ted "Buddy" Shaw, Ted Deanes, Lindsey Chamblee, Sr.

Left to Right:
Neal Phillips, Alden Davis, Ted Shaw, Garry Whitaker, Johnny Jones,
Lindsey Chamblee Jr., Unknown, Unknown

Wiccacon Trail Press Release Page 1

Wiccacon Trail Press Release Page 2

Wiccacon Workday Letter, July 1974
Alden Davis, Trail Chairman
Lodge Members Receives the Silver Antelope Award
Boy Scouts of America National Meeting, Hawaii
Willie J. Long, Jr. of Roanoke Rapids received the Silver Antelope Award. Mr. Long served Scouting on several levels. He participated in a Woodbadge Course in 1964 and later served the former Region 6 as the Wood Badge Chairman. He was a Scoutmaster to the 1964, 1967, 1969, 1973, and 1975 National and World Jamborees, and at the time of his presentation he was serving as the Southeast Region Scouting Committee Chairman.
Willie was reared on a farm in rural Northhampton County, but obtained the Scout rank of Life as a youth in a troop based in Weldon during the 1930s. He left the area to attend prep school in Virginia and later attended UNC-Chapel Hill.

June Long Presents Her Husband
with the Silver Antelope
Fascinated with flight as a youngster, at the age of 12 he was afforded an opportunity to take a two seater bi-plane ride over Halifax County. He followed this passion with any opportune available. During the second world war, he flew 56 missions in a P-38 over Europe as a wingman escorting bombers on sorties with the 15th Air Force. Long received the Dinstinguished Flying Cross for his war service.

Wiccacon Chapter

Service at the Campfire Bowl
Philmont OA Indian Seminar
July 27th-August 11th
A small gathering of 62 Arrowmen settled at Philmont for a seminar on Native American culture. Sessions on pottery, dancing, singing and a tour of the nearby Taos Pueblo were part of the program. Participation was limited to each section. Lodge member Lewis Hoffman was one of three who represented 3A.

Lodge members gathtered at Camp Bonner for a special Summer Fellowship, August 16-18th. The weekend started with swim checks, then dinner, and an opening campfire. On Saturday, boating was allowed all morning, as well as, a horseshoe contest. There was a rifle competition, volleyball tournament, patch trading forum, and carnival. For one hour in the early afternoon, six meetings were held with topics ranging from
an open forum to Kichkinet training.

To get back on track with fun time, the pool was open all afternoon. Plus, an archery competition, softball tournament, Indian dancing class, and watermelon contest. After dinner there was an Indian seminar, twilight boating, a movie, and a campfire. Of course, plenty of patch trading throughout the crackerbarrel and patch auction. The executive committee held a meeting Saturday night.
Wahissa Lodge Building and Training Center
Dedicated in Memory of G. Kellock Hale, Jr.
Former lodge chief Steve Worsley worked
at Camp Raven Knob for a few summers. Croatan had a close relationship with Wahissa Lodge starting during this era and one that continues today.
G. Kellock Hale, Jr. played and integral role in the development of OA lodges throughout North Carolina and the South. Originally inducted in Unami Lodge in 1918, Hale joined the National OA Committee in 1946 and served through his death in 1973. |

E. Urner Goodman
Building Dedication

G. Kellock Hale, Jr. Memorial Building
Dedication Program
September 25th, Executive Committee Meeting
Parker's Barbeque, Greenville
Lodge Chief Billica opening the meeting at 7:30 pm. Secretary Johnson reported on the chapter trophy contest. Each chapter was asked to send him a list of their new officers. Treasurer Fulghum reported the lodge balance of $5,593.70. However, It was noted the total did not include $39 spent on the Summer Fellowship. VC Goodsell dispearsed two copies of the reviewed camp promotion booklet to every chapter.
He also announced dates and expectations towards the reciept of the remaining camp promotions materials were then made. VC Billica reported the deadline for the Camp Charles Ordeal. He encouraged chapters to seek members they thought qualified and interested in becoming Kichkinets to please contact him. VC Surles reported on the success of the Summer Fellowship, which had over 175 attendees. Editor Pearsall reported the submission deadline for the next issue. Election Commitee Chairman Donald Fulcher reported
his committee met during the summer fellowship and had drawn up some tentative rules and qualifications of character for those seeking a lodge office. These rules were read and generally approved.
The Camp Charles Ordeal assigments were made. Ordeal master would be Billy Billica, advised by George Sullivan. Task master would be John Surles, advised by Mark Robertson. The pre-Ordeal would be Natsihi, Ordeal by Neusiok and Tau. Food service was volunteered by Toisnot, crackerbarrels by Coree and Tanugahi and the final cleanup by Tarhunta and Wiccacon.
Chief Billica reported the date for the next NOAC and delegate fee would be $70. At the time transportation arrangements were not known. The Croa-Talk would provide forthcoming information. Next, he reported that National had raised the lodge charter fee twenty-five cents per member. Therefore, a motion was made to adjust the lodge constitution appropriately. This motion was moved by VC Surles and seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Neusiok offered to host the upcoming lodge banquet in Kinston
which was also approved unaimously. The banquet date was slated for December 19th. A motion was made for the purchase of a 45 horse-powered tractor for Camp Bonner at a cost of $3,257.98 The motion was seconded. This motion was carried unanimously in light of (1) the facts presented by Mr. Godfrey and John Surles, (2) rising inflation, and (3) other deals that were offered.
The next item of business Chief Billica reported was the new regional bulletin. He brought attention to the fact of how this bulletin had helped to keep the lodge up-to-date on national events and policies. Several of the articles had appeared in the lodge newsletter, often months before National informed members. For this reason, the lodge was able to send Lewis Hoffman to the National Indian Seminar at Philmont. Due to the fact that the publication ran solely on gifts and donations, a motion was entertained
to send $25 to the bulletin's advisor Mr. Thomas Webb. The motion was passed without hesitation.
Next, it was reported an excess of $700 existed in council camperships. Chief Billica suggested that the money for two Indian Camperships of $60 be sent to National for underprivledged Indians across the nation. A motion was made and passed. Next, chapters interested in displaying their chapter totem at lodge functions were asked to contact VC Billica concerning totem dimensions. The idea was to help boost chapter spirit and enthusiasm in the lodge.
It was announced that Lewis Hoffman advised by Bruce Turley would lead a new Indian activities committee. The primary function would be to provid information for the chapters and an opportunity for individual involvement in Indian Lore. Adult nominations were submitted and approved, then the meeting was adjourned. Forty-Six brothers attended.
Frankford Johnson, Secretary |

“Fuel The Fire” was the theme for the weekend, which included discussion groups, an open forum, special exhibits, Indian dancing, campfires, and the quest. Events for the silver arrow included tug-of-war, wheel barrow relay, limbo, water boiling, and a flour fling. A Brotherhood ceremony was held.
Neusiok won the best chapter display, the quest was won by Toisnot, solo dance trophy by Lewis Hoffman, team dance by Toisnot.

Officer candidates included for chief David Goodsell, vice-chief Billy Billica, Tommy Fulghum, Frankford Johnson, and John Surles. Treasurer were Larry Feldhaus, Robert Lancaster, Tommy Manning. And for treasurer Andy Lane, Kenny Olive, and Garry Whitaker.
Due to the fact that an increase in the national lodge charter fee would change the lodge constitution, it was necessary for youth membership to vote. Food service was handled by Tarhunta and Wiccacon, crackerbarrels by Toisnot and Neusiok, Brotherhood ceremony by Natsihi, final cleanup by all.
The end of the year banquet was held at the Westminister United Methodist Church in Kinston hosted by Neusiok. The fellowship hall was decorated with lodge and chapter totems, as well as, a collection of flap patches from Area 3A lodges. The dinner was a barbeque and chicken dinner with trimmings.
According to the Croa-Talk, the lodge received two surprises during the banquet. First was a letter from Santa discussing some difficult requests by the lodge: A smile for Mr. Hawley (Camp Ranger)? Hair for Mr. Formo? An ACC title for Carolina? Not this Christmas! Second, Scout Executive O.B. Roberts commended the lodge for its cooperation during his years serving the council. He urged membership to continue as done in the past and told the lodge farewell. It was announced he was retiring in the summer.
Next, lodge awards were presented. Winners for the various competitions from the fall fellowship were recognized, the chapter trophy contest was won by Natishi. In addition to the past awards, a new award was given. Created by Lodge Chief Billica, the "Chief's Award" was designed to recognize the most improved chapter. The chief toiled over which chapter was the most deserving, but decided on Wiccacon. Following the awards, the forthcoming officers were officially installed. David Goodsell had
been re-elected for a second term and gave a talk about lodge goals.
The highlight of the evening was speaker Ted Bundy, a retired principal and at the time was a current state legislator. He had nearly everyone rolling in the aisles with his anecdotes about lodge advisors, "Little Johnny" and other topics. Though his speech was full of jokes, he managed to present a meaningful talk on how Scouts can help strengthen America. |
New Format for the National Conference Planning Committee
For the first time starting in December 1974, every section chief was invited to participate on the National Conference Planning Committee. This is the meeting where national officers are elected and work together to plan the forthcoming national event. At this time, national officers would serve a two-year term and had to serve the entirety under age 21. Due to the two-year term and the fact that national events typically
occurred two years apart, this meeting only occurred to plan those events. |
Lodge goals for the year included the former goals: to be the Outstanding Lodge at the 3A conclave, to continue having at least 50% of the eligible membership achive Brotherhood, to conduct camping promotion programs and OA election in every eligible troop.
New goals included to broaden the camp promotion program to include high-adventure camping and other opportunities beyond summer camp, to increase the scope of the induction committee and improve the aspects of the induction sequence, encourage individual participation through the Croa-Talk, rededication ceremonies, and lodge functions. And lastly, to publish a chapter organizational manual to serve as a refernce for chapter organization. |
January 29th, Executive Committee Meeting
Parker's Barbeque, Greenville
Chief Goodsell opened the meeting by welcoming everyone. Officer reports immediately followed. Tommy Fulghum the VC of Camp Promotions distributed a list of opportunities in camping and high-adventure for older Scouts. John Surles the VC of Service and Activities encouraged all chapters to have a general service project. He also requested that chapters bring their own tools to the March ordeal. Billy Billica the
VC of Inductions distributed election forms and discussed the 3A display, the new Inductions Committee, and the Kichkinets for the next ordeal. The deadline for candidates for the next ordeal was set for February 25th.
Lodge Secretary Kenny Olive discussed the chapter trophy contest. The 1975 contest started December 1st, 1974 and would run through November 30th. Treasurer Tommy Manning announced the ending balance as of December 31st was $3,348.
New business included the announcement of the new Croa-Talk Editor, committee chairmen and advisors. Chief Goodsell announced that brotherhood ceremonies would be held at the March ordeal, the summer and fall fellowships.
The singing of the OA song closed the meeting. Thirty-five people represented eleven chapters with Arapahoe and Kehukee being absent.
Coree Chapter Members Recognized for Heroism
Two lodge members were presented Honor Medals for Heroism by Scout Executive O.B. Roberts on behalf of the National Court of Honor, BSA. Star Scout Craig Johnson and Eagle Scout Donald Fulcher demonstrated unusual heroism in saving the life of Garth Quidley from Miami, Florida, at risk of their own, on Sunday August 4th, 1974. |
March Ordeal
Camp Sam Hatcher
The lodge inducted eighty-one members and forty-five earned Brotherhood. The inductions committee led discussions for ordeal members and for brotherhood and vigil members. Kichkinets at the ordeal were Leon Peele, Lewis Hoffman, Andy Lane, Gary Dekleuver, advised by John Moore.
Registration was handled by Frankford Johnson and Ricky Butts, ceremonies were organized by Butch Harris and Pratt Williamson, Brotherhood and discussions were led by Kenny Olive, Steve Worsley, and Roger Billica. |
Wiccacon Chapter Trail Project Update
Ray Franks updated lodge members on the status of the Wiccacon Chapter trail project in the April issue of Croa-Talk. He wrote "I finally made it to a Wiccacon workday and what a treat. Many people cannot understand how a group of young guys can work on a historical hiking trail and enjoy it. Just ask asdvisor Ted Shaw or chapter chief Garry Whitaker, who look forward to the work days and they will tell you it can be done.
Activities of brotherhood and cheerful service seem to dominate the weekends of the chapter. On this particular Saturday, chapter members worked on the trail, assisted in planting dogwood trees on mainstreet Windsor, and aided the rescue squad in a search for a lost mental patient.
Trail chairman Alden Davis marked the trail and we quickly cleared it behind him. The motivation did not seem to come from the goal of finishing the trail, rather from the brotherhood the experienced as work continued. Surely this chapter has seen the "higher vision." Keep up the good spirit.

Clearing Brush
Wiccacon Advisor Buddy Shaw on right

Cutting New Trail

Building a Bridge

The Trail Through Hoggards Mill
3-A Conclave, April 25th-27th
Camp Uwharrie, Hosted by Uwharrie Lodge
Forty-five delegates did cheers, sang songs, and played kazoos displaying spirit. The lodge came in second for displays, and won the coveted Honor Lodge. Lewis Hoffman placed first in the Indian solo dance competition and Billy Billica placed second.




Croatan Lodge Delegation
1975 3A Conclave

Survey Results Whether the OA Should Be Coed
Council Camporee
OA Summer Camp Pavilion
Lodge members hosted an OA Summer Camp Pavilion at the annual council camporee for the second time. Over four thousand Scouts had the opportunity to learn about Camp Bonner, as well as, high adventure opportunities such as Philmont.

National OA Conference
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Twenty lodge members attended the national conference. Over 4,500 arrowmen attended from throughout the nation. There were terrific shows each night and training sessions, which shared a lot of new ideas for lodge program.
Several lodge members participated as staff for an innovation session known as the Induction and Enrichment Program (IEP), which was sponsored largely by the Ceremonial Advisory Group (CAG). According to A History of the Order of the Arrow by Ken Davis, this intensive introduction to ceremonies and the induction process
was attended by hundreds and had a major impact on the future of ceremonies for the OA.

Major emphasis on ceremony training has continued in the national program after this conference. In fact, within two or three years the national committee would agree to the Ten Cardinal Principles of the Induction, emphasizing attention to the individual during the process. By the time of the 1988 NOAC, a separate conference vice-chief was established for ceremonies training.



Inductions and Enrichment
Staff Button
Courtesy of Al Patrick


DSA Award Ceremony
Roger Billica, second from left
Willie J. Long, Jr.'s
DSA Certificate
Roger was honored with the Distinguished Service Award (DSA) for his heavy involvement with the Ceremony Advisory Group and the Inductions and Enrichment Program. Billica also served as an area chief, lodge chief, and at the time of the presentation was a youth representative on the Southeast Region OA Committee.
Willie had been active on the former Region Six Camping Committee dating to the late 1960s. He had continued service as the chairman of the Camping Committee for the recently formed Southeast Region. He also had served as a council president, Section 3A Advisor since 1970, active with Wood Badge courses throughout the region, and at the time of the recognition was a member of the Southeast Region OA Committee. Long was unable to
attend the national conference due to the fact that he was a Scoutmaster for the ongoing World Jamboree.

Willie Long's DSA Medal
2007 Interview

Willie Long's Silver Beaver, Antelope and DSA
2007 Inteview
The lodge held its second summer fellowship August 8th-10th at Camp Bonner. Over one hundred arrowmen attended. The September Croa-Talk gave a recap, "Joe gorilla returned to Bonner to report on a very successful years as a TV and movie star. Many arrowmen took part in the $10,000 Pyramid game show. Plus there was swimming, boating, patch trading, auctioning and everything else that goes into making a Croatan Lodge event unique."
The event was organized by many but included John Goforth who headed up the aquatics crew, Wiccacon, Tearora, and Tarhunta who handled food service, David Goodsell and Kenny Olive were also key leaders.


Lodge members who served on the Camp Bonner Staff:
Tom Banks
Mark Hank
Hank Birdsong
Lewis Hoffman
Allen Causey
Ray Kinnin
Melvin Johnson
Andrew Lane
Craig Bartley
Kenny Olive
Dwight Clinker
Richard Price
Jim Coggins
Gary Dekleuver
Robert Lancaster
Ray Franks
Terry Mori
Tommy Fulghum
Al Patrick
Tom Proctor
Christopher Geller
Kelly Rubado
Lester Greene
David Summers
John Goforth
Brian Snell
Ronnie Spence
John Viglione
Steve Worsley
Allen Lyles
New Additions to the Lodge Patch Collection
Several donations were made to the lodge patch collection during this year. |
1975 NOAC neckerchief signed by the lodge delegation. |
Larry Feldhaus |
1950 National Jamboree patch |
John McKemey |
1975 Summer Fellowship |
Callie Bissette |
1952, 1953, 1962 6A Fellowships |
Larry Feldhaus |
1950 Camporee |
Mike Barnes |
1974 3A Conclave |
Kenny Olive |
1975 Camporee |
Lewis Hoffman |
1975 Camp Bonner |
Joe Meadows |
1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951 Camporees |
Gene Newberry |
1975 World Jamboree contingent patch and 1975 NOAC |
Tom Proctor |
1958 and 1959 6A Fellowships |
Bill Hudson |
1973 National Jamboree camp-wide game strip |
Thomas Noonan |
1955 Explorer Conference |
Butch Harris |
Camp Charles Teardrop |
Gene Newberry |
1946 NC OA Meeting patch |
Joe Garner |
1945, 1947 NC Meeting neckerchief, 1948 NC Meeting |
Herman Gaskins |
1975 Fall Fellowship |
Ted Shaw |
1964 6A Fellowship |
Tommy Fulghum |
Heavy rains didn't stop the lodge from induction twenty-nine new members. Kichkinets at the ordeal were Tom Proctor, Roger Billica, Andy Lane, Richard Gray, John McClancy, Donald Fulcher, Don Tucker, Stern Dixon, and Joe Copeland.
Registration was handled by Steve Feldhaus, Franford Johnson, Melvin Johnson. Butch Harris assisted with ceremonies. |
The fall fellowship offerend a different angle for training and exposure to Scout related topics. The idea what to implement sessions that would be used at the 1976 3A Conclave.
There would be three levels of sessions. Level I was geared for those arrowmen who have expressed interest in a particular subject and would include discussions and an evaluation of the subject.
Level II were general training open to all members of the lodge. Broad topics were defined by the interests of the group. Each session included discussions and lectures on the topic.
Level III sessions provided "insights" through exhibits and activities. Each topic was covered in fifteen minutes. Exhibits included high-adventure camping, the Cardinal Principles of the OA, patch designing, world jamboree, professional Scouting, Alpha Phi Omega, beadwork, holding elections, newsletters, and among other topics Indian dancing.

Special guests assisted in the training such as the current 3A chief Mike Feeney from Tali Tak Taki and Wes Morgan from Wahissa. Morgan was one of the authors for a recent revision of the OA Handbook. Wahissa Lodge Indian dancers participated and their advisor Clyde Ellis taught a session on dancing, as well as, helped judge the lodge competition. |
Candidates for lodge officers included for lodge chief Tommy Fulghum, Frankford Johnson, and Kenny Olive. Vice-chiefs were Billy Billica, Stern Dixon, Lewis Hoffman, Robert Lancaster, Andy Lane, and Tommy Manning. Secretary were Brick Brown, Chris Geller, Joe Meadows, and Joe Van Colt. Treasurere were Tom Banks and Don Tucker. All candidates were given three minutes at the Friday night campfire
to address the lodge. |
Chapter assignments included Tearora who handled food service, Friday night crackerbarrel by Wiccacon, Saturday crackerbarrel by Neusiok. Natsihi performed the Brotherhood ceremony. The final clean-up by Toisnot. |
The lodge banquet was held December 18th at Redman's Lodge in Washington, catered by Parker's Barbeque in Greenville. After dinner, outgoing chief David Goodsell welcomed everyone. Next, Leone Peele recognized the new vigil honor recipients, followed by the presentation of lodge awards. Then Mr. Formo installed the 1976 lodge officers and then Kenny Olive -- the new chief addressed the lodge. Charley Sullivan, the lay advisor
for Occoneechee Lodge was the guest speaker. Charley reflected on his personal experience in the OA and included his lodge's vigil rafffle and his council's "bonus merit badge plan."
Recognition was given for the fall fellowship award winners which included Wiccacon for Displays, Tanugahi won the Quest, John Goforth won the Solo Indian Dance and Team Indian Dance by Toisnot. The Chapter Trophy Contest was acknowledge as Toisnot. The Chief's Award was given to Machapunga for being the most improved chapter.
Then the new officers were installed as lodge chief Kenny Olive, vice-chiefs Billy Billica, Tommy Fulghum, Tommy Manning, secretary Joe Meadows, and treasurer Tom Banks. Following the installation, Kenny talked on goals for the next year.

Kenny Olive's
Address to the Lodge
Page 1

Kenny Olive's
Address to the Lodge
Page 2
Lodge Officer Training Conference |
The LOTC was held December 20th at the council office in Kinston. The attendees reviewed the lodge calendar and the goals for the next year, as well as, the assignement of officer duties and responsibilities, notes on committees, the chapter trophy contst, the 3A conclave, and other business. |
Lodge Chief Kenny Olive prefaced the lodge planbook that the edition "Brings with it most elements from the past Planbooks, as well as, new additions. New in this edition are a section on duties of the lodge officers, changes in the lodge organization section, and a lodge history. Hopefully these and other minor changes will improve the effectiveness of the Planbook as a tool for communication.
As we enter the Bicentennial year, I challenge each of you to use the Order of the Arrow to grow as an individual, as a Scout, and as a citizen of your nation. When you have reached this state in your career as an Arrowman, you will have seen the higher vision."
Lodge goals included items from previous years, which included to obtain 50% of the eligible membership to achieve Brotherhood, membership elections to be held in every eligible unit, strong camp promotion programs to be conducted throughout the council, and emphasize the individual commitment to the obligation.
New goals were to strengthen each chapter through a strong program of service, continuted improvements in the areas of inductions and camp promotions, publishing a chapter organizational manual, and encouraging individuals to earn the 60th Anniversary Bicentennial Award. |
January 28th, Executive Committee Meeting
Parker's Barbeque, Greenville
Chief Olive began the business by welcoming the members present.
Camp Promotions VC Tommy Fulghum announced that the new camp promotions packets would be ready soon. The theme for the camporee pavilion was "Camping, an American Tradition." Tom Proctor and Stern Dixon would be assisting with the display because Fulghum would be unable to attend. He also mentioned that the council would be sponsoring a trip to the Land Between the Lakes High Adventure Base located in Kentucky in June. Mr. Formo was leading the delegation. High-adventure filmstrips and information were
available through the vice-chief.
Service and Activities VC Tommy Manning spoke on chapter service projects and the March Ordeal. He was in the process of compiling a list of major service projects for each chapter. Work projects for the march ordeal were decided and everyone was asked to bring tools and chain saws.
Inductions VC Billy Billica began this report by stating that the first step in improving the inductions process would be the Croatan Inductions Seminar to be held at Bonner on January 31st. All chapters present at the ECM said they would send a participants to the training. Billica also mentioned that an actual Inductions Committee would be formed at the seminar. He also said the lodge planned to send three delegates to the Section Inductions Training at Camp Durant in February. Lastly, a list of troops in which
the chapters hold elections need to be mailed to him by August 1st.
Lodge Secretary Joe Meadows stated that registration was going well and urged everyone who has not reregistered to do so promptly. Lodge dues were $3.25 and all members who were not paid by January 31st would be removed from the mailing list.
Lodge Treasurer Tom Banks gave the financial and the Bicentennial Committee reports. He reported the year-end balance of lodge funds was $3283.78. The bicentennial report included information on the individual, chapter, and lodge bicentennial awards that members could earn. A bicentennial trip for a weekend in the summer was being planned.
Croa-Talk Editor Richard Gray announced the deadline for submitting articles for the next issue.
Next, chief Olive announced the new committee chairmen and advisers. Vigil Chairman John Workman and adviser Paul Godfrey; Nominating Chairman Tom Proctor; Indian Activites Chairman John Goforth. The vice-chief advisers would be Gene Newberry for service; Pro Lewis for camp promotions; and Pratt Williamson for inductions.
The march ordeal would be held at Camp Sam Hatcher March 19th-21st and the cost would be $6. Chapter assignments were pre-ordeal Wiccacon, ordeal Tau, brotherhood Neusiok. Food service would be handled by Coree. Friday night crackerbarrel was Natsihi, Saturday night crackerbarrel Tanugahi, followed by final clean-up by Tanugahi.
Three Brotherhood ceremonies were planned this year, a ceremony at the march ordeal, the summer service fellowship, and at the fall fellowship.
Next the 3A conclave was discussed. The lodge was allotted sixty-five eledgates and were responsible to coordinate the training activities under the leadership of Tommy Fulghum and Billy Billica. The quest team captain would be Tommy Manning, the lodge display would be handled by Garry Whitaker. After these announcements, Honor Lodge rules were reviewed and then there was much discussion to transportation for the conclave. The conclusion was reached that bus transportation would be the best for promotiong lodge
unity and plans would be made to choose the route and the most economical mans. There would be a letter concerning conclave mailed soon.
Tommy Fulghum proposed an amendment to the lodge rule, Article 1, Section F.
The proposed amendment was that "Each member shall receive one lodge flap patch upon induction into the lodge. Additional flaps may be purchased for $1.50. The amendment would be voted on at the Hatcher ordeal.
Next, Joe Meadows presented new guidelines for the Outstanding Chapter Award. After the points were lowered for solicited camperships, the new contest was approved by the committee. The 1976 contest started on December 1st, 1975 through August 31st, 1976. The new rules would be printed in the lodge planbook.
The service fellowship, which was previously summer fellowship, would be held August 6th-8th at Bonner. The new fellowship would consist of intense service projects in the morning, followed by fun and games in the afternoon, with Indian dancing and a brotherhood ceremony in the evening.
Other business involved the discussion of purchasing an addressing machine for the council office. A motion by Lindsay Chamblee that the lodge appropriate $3,000 for the purchase was defeated. Tommy Fulghum then moved that the lodge assume up to $1500 of the purchase. Then Billy Billica made a suggestion that the lodge support $2000, which was approved.
John Goforth, the lodge dance team chairman from Toisnot, asked other chapters having Indian costuming to lend it to the lodge team for use at the 3A.
Tanugahi chapter was recognized for donating $84.67 towards the lodge campership fund.
The Southeast Region was holding a training conference at Meredith College from July 30th-August 1st. The lodge could send five delegates. Anyone interested in attending should contact chief Olive immediately.
Lewis Hoffman then made a proposal that the lodge be allowed to vote at the March ordeal on whether to abolish brotherhood and vigil flaps.
Finally, adult nominations were read and approved. The meeting closed with the singing of the OA song. Forty-nine brothers representing twelve chapters with Neuseokena absent.
Joe Meadows, Lodge Secreatary
Lodge Vice-Chief of Inductions Billy Billica organized an induction seminar on Saturday, January 31st. The seminar was about chapter and lodge aspects of the induction from the election to brotherhood.

Promotional Letter by Billy Billica
Fifty-five new members were inducted and thirty-seven received their Brotherhood. The recently formed Inductions Committee put a lot of recognized effort into the weekend instead of just a couple people handling all the induction functions. A few changes were attempted to make the ordeal more personal for the candidate, which included having the Kichkinet guide go through the entire ordeal up to the Ordeal ceremony with the candidate.
The next Brotherhood ceremony was held at the service fellowship in August.
March 31st, Executive Committee Meeting
Parker's Barbeque, Greenville
After everyone stuffed themselves with chicken and trimmings, lodge chief Kenny Olive welcomed the members present. Next, Tommy Manning the VC of service and activities gave his report. Tommy thanked everyone for the work which was accomplished at the March ordeal at Camp Hatcher. He reminded everyone that at the May ordeal the lodge would prepare Camp Bonner for summer camp. He also noted that anyone interested in participating
in the quest at the 3A to contact him.
Tommy Fulghum the VC of camp promotions reported next. Tommy stated that the chapter camping promotions program should be well underway. A count was made of the chapters who had not otained promotion packets. Information and film strips on the Land Between the Lakes and the other high-adventure camps were available. Tommy reminded chapters of the new camping promotions award to be presented to the chapter who had the best effort to promote camping in the council during the year. Specific information about the
award was in the planbook and in the promotion packets. Next, he mentioned the camping pavilion for the camporee would be the third consecutive year. He also mentioned that he was in the process of organizing a camp promotions committee for the purpose of revising the lodge slide show.
Tom Proctor, who was responsible for organizing the camporee pavilion, reminded chapters on their assignments:
Wiccacon |
Wiccacon Trail |
Toisnot |
High-Adventure |
Araphahoe |
National Camping Award |
Machapunga |
The "All Out for Scouting" campaign |
Natishi |
Aquatics |
Tanugahi |
Scout craft |
Coree |
Indian Island |
Neusiok |
Nature |
Tau |
Manpower |
Tearora |
Final Booth |
Neuseokena |
The gateway |
Billy Billica the VC of Inductions began his report by summing up the recent lodge inductions seminar. Then he thanked everyone for helping with inductions at the March ordeal. Fifty-five new members were inducted and thirty-seven received brotherhood. The next Brotherhood ceremony would be held at the service fellowship in August. The deadline for troop elections for the May ordeal was stated to be April 24th.
Joe Meadows the lodge secretary informed everyone that as of March 29th, there were 366 registered members. Next, Joe gave the point totals for the Outstanding Chapter Award and answered questions pertaining to the contest.
Tom Banks the lodge treasurer reported a balance of $7,738.12 as of March 31st and a total of $1,315.23 had been raised to date for the campership fund. Then Tom talked briefly on the Individual Bicentennial Award and reported that the Bicentennial trip had been cancelled. Croa-Talk editor Richard Gray announced the next deadline for articles was April 10th. The issue would be mailed prior to the 3A conclave.
New business turned to the May ordeal which would be held the 14th-16th at Camp Bonner. Chapter assignments were announced. Inductions would be implemented by Billy Billica advised by Pratt Williamson. The service work projects would be handled by Tommy Manning advised by Gene Newberry. The pre-Ordeal would be performed by Tanugahi and the Ordeal by Tau. Neuseokena would handle the food service. The Friday night crackerbarrel by Machapunga and Saturday night by Wiccacon and Tarhunta. Final clean-up by Toisnot.
Regarding the 3A conclave, a bus for travel was loaned by Jarvis Memorial Church of Greenville. The plan was for the bus to originate at Camp Bonner and make it's way to various sites enroute to the conclave, which was hosted by Tali Tak Taki at Camp Wenesa. The lodge quota was sixty-five delegates. The lodge display would be on chapter service projects organized by Garry Whitaker. The lodge was also responsible for training at the conclave. John Goforth, the dance team captain of Toisnot, cited due to the lack
of interest and the shortage of dancers his chapter would be unable to represent the lodge at the 3A. In reference to the Honor Lodge competition, delegates were reminded to bring their uniforms and cough drops.
In other business, chief Olive read a proposal by Roger Billica stating that if all of the campership money was not used by June 12th, then part of the money be allocated to give scholarships to honor campers during summer camp. A motion was made by Larry Feldhaus and seconded by Tommy Manning to accept the proposal. Furthermore, there was a decided limite of six scholarships. The motion passed unanimously.
Next, Joe Meadows made an amendment to the pending revision from the January ECM.
(1) |
Present amendment: Each member shall receive one lodge flap upon induction into the lodge. Additional flaps could be purchased for $1.50 each. |
(2) |
Proposed revision to amendment: Strike the words "for $1.50 each" and replace with "at a price set by the executive committee." |
Members would vote on the amendments, along with the proposed change in lodge policy, at the May ordea. It was noted that the (2) revision had to be voted on the first, then a vote would be taken on (1) in whatever form it may be. |
Comments were then heard from lay adviser Arnie Formo. Mr. Formo told the committee of a letter from Scout executive John J. Bush commending the work which was accomplished at the recent March ordeal. Mr. Formo also stressed the wearing of Scout uniforms at all OA functions. He also referred to the OA Handbook mentioning that the ceremonies of the lodge were private affairs and not open to non-members under any conditions.
Chief Olive then reminded the committee of a Chapter Officer Training Seminar to be held at Camp Bonner on Saturday, September 25th. Frankford Johnson was in charge of the seminar and he welcomed any suggestions.
Larry Feldhaus who was heading the discussion and promotion of the next NOAC at the 3A, mentined that he was in desparate need of slides to help promote the conference.
To conclude the business, ten adult nominations were read and approved. The meeting closed with the song of the order. Forty-five brothers represented eleven chapters. Arapahoe and Kehukee were absent.
Joe Meadows, lodge secretary
Discussion to Abolish Brotherhood and Vigil Flaps |
Over the last few years, lodge membership developed keen awareness and deep intellectual thought towards the symbolism found in OA ceremonies. Discussions matured into discussion about every aspect, which included the current lodge practice of colored border flaps to distinguish Ordeal, Brotherhood, and Vigil members.
Frankford Johnson submitted a detailed article in the April Croa-Talk regarding the recent proposed amendment to abolish the brotherhood and vigil designated flaps.
"Our brotherhood is the result of our common bond in cheerfulness and service. It is for this we are recognized, not rewarded. Our founder, E. Urner Goodman said:
"The Order of the Arrow is a 'thing of the spirit' rather that of mechanics. Organization, operational procedure, and paraphernalia are necessary in any large and growing movement, but they are not what count in the end. The things of the spirit count."
Symbolism in our Order is important because we are often talking about intangible things. It's purpose is to represent those intangibles so that we can relate them. The flap is an outward sign and reminder that we recognize in ourselves our obligation to those high ideals in Scouting whether it be as Ordeal, Brotherhood, or as Vigil members. The flap is not a duplicate of the sash,
but a reminder, a symbolic of our dedication of purpose.
Nowhere in the OA Handbook nor has "National" said in print that Vigil membership "does not provide a special degree of rank, status, or special honor." The individual is the one who decides if he is or is not living up to the standards he sets up for himself. The lodge merely recognizes his public dedication of purpose and bestows upon him the symbolic membership flap.
These flaps are no more of a status symbol than are the sashes. They certainly can be miscontrued in this manner but at their initial inception this was not their purpose. The fact is that National uses the word "sash" with its three levels of membership equivalently with the term "flap" of the lodge. Nowhere in the literature that is being cited in favor of dropping the Brotherhood and Vigil flaps does it expressly forbid or discourage such recognition. In fact, such a need is nationally
Should we then lightly discard such an honorable and servicable tradition just because someone questions it? Let us not be hasty but rather ponder their purpose. The decision is yours. Choose wisely." |
Indian Enthusiast Departs Area |
Lewis Hoffman's father was transferred to Taiwan in the spring. The lodge leadership acknowledged Hoffman's contributions to the Indian activities in the lodge. He was the first chairman of the Indian Activities Committee and served this position for two years. He represented Section 3A at the National Indian Seminar at Philmont in 1974 and the experience has noticeably enhanced his ability to serve in the position. He also
had successfully served Tanugahi as chapter chief. Hoffman was an Eagle Scout and had also served on the Camp Bonner staff in 1974, 1975, and when he returned also served from 1978-1980.
Hoffman continued his activity in the Order as part of Achpateuny Lodge #498 of the Far East Council. Many years later during a phone interview with the author, Hoffman acknowledged when he was tapped out for the Vigil Honor, he felt honored to learn that based on his certificate, he was actually recognized for Vigil membership from Croatan. He recalled his ceremony was performed by an LDS missionary.
3-A Conclave, April 23rd-25th
Camp Wenesa, Hosted by Tali Taktaki
Sixty-five delegates attended the conclave.
Lodge Chief Kenny Olive received the Vigil Honor at the conclave. Bill Billica was elected Section Vice-Chief.


1976 3A
Indian Dancing Competition
Brother M.H. Pridgen, who served as the camporee chief this year wrote Ken about the recent initiative of the lodge to sponsor a summer camp display. He wrote "I feel that this summer camp display is one of the best selling tools that the council has to sell Camp Bonner." |
The lodge inducted seventy-three new members. The work projects included repairing the screens and shutters on the staff cabins, tiling the health lodge, placing tent platforms and putting up tents, extend the vent pipes on latrines , fill dirt around latrines, clean-up around all buildings, clean the pool, and install water and power lines from the lodge to the field sports area.
The work helped Immensely to prepare Camp Bonner for the summer camp season.
On a morbid note, Scouter William Owens of Havelock died of an apparent heart attack while a candidate during the ordeal. The lodge gave condelences to his family.
Southeast Region Training Conference
Meredith College, Raleigh
July 30th-August 1st |
Section youth and adult leadership were actively involved in an innovatiove OA training conference held in North Carolina. Over three hundred and fifty arrowmen from fifty-three lodges throughout the region attended sessions in four major areas: administration, inductions, service, and program. A conference forum allowed delegates to meet SE Region Chief Bruce Sanders, National Chief Brad Haddock, and National Executive Secretary
Bill Downs. This conference was a catalyst for the current National Leadership Seminars (NLS).

David Goodsell served on the conference committee overseeing Inductions and Roger Billica represented the SE Region OA Committee as a youth member. The lodge sent six delegates which including Gene Newberry, Tom Proctor, Stern Dixon, Joe Meandows, Kenny Olive, and Al Patrick.
Summer Service Fellowship |
The third lodge summer fellowship was held August 13th-15th at Camp Bonner. Originally known as the "Summer Fellowship," the name was changed to "Service Fellowship" starting this year.
Activities included an opening campfire on Friday that included a "six piece band that is famous from the capital to the coast," a movie, and a midnight swim. Cheerful service was slated Saturday morning, followed by fellowship in the afternoon. Camaraderie after service included boating, swimming, horseshoes, volleyball, tetherball, bowling, a frisbee contest, balloon dart throwing, an Indian activity, diving contest, pie eating contest, water tug-o-war, and a greased melon hunt. Evening action
included a scavenger hunt, horseshoes, and the Brotherhood ceremony, which thirteen members participated.

Chapter assignments during the fellowship were Friday crackerbarrel Machapunga and Saturday Tanugahi. Food Service was handled by Neuseokena, the Brotherhood ceremony was performed by Wiccacon, and final clean-up by Toisnot |
Historic Cashie Roquist-Pocosin Hiking Trail
Official Dedication and Opening |
Two and a half years of planning and long work days finally paid off with the opening of the Historic Cashie-Roquist Hiking Trail. A very ambitious project for a chapter to tackle, Wiccacon Chapter held a formal dedication on September 19th. Among the several distinguished guests at the opening were Scout Executive John J. Bush and State Senator J.J. "Monk" Harrington.
The chapter created a professional brochure to help promote their trail, as well as, a bright-colored patch that Scouts could earn upon completion.


Formal Dedication of the Trail





September 22nd, Executive Committee Meeting
Parker's Barbeque, Greenville
Lodge Chief Olive called the meeting to order after the meal. The first item of business was to introduce the new chapter chiefs. Next, Billy Billica gave the inductions report. Tommy Manning reported on the service rendered from the May ordeal and service fellowship. He also mentioned that work on last year's lodge scrapbook was completed. Tommy Fulgum gave a progress report on camp promotions. Joe Measdows
stated as of August 14th, membership stood at 486. Then treasurer Tom Banks gave his report. Banks also mentioned that Al Patrick had earned the 60th Anniversary Bicentennial Award. As well as, he pointed out that Wiccacon Chapter had been mentioned in the latest national bulletin for their work on the Historic Cashie-Roquist Pocosin Hiking Trail. Tommy Manning reported on the recent Council of Chiefs meeting. The lodge asked for an allotment of sixty-five delegates to the next 3A fellowship. He also reported
that the theme would be "Full Service to My Unit."
The executive committee set a permanent $1.00 registration fee for persons who chose to cook their own meals at lodge functions, in lieu of eating prepared meals. It was also reported that the campership funds for 1977 would be designated as the William A. Owens Memorial Campership Fund. Mr. Owens was a Scouter who passed away unexpectedly during the May ordeal. Lastly, a new national policy concerning lodge flaps was discussed. Then the meeting was adjourned. |
Kichkinet and Guide Training and
Chapter Officer's Training |
The Inductions Committee under the leadership of VC Billy Billica held its first Kichkinet and Guide training at Camp Charles September 24th-25th. Twenty-four members attended. They received intensive training in the program as Guides for future ordeals. Richard Gray played an integral role in the training too.
Also at Camp Charles over the same weekend, a Chapter Officer's Training Seminar was held under the direction of Frankford Johnson. The goal of the training was to better prepare new chapter officers how-to organize meetings and encourage participation. |
The October ordeal was held at Camp Charles. Twenty-six new members completed their ordeal, bringing the cumulative total of one hundred and fifty four new members inducted over the year.
There were two pre-Ordeal ceremonies performed by Wiccacon and Tanugahi chapters.

October Ordeal
Wiccacon Chapter
The National Executive Board of the BSA passed a new policy regarding all badges worn on the uniform were officially authorized . The new policy stated that all Scout patches must include one of the four designations: Boy Scouts of America, BSA, Scouting/USA, or the BSA trefoil. Additionally, moving forward all patches were to be approved beforehand by the national office. This policy automatically included all lodge
Therefore, in order to conform to this policy the lodge needed to entertain a new flap. Suggestions for a new design were requested by the lodge chief to be further discussed at the fall fellowship.
Traditional fall fellowship events included training, exhibits, chapter displays, Indian dancing, as well as, a brotherhood ceremony.
Quest for the Silver Arrow events included a swinging grapvine, axel roll, snake relay, eagle's nest, and a short marathon.
Lodge officer nominations included for lodge chief Richard Gray, Joe Meadows, and Don Tucker.

Vice-chief candidates were Arnold Lynch, Al Patrick, John Pike, Tom Proctor, and John Workman. Secretary included Derek Mitchell and Tom Roper. And treasurer Jeffrey Parker
Special guests at the fellowship included 3A chief Mike Feeney from Tali Tak Taki, Clyde Ellis from Wahissa, George Benedict, and Martin Willard.

Kenny Olive and Roger Billica
The annual lodge banquet was held December 22nd at the First Christian Church in Wilson. After the invocation and the meal, chief Olive formally welcomed everyone. Scout Executive John J. Bush followed with a few remarks commenting on the valuable time and service lodge members contributed to the council camps. Next, Olive presented several awards, which included recognition of his officers and committee chairman.
Fall fellowship awards included the Quest for the Silver Arrow that was won by Natsihi, followed respectively by Neusiok and Tanugahi. Wiccacon won the chapter display followed by Toisnot. The Solo Dance competition was won by John Pike, then Chris Geller, and Duane Krivonak. Arapahoe won the Team Dance.
Next, Vigil Committee Chairman John Workman gave public recognition to the new recipients. Lodge lay advisor Arnie Formo installed the new slate of officers, then the new chief Joe Meadows addresses the lodge. The guest speaker for the evening was Lt. Col. Jerry W. Marvel.
Highlights for the year included a $2,000 donation to help purchase an addressograph machine for the council office, the summer camp pavilion at the council camporee, the lodge was recognized with the coveted SE-3A Honor Lodge for the third consecutive year, over thirty camperships were awarded to underpriveledged youth by money raised by the lodge, and a new lodge flap was designed and to be issued the following year. |
Lodge youth voted on different designs for a new lodge flap. The new patch would be issued the following year. This flap became known as the "mule" flap because the antlers were not too defined, therefore resembled a mule instead of a deer.

Ordeal (S4)

Brotherhood (S5)

Vigil (S6)
Lodge goals for the year included to be recognized as a National Standard Lodge, earn the national E. Urner Goodman Camping Award, to be the Outstanding Lodge at the 3A conclave. Additional goals were to unify the lodge through good communication between members, have strong and active participating chapters, emphasize year-round camping promotions, retain new members, and involve members in lodge activities.
The final goal was to have a large delegation to NOAC. |

Where to Go Camping Booklet
Issued January 1977

Chapter Organization Manual
Issued September 1977
January 25th, Executive Committee Meeting
Western Sizzlin Steak House, Greenville
Lodge Chief Joe Meadows called the meeting to order after dinner. After the officers gave their respective reports, chapter assignments for the March ordeal were made. Followed by discussion about the 3A conclave, the 1978 National OA Indian Seminar, as well as, NOAC. Next, there were several new items to discuss.
Staff Adviser Richard Britt proposed an open sale for the reaming supply of old lodge flaps. The proposal would not take into effect the required seven hours of service. Rather, would allow the supply of old flaps to be sold quicker to be able to purchase the approved new flap. If this proposal was approved, the lodge delegation would be able to wear the new flap to NOAC, which would be held in August.
The second question presented to the EC was who had the power to decinde on this change in lodge policy? Could the EC decond on the fate of the old flaps, or should the lodge youth vote on the proposal? After hearing disccusion by committee members, the decision was made by chief Meadows to table the proposal wuntil the Charles Ordeal in March, when a special meeting of the lodge EC would be held. If necessary, a vote of the lodge would be taken.
Former lodge chief Kenny Olive also presented a proposed amendment to the Lodge Rules during this meeting. The proposal was for Article I, Section F. At the time new members received one lodge flap upon induction into the lodge. However, the proposal was that "additional flaps could be purchased at a price set by the lodge executive committee." At the time the price was set at $2.00 for additional flaps upon completion of
seven hours of approved service.
Tony Long reported that Arapahoe Chapter had selected the "opossum" as their new totem. It was mentioned that their circular totem would be presented to the lodge soon, to be placed in the Camp Bonner reception center. Also chapter workshops were planned to practice for a team dance for the 3A conclave.
Ernie Carter reported that Wiccacon Chapter planned to start another trail project. However, this trail would be in the form of a canoe trail based in Murfreesboro. Chapter members were in the process of restoring an old home on the Mehrrin River to serve as a welcome center and canoe base.
Melvin Johnson reported that Natsihi several members attended the Induction Seminar on February 19th and held a chapter service project on February 26th. Also, Wiccacon Chapter members Jeffrey Parker and Ted Shaw attended a recent meeting to promote their new canoe trail. Some Natsihi members discussed beginning a canoe trail along the Tar River.
Tanugahi and Coree Chapters reported tapping out thirty candidates at their joint district camporee held at Camp Hatcher. They also raised $84.50 towards the campership fund.
The March Croa-Talk mentioned that a unique group consisting of college arrowmen had been in existence at NC State University for several years. This group was known as the "OA Supper Club," where members met once a month to go out to supper. Although no formal meeting was held, the group was an opportunity for continued fellowship.

"Gattapuin Mizin"
Interpretted as
To be Hungry, to Eat
Regular attendees over the years included Jim Martin, Rick Burton (Nayawin Rar), Ray Bagwell, Lyndal Butler (Tslagi), Gary Butler, Bill Freeman, Greg Whitaker (Occoneechee), Van Lamb, Rick Horne (Occoneechee), Joe Meadows (Croatan), Mike Feeney (Tali Tak Taki). The lodge number "175.875" on the Supper Club flap was an average of all the lodges in the section. The club created a constitution and by-laws in order to be
recognized as an official organization on campus.

National OA Bulletin
January-February 1978

Supper Club Constitution Page 1

Supper Club Constitution Page 2
The ordeal was held at Camp Charles and was well attended. One-hundred and seventy six members attended the March ordeal, including sixty candidates.
The proposed amendment to drop the service hour restriction on the lodge flap was defeated by a two-to-one margin. Lodge membership also decided not to bring up the proposed change for at least one year.
Also decided was that the old Ordeal and Vigil flaps would be available for purchase at the May ordeal for $2.00 without the service hour restriction. The Brotherhood flaps were already sold. The new lodge flaps were already ordered and would arrive prior to NOAC.

March 30th, Executive Committee Meeting
Parker's Barbeque, Greenville
Joe Meadows opened the meeting with the inductions report, which included a recap of the recent ordeal at Camp Charles. The deadline for election forms for the May ordeal was April 22nd. Joe encouraged chapters to begin thinking about ceremony teams for the October ordeal and fall fellowship, in an attempt to involve more chapters. John Workman thanked everyone for the work performed at the recent ordeal.
He then read the project list for the May ordeal.
Tom Proctor reported on the camporee display and gave a campership report. He reported that about forty-one camperships were dispersed the previous year. Next, each chapter gave a short report on what they had completed to date to promote camping in the council. Then, Melvin Johnson reported lodge membership at 324. He also stated that the Standard Chapter Award progress reports were due at the May ordeal. Jeffrey Parker gave a balance of $3,752.54 in the treasury, including $301.78 in the campership fund.
Next, business moved to committee reports. The Chapter Organization Committee reported that a list of all chapter members would be handed out at the May ordeal.
A new committee known as Physical Arrangements was led by Al Patrick. The goal of this committee was to start to prepare the lodge for the 1980 3A conclave, which the lodge would host. Al requested adults to contact him of their respective trade skills.
The Vigil Committee planned to meet at the May ordeal, the Indian Activities Committee reported that Arapahoe Chapter would represent the lodge at the 3A, the Nominating Committee asked to have each chapter represented at the May ordeal for a meeting, and the editor of the Croa-Talk mentioned there would be a special summer issue in July.
New business included chapter assignments for the May ordeal and the 3A conclave. The executive committee appropriated $60 to purchase buttons for the 3A that would say "Croatan in 80" to promote spirit among the delegration. The meeting closed at 9:45 pm, following approval of adult nominations and the Song of the Order.
Juan Enrique Gomez, III |
Scout Executive John J. Bush presented the lodge with the National Standard Lodge Charter.
The Friday night schedule included softball and a movie during the crackerbarrel.
Ordeal notes were that candidates would have priority to the wall tents set up on Saturday, after they completed formal induction. Chapter assignments included pre-Ordeal Tearora, Ordeal Tau, and Brotherhood also by Tau. Food Service would be handled by Coree and Tanugahi. Friday night crackerbarrel by Coree and Tanugahi, Saturday crackerbarrel by Tarhunta and Wiccacon. And final clean-up by Arapahoe.

Wiccacon Chapter
3-A Conclave
Camp Tuscarora, Hosted by Nayawin Rar
Sixty-six delegates attended conclave. Bill Billica served as Section Chief. The lodge placed third in the Indian Culture Exhibit, third in the Junior War Dance, and third in Team Dance. Placed second in the Lodge Display Competition. The lodge was recognized with the coveted Honor Lodge for the fourth consecutive year.
The delegation hosted a special guest one night during during the weekend. Mike Feigenbaum, from the Bronx, had been active in OA shows at several national conferences and designed the 1973 and 1977 conference patches. Feigenbaum received the DSA in 1973.

Joe Meadows


Indian Dancing Competition

Wiccacon Chapter
The following list of priorities for American in her third century was compiled at the March ordeal by lodge members. The list was presented to the lodge lodges in the section at the conclave. |
1 |
Stronger defense. |
2 |
Less government influence in private enterprise. |
3 |
Nation should work for higher education standards. |
4 |
Health care should not be run by government. |
5 |
Welfare and Social Security should be completely revised. |
6 |
Scientific research should continue. |
7 |
Court system needs revising. |
8 |
Need comprehensive energy policy. |
9 |
Government should help artifistic endeavors and athletic events such as the Olympics. |
10 |
Our Nation should help only those nations who help themselves. |
11 |
The Scouting program should be changed to help Scouts fit into the changing society. |
12 |
The OA should place more emphasis on camping and service to the basic Scouting units. |
Lodge member Willie Long served as the area adviser from 1970 through 1977. At his last conclave, a neckerchief was presented to him signed by lodge, section, and national representatives. |


National Jamboree, Moraine State Park, Pennsylvannia
Order of the Arrow Service Corps |
The National Scout Jamboree was held August 2nd-10th in Pennsylvannia. Lodge Vice Chief Al Patrick served as a member of the OA Service Corps.




National Jamboree Arena Show Arm Band
Courtesy of Al Patrick

Al Patrick, Far right second row

Jamboree Journal
August 5th, 1977
Due to the national jamboree and NOAC, there was no summer or service fellowship. However, summer camp program was well attended and considered a huge success. Lodge members who served on staff included: |
Marshall Ellis |
Chip Aldridge |
Ray Nelson |
Tom Proctor |
Randy Ballenger |
Stuart Bowman |
Paul Boston |
Scott Blue |
Ronnie Spence |
Buddy Waskey |
Roy Hamock |
Ronny Ansley |
Gary DeKleuver |
Victor Klop |
Hank Birdsong |
Kelly Carlton |
John Goforth |
Melvin Bender |
Al Patrick |
Jimmy Waskey |
Steve Lytle |
Michael Hecht |
David Wood |
W.R. Gay |
Andy Lane |
Chris Geller |
Hilton Bullock |
Joe Gorilla |
Ray Franks |
National OA Conference
University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Twenty-two lodge members attended the national conference. Originally the delegation was going to charter a bus for a fee of $108. However, due to the close proximity, lodge members to drive private cars and the fee was reduced to $80.
The Croa-Talk reported "It is now possible to see what a great section and lodge program we have. Our delegation enjoyed the Spirit Show, the campwide game, the Indian dancing, and displays." Section 3A was awarded with the first Standard Section Award Certificate in the SE REgion.
Bill Billica, Larry Feldhaus, Butch Harris, Al Patrick, and Tom Proctor served as trainers. Others helped with the lodge display on Camping Promotions and the Outdoor Fair Exhibit about Indians in North Carolina. Delegates presented the lodge with a NOAC neckerchief signed by delegates.
Bill Billica succeeded Rick Burton as the 3A Section Chief after Burton was elected National Vice-Chief. This was the highest position achieved at the time by an Arrowman from North Carolina.


Delegates |
John Workman |
Marc Black |
Gene Newberry |
Michael Joyner |
Arnie Formo |
Richard Britt |
Lewis Waskey, IV |
James Waskey |
Jeffrey Parker |
Derek Mitchell |
Tom Proctor |
Joey Mercer |
Richard Kelley |
Bruce Cunningham |
Al Patrick |
Stuart Bowman |
Roger Billica |
Bill Billica |
Michael Hecht |
Joe Meadows |
Larry Feldhaus |
Butch Harris |
New Donations to the Lodge Patch Collection |
Lodge members donated a few new items to the patch collection.
1960 National Jamboree |
Tom Proctor |
1976 SE Region Training Conference |
John Workman |
East Carolina Council Red & White |
Gene Newberry |
East Carolina Council Strip without FDL |
Gene Newberry |
Lodge members received a sheet of paper, upon registration, of all the candidates nominated for a lodge office. Then their goal was to obtain all the signatures of the people listed. This was a camp wide game to encourage fellowship and to get to know who the people were. There was a special raffle for participants who obtained all signatures. The opening show featured slides by Klahican Lodge to help promote
the 1978 conclave. |

There were several Indian activities planned which included a beadwork and costuming display, a Friday night pow wow, and members of Wahissa's Dance Team to help judge the lodge competition. Wahissa's Team had performed at the recent NOAC. Special guests also included Section Chief Trip Ruth, brothers from Occoneechee, Klahican, Catawba, and Joe Gorilla.
Quest for the Silver Arrow included a candle relay, egg throw, chopping contest, flour fling, banana eating contest, marathon across camp, and a mystery event. Tearora won the Quest. Wiccacon won the camp wide game and the Participation Award, Arapahoe won the team dance, Coree won the chapter display, and Machapunga won the Attendance Award.
Lodge officer nominations were for lodge chief Al Patrick, Jeffrey Parker, and Andy Lane. Vice-chief were Derek Mitchell and Tom Proctor. Secretary were Ronnie Ansley and Joey Mercer. And Treasurer John Pike, George Price, and Ronnie Spence.
The balance in the lodge treasury was reported as $3,761.48 and $542.50 available for camperships. Lodge dues for the 1978 year were $2.25 expected by the end of the year or there would be an added $1.00 late fee.
Tuesday, December 20th the lodge held it's annual banquet at the New Bern Shrine Club. Ken McCain opened the evening with the invocation. After dinner, Lodge Chief Joe Meadows welcomed everyone, then Scout Executive John J. Buch made a few comments. Next, the Vice-Chief of Service John Workman recognized a few awards that had been previously awarded. Other features that followed was a review of the year through a slide show, presentation
of the Banquet Attendance Award, Camping Promotions Award, Standard Chapters, and the Chief's Award. Garry Whitaker recognized the recent Vigil Honor recipients. Arnie Formo installed the 1978 officers, then Al Patrick gave his address as the incoming lodge chief.
The featured speaker was Allan "Doc" Lewis from Tslagi Lodge. Doc was a long time lay adviser, had served a few years as an area 6A adviser, and was a 1963 DSA recipient.
1977 was another successful year for the lodge. Accomplishments and contributions included lodge represention on staff at Camp Bonner, Camp Raven Knob, Camp Wild Cat Hollow in Kentucky, Philmont, the National Jamboree, and the National OA Conference. Eleven camperships were awarded, a new slide show and Where to Go Camping booklet were issued, the first Chapter Organization Manual was published to better prepare chapter leadership,
and two new committees were formed for Chapter Organization and Physical Arrangements.
Wiccacon Chapter did a wonderful job throughout the 1970's obtaining publicity in their community. Lodge Treasurer Jeffrey Parker wrote the article below. |

Lodge goals for the new year included: |
1 |
Become a National Honor Lodge. |
2 |
To be the Outstanding Lodge at the Section SE 3A Conclave. |
3 |
To strengthen and unify the lodge through: |
A. Strong and active participating chapters. |
B. Strong program of service.
C. Promotion of year-round camping. |
D. Retention of new members. |
E. Involvement by each individual in lodge activities and administration. |
4 |
To show a marked imporovement in the attendance of units at summer camp. |
Camping Promotions Seminar, January 11th-12th |
Wahissa Lodge hosted a special Camp Promotions Seminar at Camp Raven Knob that was open to the lodges in the 3A. The even started Friday evening and ended Saturday afternoon. Training sessions included showmanship skills, Scoutmaster relations, the Webelo transition, working with the council camping committee, year round camping, and the Where to Go Camping booklet. |
Inductions Seminar, February 25th |
The lodge held a Kichkinet Guide and Inductions Seminar at Camp Bonner. The goals of the seminar were to increase the number of qualified guides for the betterment of the lodge and to be a problem solver and aid to every chapter in their role of the induction process.
Training sessions included the Cardinal Principles of the Induction, conduction ceremonies and ceremonial symbolism, and the role of the Kichkinet Guide. |
Council Executive Board Meeting, March 15th
Lodge Chief Al Patrick had the opportunity to address the council executive board about the progress and status of the lodge. Patrick introduced his officers by name, gave a recap of the recent ordeal and promoted the forthcoming conclave that the lodge would host in 1980. He also spoke about the lodge's continued support to Camp Bonner and the summer camp pavilion at the council camporee.
Patrick cogently stated "Croatan Lodge has been known for years as one of the best lodges in the nation. In 1978 we should continue to be a successful lodge on a sectional, regional, and national level, but we should also strive to improve our overall program." This part of his oration was a segway into the lodge's plan and commitment to increase summer camp attendance at Bonner. He finished his delivery with a challenge that there was an opportunity for every Arrowman to get involved in some
type program in the lodge. |
The ordeal was held at Camp Bonner. The lodge inducted sixty-eight new members and twenty-nine were conferred Brotherhood. Work projects included painting the water tank, cleaning the swimming pool, painting around the various windows throughout camp, repairing cots for summer camp, and among other tasks, cutting underbrush. Also, a special project that was suggested by Mr. D.H. Gaskill from Tarboro was pursued. Mr. Gaskill suggested
that the lodge restore the grave site of Major Moses Maule. The grave site is located at the far end of the camp property in an area currently referred to as "Maule's Point."
Chapter assignements were pre-Ordeal by Natsihi, Ordeal by Tau, Brotherhood would be handled by the lodge team. Food service was handled by Toisnot, the cook crew was Arapahoe, Saturday crackerbarrel was arranged by Wiccacon, final clean-up by Tanugahi and Neusiok.
March 29th, Executive Committee Meeting
Bonanza Steak House, Greenville
Lodge Chief Al Patrick gave the offical welcome after dinner. The officers then gave their reports. Tom Proctor recaped the March ordeal inductions, Jeff Parker gave the camp promotions report, followed by Derek Mitchell who outlined the work projects for the May ordeal. Joey Mercer gave a treasury report and Ronnie Spence outlined his needs for the Croa-Talk.
Chapter assignments for the May ordeal were decided to be pre-Ordeal Natsihi, Ordeal by Tau, Brotherhood by Wiccacon. Food service would be handled by Coree, as well as, the Friday night crackerbarrel. The Saturday crackerbarrel was volunteered to by Tanugahi. Final clean-up by Coree and Tanugahi.
Next, the forthcoming 3A Conclave was discussed with general information, training, the quest, Indian dancing, Spirit Award, and transportation arrangements. In closing, the future dates on the lodge calendar were mentioned. |
3A Conclave, April 21st-23rd
Fort Caswell, Hosted by Klahican
Eighty-seven delegates from the lodge attended. Most delegates traveled together on a bus, which picked-up brothers on the way. The lodge was responsible for the Vigil Honor tapout, ceremony, and recognition during conclave. The OA founder E. Urner Goodman was a special guest. Regarded as a great orator, he gave an inspiring speech which included the importance of Indian lore, his memory of the first ordeals, and other
anecdotes that left everyone with a deeper understanding of the Order.
Special training included a newsletter seminar by the section vice-chief who also was the editor for the section newsletter the Apensuwi. The lodge led sessions in a Vigil discussion, chapter camp promotions, public relations, lodge achievement, and the role of the adult. The lodge placed first in the Topic Exhibit.
Lodge delegates promoted the forthcoming 1980 conclave by wearing "Croatan in '80" buttons.



ECU Colors

NC State Colors

Ronnie Spence recalls the story of "Joe Gorilla" which became the unofficial mascot of the lodge during the seventies. "A lodge member would rent a gorilla suit from a costume store and wear it to conclaves and lodge events. Different members would volunteer to wear the costume during the opening ceremonies, the quest, the closing ceremony or anytime the section would assemble together. Joe Gorilla pulled
a lot of spirit from members. The year that conclave was held at Fort Caswell I had the opportunity to wear the costume at the closing ceremony. We were honored and privileged to have Dr. E. Urner Goodman in attendance. I was serving as lodge treasurer at the time and was selling the infamous "Croatan in 80" buttons, which were a tremendous hit. I believe we sold them for 50 cent each. When wearing the costume, the expectation was to bring the lodge to its feet with antics and cheer leading. The
individual would run all over agitating the other lodges as well.
"Joe Gorilla"
During the excitement Dr. Goodman had been escorted in and seated at the front of the arena. While acting like some kind of wild monkey I stopped and shook hands with Dr. Goodman bringing the lodge to their feet in celebration. It was truly an experience of a lifetime I will always remember. The suit was extremely hot and would have to stop for water often. Dr. Goodman also addressed the Vigil Breakfast during the
weekend. He spoke of our solemn obligations and responsibilities as Vigil members of our lodges."
Two full camperships were donated by Bubba, Eddie, and Josie Rawl in the name of their parents. Ed Rawl, Sr. was an Eagle Scout from Greenville in 1939 and was also a former council president.

Lodge Chief Al Patrick
Croatan Cook Crew Established |
Arapahoe chapter member Len Long organized the "Croatan Cook Crew" to formally serve meals at all lodge functions. Prior to this formation, meals were handled by individual chapters. The first event they served was the May ordeal. The group had their own "Charter" which included purpose, membership requirments, job descriptions, and uniform. |

Cook Crew Charter
Page 1

Page 2
Charter Members |
Len Long |
Dalton Andrews |
Ken McCain |
Randy Downey |
Albert Hecht |
Bob Guthrie |
John Moore, Jr. |
Milam Johnson |
Tom Abell |
Tony Zito |
Lewis Waskey |

August 11th-13th, the lodge held it's last summer fellowship. After registration on Friday, swim checks were held, followd by dinner and a campfire. Saturday events included "cheerful service" in the morning. After lunch, events such as swimming, boating, softball, horseshoes, and frisbee were available. Saturday evening there was a softball tournament, campfire, crackerbarrel and patch auction.


"Skylab Search and Rescue Team" Skit
Roger Billica, Al Patrick, and W.R. Gay
National Leadership Seminar, August 4th-6th
Valdosta State College, Georgia |
The lodge participated in it's first National Leadership Seminar (NLS) with seven participants, which included the lodge key-three. NLS at this time was promoted as an intensive training experience that taught lodge and section responsibilities, understanding and interpreting National Policy, national program opportunities, and problem solving for the lodge and section.
Delegates included Al Patrick, Derek Mitchell, Tom Proctor, W.R. Gay, Rob Seate, Arnie Formo, and Richard Britt. |

National Indian Seminar, August 13th-19th
George Thomas Scout Reservation, Oklahoma |
Ray Nelson, Paul Boston, Paul Long, and Lewis Waskey represented the lodge at the Indian Seminar. The program featured seminars and workshops on Indian culture, music, dance, costuming, and field trips.
Indian Seminar
September 27th, Executive Committee Meeting
Parker's Barbecue, Greenville
Lodge Chief Al Patrick opening the meeting after the meal and welcomed everyone present. A special guest attending was Klahican's Lodge Chief Brad Starr. Next, Tom Proctor followed with an inductions report. Tom solicited for candidate guides for the next ordeal. As well as, reminded chapters to encourage eligible members to take their Brotherhood. Vice-Chief of Camp Promotions Jeffrey Parker recognized chapters
for their work at the camporee pavilion in April, which included Wiccacon, Toisnot, Natsihi, and Coree. Six full camperships and two partials were given by the lodge over the summer. Vice-Chief of Service Derek Mitchell read the work projects listed for the next ordeal. He also asked chapters to bring their own tools. Secretary Joey Mercer reminded everyone to sign the attendance sheet. There was no report given by the treasurer.
The Nominating Committee reported that they met during the summer fellowship. Chairman Rom Seate announced that the committee was working on a handbook. And that nominations for lodge officers would be formally made at the October ordeal, or they could be sent to him in Wilson. Al gave the Indian Activites report and recognized the four delegates that attended the National Indian Seminar in Oklahoma. Andy Lane reported for the Physical Arrangement committee that he needed a list of specialty skills that adults
possessed to better serve the lodge. There was discussion about the music for the 1980 3A Conclave. A suggestion was that good music at meals would take one's mind off poor food. There was also discussion about the possiblity of acquiring a permanent sound system as a project for the 3A. Vigil Committee Chairman Joey Mercer reported that candidates were selected at the summer fellowship. Croa-Talk editor Joey Pike set the deadline for submissions to be September 30th and he mentioned that his staff was considering
a new format for the newsletter.
Next, Joey Mercer reported that only Wiccacon and Toisnot have sent in their reports towards the Standard Chapter Award. He reminded everyone that the contest ended August 31st. He requested chapters to send information to him if they would like to be considered.
Chapter assignments for the October ordeal were made. The pre-Ordeal would be performed by Natsihi, Ordeal by Tau, and Brotherhood by the lodge team. Food service by Nueseokena, Friday crackerbarrel by Wiccacon, Saturday crackerbarrel by Tanugahi, and final clean-up by Coree. Also noted, the lodge Cook Crew would handle all kitchen duties. The chapter assigned the duty would only be needed as dining hall stewards. Chapters assigned crackerbarrel duties would set-up before and clean-up afterwards. The lodge would
provide the drink, crackers, bologna, and cheese. Camping around the reception center was encouraged.
Chapter assignments for the fall fellowship were also made at this time. Food service was volunteered by Arapahoe, Friday crackerbarrel by Wiccacon, Saturday crackerbarrel by Coree and Tanugahi, and final clean-up by Toisnot.
The lodge banquet was scheduled for December 19th. A motion was made and seconded to hold the banquet in Greenville. The site would be found by Natsihi Chapter.
There was report about the recent Council of Chiefs meeting, which included the date and theme for the 1979 3A Conclave. The theme was decided to be "Mindful of Our Traditions." The lodge delegation quota was sixty. The next COC meeting was noted as December 2nd and the deadline for the next Apensuwi was October 13th.
Next, Al informed the executive committee that at the September 20th council board meeting, the Eckerd Foundation and other organizations indicated their desire to lease Camp Sam Hatcher from the council to be used as an alternative adjustment program for jubeniles that were having problems with society. The council board approved a twenty year lease, which included the following: Approximately thirty-five acres would be reserved for use of council Scout troops. Permanent buildings would see an investment of
$200,000 and maintenance and up-keep would receive $5,000. The camp would be leased for an initial $12,000 with an automatic increase in the lease payments of 5% each year. The value of the total lease would be $696,790.57.
Other business included the campfire circle at Camp Bonner had it's seats removed at the summer fellowship. The replacement seats was being studied to be either concrete blocks or telephone poles. The project was noted that it would need to be completed by the following spring.
Seven members attended the recent NLS in Valdosta, Georgia. The national office was selling OA Vigil cards at five dollars each to raise money to construct an E. Urner Goodman Memorial. Lodge Lay Adviser Arnie Formo announced that all chapter funds must be kept by the council office. He suggested chapters to contact the office for additional information. Mr. Formo also reminded members of their expected behavior at ordeals.
Four adult nominations were approved would be invited to attend the October ordeal. The meeting closed with the OA Song and officially adjourned at 9:22 pm.
Thirty-two members representing ten chapters attended. Chapters not present were Kehukee, Tau, and Tarahunta.
Joey Mercer, Secretary |
Thirty-one new members were inducted and six members sealed their membership with Brotherhood. Work projects included an upgrade to the campfire circle, as well as, preparing camp for the winter. |
The fall fellowship opened with a scanvenger hunt at registration, the same as the year before. However, this year there were two parts. First, lodge members had to gather signatures by all the candidates for lodge office, as well as, the current lodge chief and advisers. The contest ran from Friday through Saturday campfire. The goal was to encourage meeting the lodge officers for the next year. The second
part of the campwide game started at lunch on Saturday. Each brother was given ten computer cards with an identical work on each. The words described different aspects of the OA. The object was to trade with someone else until a full set of ten different cards were obtained. |

Lodge officer nominations included for chief Tom Proctor, vice-chief were Derek Mitchell, and Rob Seate, secretary W.R. Gay, and treasurer Clifton Glover and David Spence.
A Brotherhood ceremony was performed by Tau, Arapahoe handled food service responsibilities, Wiccacon took care of the Friday night crackerbarrel, Tanugahi and Coree chapters took care of the Saturday night crackerbarrel, with final clean-up by Toisnot.
Quest events included an egg boiling contest, the flour fling, izzy dizzy, monkey business, fireman's follies, and tug of war. Tanugahi won the event. Tanugahi also won the campwide game, Team Dance competition won by the Croatan Dancers led by Jimmy Waskey and Paul Boston, Solo Dance by Randy Simpson, and Chapter Display by Wiccacon.
Due to a production mishap, the fall fellowship patch was not available during the weekend. However, orders were taken to reserve patches once the order arrived.
A proposed amendment to the lodge by-laws was voted on for Article I, Section F. The proposal was that "Each member shall receive one lodge flap patch upon induction into the lodge. Croatan lodge members may purchase additional flaps for $2.00 each". Lodge youth membership voted to keep the seven-hour restriction to earn a lodge flap. |


Candidate Forum
Right to left on bench: Tom Proctor, Derek Mitchell,
Joe Meadows, Lewis Hoffman
Lodge Chief Al Patrick welcomed all attendees to the banquet after the meal. Next, Scout Executive John J. Bush made some remarks. Tom Proctor followed by recognizing some awards that have already been presented. Derek Mitchell and Al then awarded the Banquet Attendance Award, the Camp Promotions Award, Standard Chapter, and Chief's Award. Then, Joey Mercer recognized the recent Vigil Honor recipients. Lodge
Lay Adviser followed with the formal installation of the 1979 lodge officers. Incoming Lodge Chief Derek Mitchell addressed the lodge. Natishi Chapter concluded the banquet with the formal closing. |

Al Patrick, Jeffrey Parker, unknown.
Lodge accomplishments for the year included: fifth consecutive year as 3A Honor Lodge, the largest single sum raised at a patch auction was $117 for a Brotherhood sash signed by E. Urner Goodman, provided $743.52 towards camperships to send needy Scouts to summer camp, the Croatan Cook Crew was established, lodge recognized as a National Honor Lodge, Joe Gorilla attended the section conclave and made a big hit. Joe Gorilla became
a "section star."
Derek Mitchell from Jacksonville served as lodge chief. |
3A Conclave, April 20th-22nd
Camp Raven Knob, Host Lodge Wahissa
The lodge 70 delegates to conclave. Paul Boston won first place in the Junior Traditional Indian Dancing competion and Jimmy Waskey placed second. Region Scouting Chairman Willie Long was a special guest. There were 578 in attendance.
The section newsletter documented that during the candidate forum, Al Patrick expressed his ideas on unifying the section at the forthcoming national conference. He hoped that the section delegates would ride a bus together to Colorado, would wear section t-shirts, and would wear a special ribbon to identify the section as a unified group. He acknowledged that the section was already very strong, but by working hard at strengthening the section internally through better communication and training, the operation
would run more effeciently. Al was elected section chief. |

The COC decided to break down training topics into three tiers. Level I was designated for demonstrations to gain interest also while training, the allotted time was fifteen minutes. Level II was to relay basic knowledge in an area that delegates would be able to apply what they learned, the allotted time was one hour. Level III was to train the delegate to be aleader in that area in his lodge to become an newsletter editor or
ordealmaster, the allotted time was ninety minutes. Croatan was assigned Unit Elections for Level I, Using Cardinal Principles for Level II, and Ordeal Planning for Level III.
Croatan was responsible for the Quest. Events included the swamp crossing, the eight-man two-legged race, cot race (the team had to make a bed and place the sleeper in the bed. The team would pick up the bed and transport the person twenty-five yards then return. Hospital corners were required. Best time determined the winner.), egg boiling, candle snuffing, electric fence (the team was required to lift or throw four of it's members
over the 'electric fence.' The team was supplied with three six foot pole and three eight foot lengths of rope. Each member who touched the fence was 'electrocuted' and was disqualified from giving further help to the team), and the tug of war.
Al Patrick was responsible to judge the Honor Lodge competition.

Croatan Lodge Delegation
1979 3A Conclave
The month following conclave, new Section Chief Al Patrick and Vice Chief Brad Starr researched the cost to charter a bus from North Carolina to Colorado for the section delegation to travel to NOAC together. There was mixed feedback from lodges. Although the idea was a positive step towards fellowship and unity. |
East Carolina University had been submitted as a possible host for a future NLS. However, Meredith College was selected instead. A major deciding factor was that the Raleigh area would be easier for more lodges to attend.
Forty-three new members were inducted. Derek Mitchell represented the council at the annual Report to the Governor in Raleigh. |
National OA Conference
Colorado State University, Fort Collins |
Eight lodge members attended the conference.
There was a special region gathering called the "Dixie Fair", which was designed as a field day to showcase talents and program ideas by respective sections.
Section Chief Al Patrick and several brothers from the lodge and section produced a special SE-3A newsletter daily at the conference. The goal was to build unity and commraderie within the section. Section delegates also wore a t-shirt and ribbon attached to their conference name tag.

Section Delegate Ribbon
NOAC Apensuwi Newsletters



Wednesday, Pg 1

Wednesday, Pg 2



Section Arrowmen that contributed to the newsletter
* Croatan Lodge members. |
Al Patrick* |
Derek Mitchell* |
Joe Meadows* |
Steve Feldhaus* |
Tom Proctor* |
W. R. Gay* |
Randy Simpson |
John Forrest |
Kevin Link |
Michel Berberovich |
Cam Miller |
Jim Hackney from Washington was selected as the new SE Region Scouting Chairman following Willie Long. By defacto he automatically became a member of the region OA committee. However, Ken Davis served as Hackney's vice chairman to keep him updated when he was unable to attend OA meetings and activities.

Section members serving on the Region OA Committee included Willie Long (3A Adviser/Croatan), Mac Gaskins (3A Staff Advisor/Uwharrie?), Charley Sullivan (National OA Committee/Occoneechee), and Jim Hackney (SE Region Scouting Chairman/Croatan).
Longtime lodge member John Hinnant served on the Indian Writings staff for the summer.

Archeologist John Hinnant far right.
Council of Chiefs Meeting, September 15th
Chapel Hill, hosted by Croatan |
Section chief Al Patrick was a trainer at Occoneechee's LOTC. He gave a session on the relationship between the section and the lodge, as well as, another one on the presentation of a 'bad' Ordeal ceremony. |


Wiccacon Chapter Members
"Pulling Their Weight"

Wiccacon Chapter
Lindsey Chamblee, Jim Edwards, Dal Newbold, Tim Minton, Ted Shaw, John Clark.
Lodge Banquet and Recipient of National
E. Urner Goodman Camping Award |
The banquet was held December 11th. End of the year statistics were 224 Ordeal members, 153 Brotherhood, and 65 Vigil Honor members, with a total membership of 442. Based on a region memo by chairman Ken Davis, membership provided approximately 5,000 man hours to camp. This number was over three times the amount of service that the other seven lodges averaged to their respective councils.
The lodge was recognized nationally for their camp promotions efforts with the coveted E. Urner Goodman Camping Award. The award was presented in 1979, but actually acknowledged the work from the previous year under Al Patrick's term as chief. The award was a nice tribute to not only the promotion efforts, but also fitting to the lodge members. The Camp Bonner staff was Croatan Lodge and the Lodge was everything special about Camp Bonner
and the staff. |

1979 Recipient of the
National E. Urner Goodman
Camping Award
Presented by the
National OA Committee