Sash signed by
Green Bar Bill
from the
50th Anniversary
Courtesy of
Michael Noble
W.R. Gay from Rocky Mount was the first to serve the new decade as lodge chief. He wrote in the lodge planbook:
"I would like to thank each member of the lodge for giving me the opportunity to serve as Lodge Chief......Croatan Lodge has a great challenge before it, in the 3-A. This challenge provides each member of the lodge an opportunity to become involved in the lodge, but we must also remember that our primary responsibility is to those who elected us in our home unit. Therefore, I issue to each of you a challenge, to serve your unit to the best of your ability and to bring at least one boy to Scouting.
I have set goals for myself and for the lodge. I want to increase the attendance at summer camp. I would also like to see more service on the local level.
The Order of the Arrow provides a unique opportunity for each of us tolearn new ideas and make new friends. We must remember the Obligation, the Scout Oath, and the Scout Laws for CROATAN LODGE to continue its tradition of success."
Croatan Lodge has had a great tradition of achievement over the years. All of these achievements have come about through the efforts of each member of the lodge. We must continue to strive for the excellence that is traditional for Croatan Lodge. Our lodge has releadedly been recognized as a National Standard Lodge or a National Honor Lodge. The goals for the year include:
1. To be a National Honor Lodge.
2. To present an excellent SE 3-A Conclave.
3. To strengthen and unify the Lodge through:
a. Strong active chapters.
b. Strong programs of service.
1. In the council.
2. In the district.
C. Camp promotions.
D. Retention of new members.
E. Involvement of the individual in the Lodge.
4. To show a marked improvement in the attendance of units at summer camp.
Section Camping Promotions Workshop, January 11th
Camp Wenasa, hosted by Tali Taktaki
Under the leadership of Al Patrick and Brad Starr, the section hosted its first camp promotions seminar. |
Lodge Chief W.R. Gay wrote in the Croa-Talk, "I would like to thank everyone for extending their support to me. We have a large job ahead of us now, but if each of us give it our all, we will show the Section we are Number One.....Seventeen.
The 3A Conclave is the biggest event in the Croatan Lodge since 1972. We want to fill our Service Crew so that each of you will be there, and be able to have fun during the weekend. There are still many workdays coming up. I hope to see you there.
Camping Promotions are one of the most important functions of the Order of the Arrow. NOW is the time for each chapter to begin its camping promotion. Let's all work to improve the attendance at camp.
I am looking forward to this year and I hope that you are also. There is ample opportunity for each of us to get involved and receive great inspiration to return to our troops. After all, whatever we get from the OA, we owe it back to our home unit."

Linwood Smith and Ted Deanes
The inductions vice chief Michael Joyner reported that Wiccacon and Tanugahi Chapters had volunteered for the ceremonies. There was no Brotherhood ceremony at the ordeal, but that it would be available in May.
Wiccacon chapter secretary reported in the Croa-Talk that their chapter entered floats in four community Christmas parades, receiving first, second, and third place trophies. He also reported that the chapter was planning to open their Canoe Trail in the spring.
The council office noted that "there was been a serious decreased in the members not re-registering with Scouting and Croatan Lodge". The noticed urged members to help former members become active again. Lodge dues were $3.25, which included a $1 late fee.
3-A Fellowship, April 18th-20th, Camp Bonner
Fifth Hosted Event
Lodge member Al Patrick served as the Area 3-A section chief. Patrick's term culminated with the lodge hosting conclave at Camp Bonner. Over five hundred brothers attended from eight lodges.
Lodge assignments included Training by Occoneecchee, Indian Affairs by Nayawin Rar, Quest by Klahican, Shows by Uwharrie, Vigil by Tslagi, Exhibits by Tali Taktaki, and Elections by Wahissa.

Leadership for Tomorrow
Conclave theme
Three brothers received the Vigil Honor during the weekend, including lodge member Greg Smith.
Special guests included national OA committeeman Charley Sullivan, Jim Hackney, and National Chief Jeff Herrman.
The Public Relations Committee of Croatan successfully held to their goals of publicizing the conclave in many areas of the state. Each lodge's hometown council office received news releases plus some thirty-five other newspapers in eastern North Carolina. WITN TV had a camera crew out on Saturday and the conclave made the 6pm news. Public Relations Chairman Frank Jones and his advisor Ted Shaw were pleased with the media results.

Host Lodge Flap
Lodge Chief W. R. Gay said "All the visiting lodges were at their best behavior and were very cooperative, that helped to make this conclave run smoothly." W.R. contributed the success to good hard workers that were willing give their all to have a good OA function that people will remember. |


Al reflected in the post conference bulletin that he felt during his term as section chief communications improved between the lodges. He felt that he did not put on conclave, rather the lodge chiefs did. Everything fell into place and participants were happy. And that he had no regrets serving as chief, none at all. |
National OA Indian Seminar
August 9th-16th at St Louis, Missouri |
Lewis Hoffman, Mike Jarvis, Henry Goodson, and Billy Maxwell attended the National OA Indian Seminar. |

National Leadership Seminar
August 1st-3rd, Meredith College |
Section Chief Al Patrick served as the program coordinator for the NLS. Several lodge members participated. The cost was $30. It was noted in the region meeting minutes held at the national conference, that the staff would follow the Sullivan plan. Meaning that "if Charley Sullivan paid, then everybody paid." |

Al Patrick
NLS Program Coordinator

Jody Clark , David Worland, Al Patrick

George Rickman, Don Fifield, Dusty Sparks
Wiccacon Chapter Canoe Trail
Final Workdays |
Wiccacon Chapter Chief Dal Newbold led the chapter with service projects held frequently through the year in order to..... |





W.R. Gay served the lodge for a second term as chief. |

Jim Perry, Roger Billica, Al Patrick
3-A Conclave, April 24th-26th
Camp Cherokee, Host Lodge Tslagi
Lodge chief W.R. was elected Area 3A vice chief. The lodge was responsible for all the Indian Affairs events, which included training and administration of the dancing competitions.
National Jamboree, Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia
Order of the Arrow Service Corps |
Billy Maxwell represented the lodge at the national jamboree as a member of the OA Service Corps.


Tom Yates, Bill Holt, Luther Ledford
Visit the National Jamboree
National OA Conference
University of Texas, Austin |
Six lodge members attended the conference. The delegates were W.R. Gay, Dal Newbold, Eugene Stephenson, Billy Maxwell, Al Patrick, and Arnie Formo. Al served on staff as a trainer. W.R. Gay and Billy Maxwell both placed in the top thirty in the Traditional War Dance competition.
The Founder's Award was unveiled at the conference. The standard for this award was to recognize outstanding youth and adult leaders on the lodge level.


1981 Camp Bonner Staff
Arrowmen continued to serve on staff at Camp Bonner. Over 1200 youth went to Bonner during the summer. The Order provided wonderful sights and sounds of the Native American tradition. Indian dancer and ceremonial team members included Joe Goodson, Danny Miller, Joe McKemey, Wes Yates, Billy Maxwell, Gary Sanderson, Henry Goodson, BoBo Roye, Phillip Brown, All Somervell, W.R. Gay, and Billy McKemey.
Wiccacon Chapter graciously provided use of their chief's bonnet, Tom Yates assisted with the selction of Indian music, which provided inspiration, and Ray Higdon helped with use of his drum. |
Lodge members on the Camp Bonner Staff included: |
Joe Goodson |
Phillip Brown |

Courtesy of the author.
Earned as a first-year camper
worn 'proud'.
Kenny Via |
Danny Miller |
Steve Shriver |
Sean Siegal |
Joe McKemey |
Tony Zito |
Wayne Miller |
Wes Yates |
Al Somervell |
Vince Hankins |
Billy Maxwell |
Broc Fountain |
Robby Burns |
Gary Sanderson |
Kent Garwick |
Al Patrick |
Henry Goodson |
W.R. Gay |
Tim Farmer |
BoBo Roye |
Mark Wilcox |
Billy McKemey |
Ellis Ledford |
Ken Hoff |
Eddie Rochelle |
Steve Mack |
Joe Cannon |
Greg Smith |
Quest events included tug-o-war, izzy dizzy, water baloon toss, boil and egg, candle snuff, and a penny dig.
The lodge held a Brotherhood ceremony performed by Tau. Additional chapter reponsiblities included dining hall by Tanugahi, Friday crackerbarrel by Neusiok, Saturday crackerbarrel by Wicaccon, and final clean-up by Toisnot.
Lodge officers elected included for lodge chief Ellis Ledford, vice chiefs John Clark, Billy McKemey, and Dal Newbold. Secretary Randy Simpson, treasurer Linwood Smith, and Croa-Talk Editor Eugene Stephenson.

The banquet was held December 18th at the First United Methodist Church in Wilson. The food was catered by Bill's Barbecue and served family style.
End of the year statistics included 126 new inductees, 34 received Brotherhood, with a membership total of 384.

1982 Lodge Officers are Installed
John Clark, Linwood Smith, Randy Simpson, Dal Newbold, Billy McKemey, Ellis Ledford.
Ellis Ledford from Pink Hill was lodge chief. The section alignment changed and three lodges from the western part of the state were added to become the new Section 7 (SE-7). The new additions were Iti Bapishe Itti Hollo #188 based in Albemarle, Eswau Huppeday #560 based in Gastonia, and Catawba #459 based in Charlotte.
Lodge goals for the new year included:
1. National Honor Lodge.
2. Section Honor Lodge with Merit.
3. At least 50% Brotherhood conversion.
4. Strengthen and unify the Lodge through:
a. Strong chapters.
b. Camp promotions.
c. Inductions.
The Wiccacon Canoe Trail
Welcome Center Dedication |




Wiccacon Welcome Center
Featured in Southern Living Magazine, March 1981
3-A Fellowship, April 16th-18th
Camp Durant, Hosted by Occoneechee Lodge
The first SE-7 conclave the lodge send sixty delegates and brought back the coveted Honor Lodge Trophy. The lodge was responsible for the section elections. The lodge placed second in the Lodge Exhibit. Billy McKemey placed first in the Solo Indian Dance category and third in the Team Dance.
Three lodges from the western part of the state joined the section, Itibapishe Iti Hollo, Catawba, and Eswau Huppeday.
The lodge delegation won the coveted Honor Lodge trophy. Billy McKemey won first place in the Solo dance competition and third place for Team Dance. Lodge member Clint Battelor was recognized by the section chief as "Mr. Section 7".
National Chief Brad Starr and the SE Region Chairman Ken Davis were special guests. Total attendence was 602 participants.

Linwood Smith looks at the camera
Andrew Stevens on far right.
He served as a Nayawin Rar Lodge Chief later and is currently active in Scouting in Farmville.

Dal Newbold

Wes Yates

Former SE-3A Section Chiefs
Left to right: Handy Hamrick (1981), Brad Starr (1981; 1981-1983 National Chief),
Al Patrick (1980), Greg Whitaker (1979), Trip Ruth (1978),
Rick Burton (1977; 1977-1979 National Vice Chief), Mike Feeney (1976).
In the May Croa-Talk it was reported that brother Bill Haskins led the effort on a canoe trail by the Neusiok Trail.
At the annual council camporee Tau, Machapunga, and Wiccacon were given "thanks" by the vice chief of camping promotions Dal Newbold for staffing the summer camp pavillion.
The camp staff serviced just over 1,000 youth at camp. The Croa-Talk gave special mention to Wiccacon, Neusiok, and Tanugahi chapters kindly allowed their Indian outfits to be used in the ceremonies at over the summer.
There was also mention in the Croa-Talk that longtime staff member and brother of the lodge Al Patrick would be leaving for law school. "Al gave Camp Bonner years and years of hard work, love and enthusiasm that only Al can give". Greg Smith wrote at "The efforts of the staff and the some 400 OA brothers who worked year-round to make Camp Bonner a place that we are all proud of is appreciated by everyone."


Camp Bonner Staff
Camp Bonner staff included: |
W. R. Gay |
Paul Davis |
Al Patrick |
Scott Zito |
Mike Hoff |
Jeff Thigpen |
Tony Zito |
Robby Burns |
Phillip Brown |
Keith Smith |
Bill Spivey |
Ward Bradshaw |
Gary Sanderson |
John Savage |
Bobo Roye |
Wayne Miller |
Larry Jackman |
David Shriver |
Brian Hodge |
Michael Browning |
Ken Hoff |
Jeff Ferris |
Mark Richardson |
Ted Rhodes |
Billy McKemey |
Frank Otano |
Glenn Redding |
Wes Yates |
Steve Shriver |
Joe McKemey |
National Leadership Seminar |
Six members attended NLS at Wake Forest University.
Completed work projects included a new shelter at the archery range, sleeping cots repaired, row boat oars sanded and oiled, the entrance signs to camp were stained, clay and reject were placed under the campsite shelters, a fire lane was cut, the trail behind the reception center was repaired with new steps added, and a new retaining wall at the campfire circle.
Wiccacon Chapter Chief Dal Newbold reported in the October Croa-Talk that their Canoe Trail was up and running. He reported that the new trail included a 400 foot long bridge across the Cashie Swamp and that troops were encouraged to reserve a canoe trip. The cost of the Ordeal was $7.25.
Qwest events included tug-o-war, izzy dizzy, water baloon toss, barrel ross, running relay, and pyramid basketball. Toisnot won the Qwest. A chapter volleyball tournament was held, plus a campwide game where attendees had to acquire lodge officer and advisor signatures, and an afternoon 'polar bear' swim in the river. A Brotherhood ceremony was conducted.
Chapter responsibilities included Brotherhood by Wiccacon, dining hall by Arapahoe, Friday crackerbarrel Neusiok, Saturday crackerbarrel Tearora, with final clean-up by Tanugahi.
It was noted in the weekend Croa-Talk that "there will be a 'crazy event' to raise money for the National Indian Campership Fund, a "Miss Croatan Contest". Every chapter enters one person at Friday night's campfire. Contestants wears outfit of choice. May the best beauty win."

Elected lodge officers included lodge chief Dal Newbold, vice chiefs Joey McKemey, Linwood Smith, Billy McKemey, secretary Robby Burns, and treasurer Wayne Miller. Committee chairman selected included Indian affairs Bennie Hardy, Vigil chairman John Clark, candidate registrar Eugene Stephenson, Croa-Talk editor John Savage, and nominiating chairman Ellis Ledford. |
The banquet was held in New Bern. Appropriately, Arapahoe chapter was acknowledged with the 'most improved chapter' with the Chief's Award under the leadership of Michael Hodges.
End of the year statistics included 139 new inductees, 35 received Brotherhood, with a membership total of 427.
Dal Newbold from Murfreesboro was elected lodge chief. The LOTC was held January 8th. A new goal for the year was emphasis on summer camp promotions, which was cited to have have each chapter target a "parent's night" to do the presentation, to wear uniforms and sashes, and to actively promote usage of the Campership Fund.
Additional lodge goals included:
1. National Honor Lodge.
2. Section Honor Lodge with Merit.
3. At least 50% Brotherhood conversion.
4. Strengthen and unify the Lodge through:
a. Strong chapters.
b. Camp promotions.
c. Inductions.
d. Training.
Indian Seminar at Camp Bonner
February 25th-27th |
Indian Affairs Committee Chairman Bennie Hardy reported that the Indian Seminar at Camp Bonner was a success. Weekend events included crafting, dancing, fun, and fellowship. Specific training included bustle making, roach and headress making, moccasin making, bead work, quill work and other interests relating to Indian culture. There was pow wow on Saturday evening. Attendees also prepared for the dance competition at conclave. There were twenty-five attendees. |
In the March edition of the Croa-Talk, vice chief of camping promotions Billy McKemey wrote that "chapters should start breaking out their slide and camp promotions programs, start calling Scoutmasters and setting up shows. All members doing the slide show should be full uniform to set a good example (and wear sashes). This year the Lodge wants to increase attendance at camp. To do this, we want the chapter to push shjowing the show as Parent's Night instead of just troop meetings. The reason for this is, the money that sents the boys to Camp comes from the parents, so that's who we want to impress. Also, we have a lot of money for camperships."
It was reported in the Croa-Talk that 100 members attended the Ordeal and sixty new members were inducted. Future lodge chiefs David Pound and Stuart Stroud were inducted. The bridge between the reception center and the parking lot was almost compelted. Drainage ditches were dug and cleaned out all over camp. $270 was made at the campership patch auction.
Linwood Smith reported that there was a proposal to ammend the Lodge By-laws at the Ordeal that "Each Croatan Lodge members shall receive one lodge flap upon induction into the lodge. That a service flap may be purchased for $2 each by Croatan Lodge members upon completion of seven hours of approved service. This service must be approved by the chapter chief or advisor and co-signed by the lodge chief
lodge advisor or lodge staff advisors. Other non-service flaps may be purchased by Croatan Lodge members for $2 each.
Chapter responsibilities included the pre-Ordeal by Neusiok, Ordeal ceremony by Tanugahi, Friday crackerbarrel by Arapahoe, Saturday crackerbarrel by Wiccacon, food service Friday through Saturday lunch by Toisnot, Saturday evening through Sunday breakfast by Coree, and final clean-up by Machapunga.
Terry Newsom wrote in the March Croa-Talk that the publication would start to include a section on patches and collecting. He wrote "You can tell a patch trader fairly easy. First you must attend a lodge function and wait around until after supper (most traders come out after dark). Then look around for someone with a bag, a box or a briefcase. This will more than likely be a patch trader. However, if the fellow with the bag, box, or briefcase has on a brown uniform its probably a UPS man. They do not collect patches, only money." Terry further wrote, "Now for the first contest. There is a patch in the reception center. Its colors are white, green, and yellow with a tree on the patch. The first voting member (under 21) to find me at the March Ordeal and tell me what year, why the event was held and where will win a patch".
SE-7 Conclave, April 15th-17th
Camp Uwharrie, Jamestown
The lodge delegation had 65 members. The lodge won
the coveted Honor Lodge trophy and placed third in the in the
Team Dance competition. In the novice catagory, Robby Burns placed
second, Bobo Roye placed third. In the experienced catagory, no one
placed - but it was acknowledged that the lodge dancers 'were
impressive'. The lodge was reposible for special events and
a training session on Power Chapters.
There was a new individual event called the "Craftsmanship Competition". The competition was to promote quality craftsmanship among Arrowmen. All contestants had to be youth delegates, items entered had to be entirely the work of the person, but the contestant could enter as many items as they wished. Items relating to the Native American heritage were encouraged.

Chapter assignments were pre-Ordeal by Toisnot, Ordeal by Neusiok, Brotherhood by Wiccacon. Friday night crackerbarrel by Machapunga, Saturday crackerbarrel by Arapahoe. Dining hall responsibilities for the first three meals were handled by Tanugahi, the last two meals by Natsihi, with final cleanup by Wiccacon.
Ellis Ledford mentioned that there was another amendment to the Lodge By-laws to be voted on at the lodge meeting. The change was that instead of restricting the cost of additional flaps to be at $2, that the verbiage be changed to "additional flaps may be purchased for a price set by the executive committee". The lodge raised $450.00 towards the campership fund. |
National OA Conference
Rutgers University, New Jersey |
The lodge sent a delegation to the national conference. Delegates included Jim Dever, Ward Bradshaw, Ellis Ledford, Vince Hankins, Billy McKemey, Billy Maxwell, Bennie Hardy, Eugene Stephenson, and Charles Boswell.
Billy Maxwell placed in the top sixteen in the individual Indian dance competition.

Jim Dever reported a NOAC recap in the October 1983 Croa-Talk. "Ellis and Vince went into New York City on day. When they came back they reported that because of the smoke you couldn't see the Empire State building when you were as close as nine blocks away.
In New Brunswick the rivers ran brown and oily, while the air was so thick that trees a hundred yarts away looked blue-green and smoky. That was the worst part of the conference, your eyes burned and sinuses clogged. I began to look at 'yankees' with some compassion, maybe they wouldn't act so gang queer if they had some oxygen to breath.
We had to go past Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C. on the way home, so the air didn't start to clear until Fredricksburg, VA. We found the first 'Mountain Dew' in Richmond.
There was a hawk at the NC-VA line. I took this for a 'welcome sight' because you don't see hawks in New Jersey. As a matter of fact, I don't remember seeing any birds in New Jersey. I guess birds don't like to fly in air thick enough to perch on.
I let Tim off in Wilson, then headed to Jacksonville alone. I blew my nose, cleared by sinuses and rediscovered the sense of smell. I was driving past a corn field and smelled the corn, then tobacco, then fresh cut greass and I knew I was close to home. On down the road toward Kinston I passed a family having a cook-out and smelled barbecut and watermelon. I went past a swamp, smelled the sweet odor, heard the crickets and frogs and watched a million bugs die on my windshield.
Within the hour I was home. National Order of the Arrow Conferences, no matter where, are great to visit. But, there is no place like home."



Croatan Lodge salutes the following who served on staff: |
Al Patrick |
Henry Goodson |
Tim Hoss |
Alton Medlin |
Jimmy Fitts |
Tony Zito |
Andy Summerlin |
Jeff Ferris |
Tracy Howell |
Bill Spivey |
Jerry Peterson |
Ward Bradshaw |
Bob Eliason |
Jerry Pittman |
Wes Yates |
BoBo Roye |
Joey McKemey |
Will King |
Brian Hodges |
Vince Hankins |
Billy McKemey |
Bryan O'Neal |
Keith Zito |
Ken Hoff |
Carlton Lucas |
Kemp Gaskill |
David Shriver |
Michael Browning |
Doug Remer |
Mitch Doub |
Eddie Rochelle |
Steve Eriksen |
Ellis Ledford |
Steve Shriver |
Eric Berisford |
Stuart Stroud |
Pictures from camp
Dal reported that in September the lodge participated in the Section Training Conference held at Camp Barnhardt. In the October Croa-Talk Al Patrick shared the history of the lodge patches to date with the help from the January 1971 newsletter. He also shared that the large wood lodge flaps depicting the first four lodge flaps were donated by Tearora Chapter in 1971. The cut-out of the current flap was done by Roger Billica in 1978. |
The 'Miss Croatan' paegent was helf to raise money for the National Indian Campership Fund. A volleyball tournament was held with the 'old men' (over 21) challenging the youth. There was also a campwide game. Quest events included a running relay, egg toss, izzy dizzy, mummy transport, pyramid basketball, and tug-o-war. A Brotherhood ceremony was conducted. After the Saturday evening campfire, an Indian pow wow was held at the reception center.
Chapter responsiblities included Brotherhood ceremony by the lodge team, dining hall for the first three meals by Coree, the last two meals by Arapahoe, Friday night crackerbarrel by Wiccacon, Saturday crackerbarrel by Neusiok, and final clean-up by Tanugahi.

New lodge officers elected were for lodge chief Dal Newbold, vice chiefs Joey McKemey, Linwood Smith, and Wayne Miller, secretary Robert Burns, and treasurer Vince Hankins. Committee chairman included for Indian Affairs Bennie Hardy, Vigil John Savage, Croa-Talk editor Michael Hodges, and nominating Billy McKemey.
Lodge membership voted to approve a new lodge trading flap.

Greg Smith and Dal Newbold
The banquet was held Friday, December 16th at Camp Bonner. The cartered buffet dinner featured turkey and dressing, baked ham, creamed potatoes, gree beans, yams, cranberry, rolls, tea and coffee. The cost was $4.25.
The Camping Promotions Award was presented to Arapahoe, Tanugahi, and Tearora chapters.
End of the year statistics included 141 new members inducted, 39 received Brotherhood, with a membership total of 462. The lodge provided over 3,000 man hours to camp.
Dal Newbold was re-elected chief. The annual Lodge Officer Training Conference (LOTC) was held on January 7th at the council office.
Lodge goals for the new year included:
1. National Honor Lodge.
2. Section Honor Lodge with Merit.
3. At least 60% Brotherhood conversion.
4. Strengthen and unify the Lodge through:
a. Strong chapters.
b. Camp promotions.
c. Inductions.
Wayne Miller announced in the March Croa-Talk that the camping promotions slide show had been revised and would be distributed at the Friday ECM meeting at the ordeal. Wayne suggested that the people making the presentation should be "a person with great knowledge of the summer camp program, wear their sash, wear their uniform, and hold a questions and answer session afterward". He also asked chapter leaders to have unit leaders have parents attend because "the persons you should impress the most are the parents. This is where the money comes from". |
Council Camporee
OA Summer Camp Pavillion |
Lodge members actively promoted Camp Bonner during the camporee. The display included two slide programs, posters, handicraft items, and Indian lore. Bill Boyle made beaded arrow ribbons that could be worn on the uniform for members of the OA. Greg Smith was 'thanked' for his efforts in the organization and success. |
Chapter responsibilities included pre-Ordeal Toisnot and Arapahoe, Ordeal by Wiccacon, Brotherhood by Neusiok. Dining hall first three meals by Machapunga, the second two meals by Araphoe, followed by final clean-up by Natsihi and Tau. Friday crackerbarrel by Tanugahi and Saturday crackerbarrel by Tearora.
Vice chief of Inductions Michael Hodges acknowledged that 102 new members were inducted into the lodge. Arnie Formo, Red McKemey and other lodge members were able to complete the new campmaster lodge in time for summer camp.
SE-7 Conclave, April 27th-29th
Camp Wenesa, Hosted by Tali Taktaki
The lodge sent 65 delegates and was recognized with the Honor Lodge with Merit trophy.

National Leadership Seminar |
Five lodge members attended NLS held at Wake Forest University.
Over 1,200 youth participated at camp. The staff included: |
Ward Bradshaw |
Kemp Gaskill |
Keith Zito |
Kelly Gaskill |
Bobo Roye |
Billy King |
Jerry Smith |
Patrick Miller |
Joey McKemey |
John Hinnant |
Sam Watts |
Ben Langley |
Adam Ipock |
Cary Robidoux |
Jeb Brown |
Stuart Stroud |
C.J. Rogers |
Bryan Fountain |
Bill Spivey |
Flint Swigart |
Jerry Pittman |
Doug Remer |
Alton Medlin |
Wayne Sawyer |
Tony Zito |
Joe Goodson |
Billy McKemey |
Greg Smith |

National Indian Seminar, August 5th-7th
Camp Bud Schiele, Rutherfordton |
Sean White, Johnny Hill, Billy Maxwell, and Giles Stroud attended the National Indian Seminar hosted by Eswau Huppeday. Billy reported that "Departing from Pinkle (Pink Hill) at midnight on August 4, we headed off for the seminar. After a night snack in Selma and forty-two renditions of "Darling Nicky" we arrived at Eswau's three year old country club Camp Bud Schile in the North Carolina mountains. |
Once registered we were driven off into four different troop sites, so the fellowship at the event was quickly widened. The rest of the day except for a swim check was spent in Buffalo Chips (an Indian supply store andnot what you are thinking). That evening the program areas and staff were introduced at the opening campfire. Unfortunately the four of us could not cover the 29 to 41 different classes each day, but we were saturated with new information.
There were panel discussions every aftertoon and program specials each night. Monday evening, there was a pow wow featuring the "Not ready for prime time Southern Drum" and the Ochikinewachibachee Northern Drum. That evening's program featured a Northern and Southern Plains cultural show that included traditional foods. Other program features included an Iroquois longhouse night, and a craft show. Friday night there was a large pow wow to close an incredible week. |
The "Miss Croatan" contest was held Friday evening at the campfire to raise money for the National Indian Campership Fund. It had been previously announced in the September Croa-Talk that the "Formo-Smith Old Men's Team" would gladly take on any challengers. A Brotherhood ceremony was held at the fellowship. Quest event included tug-o-war, egg tosss, running relay, izzy dizzy, pyramid basketball, penndy dig in flour. After the Saturday evening campfire there was an Indian pow wow.
Chapter responsiblities included the first three meals by Arapahoe, the last two by Toisnot, Friday crackerbarrel by Tanugahi, Saturday crackerbarrel by Neusiok, and Sunday clean-up by Tearora and Wiccacon.
Lodge election results for new officers included lodge chief Linwood Smith, vice chiefs Sean White, Michael Hodges, and Bennie Hardy, secretary Mike Caviness, and treasurer Lewis Smith. Committee chairman selected included for Indian Affairs Johnny Hill, nominating Joey McKemey, and for selection and administration of the Vigil Honor, Stephen Cullipher.
The lodge raised $270 towards camperships at the annual patch auction. Terry Newsom reported in the Croa-Talk that several people at the fellowship noticed that there were two different versions of the new trading flap. The design had snow on the log, but out of three looms of the original order (1020 patches), there were at least 33 found without snow on the log. The reason would be due to an oversight during production, that the white stitching ran out and was not caught until the lodge starting selling the patches.

New trading flap, snow on log
Snow underneath log

Lodge "Has Beens"
Vince Hankins, Ellis Ledford, John Savage, Tony Zito, Al Patrick, Greg Smith, W.R. Gay.
The end of the year event was held at Camp Bonner Friday, December 21st. Machapunga chapter was recognized with the Chief's Award.
End of the year statistics included 164 new members inducted, 56 received Brotherhood, with total lodge membership at 482 total members. The lodge donated $1,200 towards camperships and over 3,000 man hours to camp.

Linwood Smith from Rocky Mount was elected lodge chief. The LOTC was held January 5th.
Lodge goals for the new year included:
1. National Honor Lodge.
2. Section Honor Lodge with Merit.
3. At least 60% Brotherhood conversion.
4. Strengthen and unify the lodge through:
a. Strong chapters.
b. Camp promotions.
c. Inductions.
d. Indian affairs.
February Workday
Camp Bonner |
Linwood reported that projects at the workday would include completing the elargement of the campfire circle, completing a new fence around the nature area, and 'more'. Items to bring included a bag lunch, work gloves, tools, and a radio to listen to the basketball games. |
Vice Chief of Camp Promotions Michael Hodges reported that the lodge set a goal to increase attendance at camp by 15% over the previous summer. He also mentioned that there were 4,000 camp brochures, slide shows, and knowledge to aid in the ambitious endeavor.
Chapter responsibilities were pre-Ordeal Neusiok, Ordeal Araphahoe, Brotherhood Machapunga. Friday night crackerbarrel by Tearora and Saturday night crackerbarrel Wiccacon. The first three meals would be handled by Tanugahi and the last two by Coree. Final clean-up and "keepers of the fire" by Toisnot and Tau. The ordeal cost $7.50 and Brotherhood cost an additional $5.
SE-7 Conclave, April 19th-21st
Camp Grimes, Hosted by Catawba Lodge
The lodge won the Honor Lodge with Merit trophy, the Spirit Award, and the Indian team dance competition. A lodge member won first place in the Indian solo dance category, third place in the Indian old style novice category, second and third place in the Indian old style category, third place in the Indian Cultural Exhibit, and second place in the Topic Exhibit.
The lodge was responsible for administering the Indian Dance competition.


Tau Chapter
Front row: Section officer Ritchie Anderson (Tslagi), Linwood Smith, Bryan Morgan, Al Coe Jr.
Back row: John Whitaker, Dal Newbold, Al Coe Sr., Lewis Smith, Tom Vesce.
Chapter assignments were pre-Ordeal Tanugahi and Ordeal Wiccacon. The first three meals were handled by Machapunga, the next two by Tau. Friday night crackerbarrel was responsible by Arapahoe and Saturday night by Neusiok. Final clean up by Tearora and Toisnot. |
Mike Caviness, Johnny Hill, and Luther Ledford participated in the first OA Trek held at Philmont Scout Ranch.
1985 OA Trek
Weekend events included a campwide game, which attendees had to obtain specific signatures. There was a .25 discount off the fellowship patch if completed. Quest events included tug-o-war, a 4 x 4 post walk, izzy dizzy, a Mello Yellow chugging contest, water balloon toss, and a two-eyed three-legged race relay. The Saturday night campfire was dedicated to the lodge Indian dance competition and pow wow.
Chapter assignments included Friday crackerbarrel by Tau and Saturday by Neusiok. Dining hall service for the first three meals by Toisnot, the last two meals by Arapahoe. Sunday clean up by Tanugahi and keepers of the fire by Wiccacon.


Lodge Chief Linwood Smith
The lodge sold its first hat pins at the fellowship. Arnie Formo made his well-known popcorn and Greg Smith had a supply of 'crazy' door prizes to start the lodge gathering Friday night. |
Year end statistics included over 3,000 man hours to camp. |
Linwood served a second term as lodge chief. The LOTC was held on January 4th. |

Report to the Governor
Lodge Chief Linwood Smith and Governor Jim Martin

Billy McKemey breaking a sweat

Painting the camp staff lounge
Greg Smith on far right.
SE-7 Conclave
Camp Tuscorora, Hosted by Nayawin Rar
National OA Conference
Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant |
A delegation of seven lodge members attended the national conference.
1986 NOAC pp

Campfire bowl circa 1972

Ordeal candidates at work

Campfire bowl 1986
This is the type of service the OA provides camp.


Hoop Dancer from Wiccacon Chapter

Fancy Dancer Chris Robbins

Red McKemey auctions off a patch
Terry Newsome in the background

Vigil Recipients
Left to right: Stuart Stroud, David Pound, Gil Respess, Al Coe, Sr., Johnnie Meeks, Lewis Smith

Chapter Chiefs are installed

Saturday night crackerbarrel
The banquet was held December 19th at Camp Bonner in the reception center. Coree chapter advisor Bob Guthrie opened the evening with the invocation. After the meal lodge chief Linwood Smith welcomed everyone, then Scout Executive John J. Bush made a few comments.
Next, Sean White presented the fall fellowship awards. David Pound presented the Camp Promotions awards and Stuart Stroud presented the Inductions awards. Linwood followed by presenting the Standard Chapter recognition and Chief's Award. The recent Vigil Honor recipients were then given public recognition by chairman Flint Swigart.
Willis "Doc" Murphey was the keynote speaker. Mr. Formo officially installed the new slate of lodge officers, new Lodge Chief Stuart Stroud addressed the attendees. The evening closed with the singing of the song. |
Stuart Stroud from Kinston served as lodge chief.

Mike Caviness at the Report to the Governor
SE-7 Conclave
Camp Bud Schiele, Hosted by Eswau Huppeday
The lodge won the Team Dance and Ceremony competition trophies.

National Leadership Seminar and the National OA Indian Seminar |
Two members participated at NLS held at High Point College.
Lodge members participated in the National Indian Seminar held at Powell, Wyoming. |
Indian Seminar

The banquet was held December 18th at the Camp Bonner reception center. Coree chapter advisor Bob Guthrie gave the invovation. After the meal Lodge Chief Stuart Stroud welcomed everyone, followed by comments by Scout Executive John J. Bush. Lewis Smith presented the fall fellowship awards, David Pound presented the Camp Promotions awards, and Sean White presented the Inductions awards. Next, Stuart recognized the chapter with the largest attendance at the banquet, presented the Standard Chapter award, and the Chief's Award.

Greg Smith and Billy Boyle
prepare to recognize the new Vigil recipients
The new Vigil Honor recipients were publicly recognized by chairman Flint Swigart. The keynote speaker was the 1981-82 National Chief Brad Starr. He had served as section vice chief under Al Patrick the year before he was elected to the national post.
Next, Stuart spoke briefly about his term as chief. Mr. Formo formally installed the new officers and the new chief David Pound addressed everyone. The evening ended with the singing of the song.
End of the year statistics included raising money through the traditional patch auction to help 28 Scouts attend summer camp.

Natsihi Chapter

Vigil Honor Recipients
Mike Caviness, Sean White, Chris Robbins,
Carl Turner, Sr., Jim Preston, and Giles Stroud.
David Pound was elected lodge chief. |
SE-7 Conclave, April 22nd-24th
Camp Bowers, Hosted by Klahican
The lodge sent sixty-eight delegates to conclave and returned with the Participation and Training Awards.


Lodge 50th Anniversary Display

1938 Charter Sash

Lodge delegation
A young Allen Tharrington is third from the left

Croatan Dancers
Tyler Hobbs on far right
Philmont Staff and Chance Encounters |
Marty's first year on the Philmont was in the camping headquarters dining hall. Not a glamorous job, but its Philmont. One evening while serving dinner a crew from Mississippi passed through the line. A young Michael Edwards noticed the council strip on Marty's uniform and mentioned that his family was moving to New Bern when he returned from his trek. The first question Marty asked was "Are you in the OA? You need to come to our lodge's 50th anniversary in the fall."
At the time Michael was fourteen and had recently received Eagle Scout in Columbus Troop 3. He also happened to be a Brotherhood member. |

1988 was also Philmont's 50th
After dinner Marty went to his tent and grabbed a flyer and found Michael in base camp. Michael attended the event and as the phrase goes, "the rest is history".
Another random encounter during the summer was meeting Chick Harvey in the dining hall. Chick also noticed Marty's council strip and had mentioned that he started his professional Scouting career in our council. He also was a Vigil Honor youth recipient from Croatan and had served as the 1965 6A Vice Chief. |

Marty's first year on the Philmont Staff
The lodge delegation enroute to NOAC visited Marty at Philmont before the conference. Marty was able to spend a few days at the conference as a visitor. |
National OA Conference,
University of Colorado State, Fort Collins |
Ten lodge members attended the conference. Vice chief Mike Caviness reported in the Croa-Talk that, "Most of us hit the road a week early and toured through ten states on the way to Colorado. We visited the National Scouting Museum in Murray, Kentucky, the Grand Canyon, and Philmont Scout Ranch". David Pound wrote, "I'm sure I can speak in saying that everyone who went to NOAC had a very enjoyable trip. Please take time to ask the arrowmen who went what they learned".

Delegates |

Tyler Hobbs |
Chris Robbins |
Mike Hodges |
David Pound |
Mike Caviness |
Stuart Stroud |
Luther Ledford |
J. C. Cladopolus |
Palmer Sanders |

David Pound

Mike Caviness, Sean White, Michael Hodges

At the Grand Canyon
Sean White, J.C. Cladopolous, Stuart Stroud

J.C. and Luther

Mike Caviness, Michael Hodges, Sean White, David Pound, Stuart Stroud
The lodge executive committee approved a change to the lodge by-laws in September, but a formal vote was made at the ordeal. The proposed change would encourage active membership. Specifically the change was that "Each member shall receive one lodge flap patch upon induction" in lieu of having to purchase the flap after their ordeal. The lodge approved the change at the ordeal.
Chapter assignments were Pre-ordeal Natsihi, Ordeal by Neusiok, and Brotherhood by Tanugahi. Friday night crackerbarrel was handled by Tarhunta and Saturday by Tau. The first three meals were cleaned-up by Arapahoe, the last two by Machapunga. Final clean-up by Tearora and Neuseokena. Candidate guides came from Neusiok, Tanugahi, and Wiccacon chapters.
Lodge members Kevin Banks and Billy McKemey attended Wahissa's 50th Anniversary at Camp Raven Knob.
Fall Fellowship
Lodge 50th Anniversary Fellowship |
The lodge celebrated is golden anniversary November 4th-6th at Camp Bonner with over 300 attendees. The weekend was special with no details spared. Standard activities were held such as the Quest and a volleball competition. Special attention was placed on a large arbor for Indian Dancing and a pow wow. The theme for chapter displays was Reflections of Our Past.
Special guests included Jim Hackney (former SE Region President and lodge Vigil Honor member), Council President Joe Goodson, Council Commissioner Sparky Hood, Scout Executive John J. Bush, a 1938 charter inductee Vernon Sechriest (Troop 7 Scoutmaster in Rocky Mount from 1930-1985), George Thomason (the professional who chartered the lodge and one of the first Vigil Honor recipients in the state), former lodge members through the years. |

Several former lodge chiefs attended the event including Dr. Stratton Murrell (1949), Woody Harrison (1960), Henry Skinner (1963), Joe Oliver (1967), Dr. Jimmy Congleton (1968), Herman Gaskins (1970), Rev. Steve Worsley (1971), Glenn Pittman (1972), Joe Meadows (1977), W.R. Gay (1980-81), Dal Newbold (1983-84), and Stuart Stroud (1987). Professional staff advisers Dick Auger (1960-64) and Greg Smith (1980-85) attended too. Several lodges chief that were unable to attend sent congratulatory letters.
But the headliner was William "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt. Hillcourt was born in Denmark where he became a Scout and earned the Danish equivalent of Eagle Scout. He attended the first world jamboree in England in 1920 as a youth. In 1925 he set out to see the world. Visiting New York city he was soon discovered by Chief Scout Executive James E. West, who put him to work writing handbooks. Hillcourt wrote the first Patrol Leader's Handbook, then for Scoutmasters, then the first Field Book. Among other contributions to Scouting and accolades, he was recognized with the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award, the Silver Buffalo, and the highest award for world Scouting - The Bronze Wolf.
During the Saturday night campfire, Green Bar Bill spoke about his early experiences in the Order and his personal friendship with OA founder E. Urner Goodman. After the speech, lodge chief David Pound presented him with a lodge neckerchief. A special presentation to the lodge was made by Dr. Stratton Murrell. He presented his Indian outfit that he made and wore as lodge chief. Since the presentation, the lodge still uses the outfit for the Vigil Honor ceremony. It was also announced that former lodge chief Dr. Floyd Bryan was so touched being contacted about the reunion, that he donated $1,000 to the lodge. We also had a large delegation from Wahissa Lodge attend under the leadership of Travis Gentry. Brothers also attended from Itibapishie Iti Hollo, Occoneechee, and Amangamek Wipit.
A year of planning, ideas, and research were the culmination of the 50th anniversary youth chairman Marty Tschetter and his adviser Butch Harris. |

Limited "two per life"

David Pound welcomes everyone

Campwide game felt strip

felt patch

Special booklet given to attendees

Dance Arbor

Dance Arbor

Joint patch to commemorate
Croatan and Wahissa Lodges
Wahissa based in Winston-Salem
was charted one day after our lodge

Fancy Dancer Chris Robbins


Green Bar Bill signing memoribilia

Lodge Chief David Pound presents
Green Bar Bill with a lodge neckerchief

Tau Chapter during the Quest

Tom Yates
Congratulatory letters from former lodge chiefs

Charles Duffey, 1953

Dr. Floyd Bryan, 1957

Woody Harrison, 1960

Bob Ross, 1961

Dr. Jimmy Wells, 1965

Dr. Roger Billica, 1974

Dr. Kenny Ollive, 1976 Page 1

Dr. Kenny Olive, 1976
Page 2

50th Anniversary article by Vernon Sechriest
The Daily Telegram, Rocky Mount
November 13, 1988
The banquet was held December 16th at the Camp Bonner reception center. Coree chapter advisor Bob Guthrie gave the invocation. After the meal, Lodge Chief David Pound welcomed everyone followed by comments by Scout Executive John J. Bush. The fall fellowship awards were presented by David. |


Next, Kevin Banks presented the Camp Promotions awards and Lewis Smith presented the Inductions award. David recognized the chapter with the largest banquet attendance, then presented the Standard Chapter and Chief's Awards. The recent Vigil Honor recipients were given public recognition by chairman Flint Swigart.
The keynote speaker was longtime National OA Committeeman Charley Sullivan from Occoneechee Lodge. Afterwards the Founders Award was administered by Mr. Formo and given to David Pound and longtime advisor Pratt Williamson. Lodge Chief Pound made a few special presentations. Then, Mr. Formo installed the new lodge officers followed by a speech by David, who had been reelected. The evening closed with the singing of the song.
End of the year statistics included 3,689 man hours of service to the council, forty camperships to Scouts for summer camp, and a summer camp pavillion at the annual camporee. |

David Pound addresses the lodge

Vigil Honor Recipients
Marty Tschetter, Kevin Banks, William White, Sr.
Not pictured Percy Harrell.

50th Anniversary Chairman Marty Tschetter
and Advisor Butch Harris are acknowledged for their efforts

Head Table
Charley Sullivan (National OA Committee), Scout Executive John J. Bush, Mrs. Bush, David Pound,
Grady Mullis, Palmer Sanders, Arnie Formo, and Arla Formo

Outgoing Lodge Officers
Brian Powell, David Pound, Marty Tschetter, Kevin Banks, Tyler Hobbs, and Jamey Shine
David Pound was reelected lodge chief. Lodge dues were $2.50.
Inductions vice chief Kevin Banks reported that 34 new members were inducted into the lodge and 28 received Brotherhood. Service vice chief Brian Powell reported that a lot of projects were completed. |
SE-7 Conclave, April 21st-23rd
Camp John J. Barnhardt, Hosted by Itibapishe Iti Hollo
The lodge had a delegation of 65 members. David Pound wrote in the Croa-Talk "Our delegation enjoyed good training, good programs, and an overall good time. It was a great weekend and I think everyone enjoyed themselves." The lodge won the Participation Award.
David Bone from Tslagi Lodge served as the SE Region Chief and National Chief Jack Stephens from Arizona was a special guest. |


Lodge Display

Lodge Display

Indian Heritage Display
Palmer Sanders, Chris Humprhey,
Allen Tharrington, Luther Ledford

Indian Heritage Display

Indian Dance Competition

Croatan Dancer Michael Edwards
Far right wearing sunglasses

Croatan Dancers Talking to a Judge
Ryan Hobbs on far right

Saturday Night Campfire
Singing Songs

Quest Team
Kevin Banks, Lee Hunnings, Mike Caviness, Josh Witherspoon, Marty Tschetter,
Jamey Shine, Michael Cooper, ? , David Pound, Lewis Smith, (Spring Hope), (Spring Hope)
Chapter assignments were Pre-ordeal Tau, Ordeal ceremony Neusiok, Brotherhood ceremony Tanugahi. Friday night crackerbarrel by Tarhunta, Saturday by Natsihi. First three meals by Machapunga, last two by Tau. Candidate guides were from Arapahoe, Tarhunta, Wiccacon, and Tanugahi.
In the May Croa-Talk there was mention that due to the 50th anniversary the previous fall, many arrowmen had registered solely to attend. However, the 'extra' registered members was appearing to be a hindrance for the lodge to obtain the National Honor Lodge Award. One key requirement is to show positive membership growth over the previous year. At the time, the lodge had received this recognition for twelve consecutive years and did not want to jeapardize itself by not obtaining it again, which had become a minimum expecation for the lodge.
Camping promotions vice chief Marty Tschetter reported that Camp Bonner had more availability for Scouts to attend camp. He also suggested to make a last push to contact local troops to make a presentation with the camp promotions slide show.
The remaining portion of the $1,000 gift by Dr. Floyd Bryan to the lodge was used to purchase a truck with an extra-large bed. The truck was presented to the council for use at Camp Bonner.
Also at this ordeal the youth membership voted to accept a new lodge flap design. The patch was similar to the "tipi" design used in the 1960s.

New Brotherhood Flap

New Vigil Flap
2nd OA Philmont Trek, August
Cimarron, New Mexico |
David Pound and Michael Hodges represented the lodge at the second OA Trek held at Philmont Scout Ranch. The trek was a five day excursion into the backcountry with special fellowship and evening activities planned daily.
Marty Tschetter served his second year on the Philmont staff and met David and Michael at the backcountry horse camp Beaubien.



Just over one hundred brothers attended the fellowship and participated in the various training and competitions. Events included a team Indian dance competition, ceremony competition, Quest for the Silver Arrow, chapter volleyball competition, chapter displays, a patch auction with proceeds towards camperships, and lodge elections. Lodge chief David Pound praised "the huge amount of work that arrowmen have dedicated to summer camp improvements, camp promotion in local districts, and local chapter service to the community and Scouting".
89 FF
Unable to attend the 50th anniversary the prior year, three brothers who had considerable contributions as youth leaders and as young adult leaders were in attendance. The brothers were Roger Billica (1972 section chief, 1974 lodge chief), Billy Billica (1977 section chief), and Al Patrick (1978 lodge chief, 1980 section chief).
The newly elected lodge officers for the next year were lodge chief Brian Powell, vice chiefs Marty Tschetter, Michael Edwards, and Chris Humphrey, secretary John Ames, treasurer Steven Boyd.
Lodge awards included:
Ceremonies |
Arapahoe |
Quest for the Silver Arrow |
Tau |
Chapter Display |
Natsihi |
Volleyball |
Machapunga |
Indian Team Dance |
Arapahoe |
Attendance |
Arapahoe |
The newly conferred Vigil recipients were Thaddeus Bland (Tarboro), Bill Spivey (Plymouth), Brian Powell (Jacksonville), and Chris Norman (Plymouth).
Picture of new Vigils
The banquet was held December 15th at the Camp Bonner reception center. Lodge Cook Crew Advisor Bob Guthrie led the invocation. After the meal Lodge Chief David Pound welcomed everyone, followed by comments by Scout Executive John J. Bush. Next, David presented the fall fellowship awards. Marty Tschetter presented the Camp Promotions awards and Kevin Banks presented the Inductions awards. |
The Banquet Attendance award was presented by David, along with the Standard Chapter and Chief's Awards. Chief Pound acknowledge the recent Vigil Honor recipients. The keynote speaker was Skip Waters who was the meteorologist for the TV station WCTI. After wards, Mr. Formo administered the Founders Award recognition. Outgoing two-term Lodge Chief David Pound made a few special presentations, then the new lodge officers were installed, and new Lodge Chief Brian Powell addressed everyone. The evening closed with the singing of the song.
End of the year statistics included approximately 3,549 man hours to the council, $1500 raised to send twenty-eight Scouts to summer camp.