Local lodge activity started to take-off and become significantly more active throughout the year. Plus, chapter activity was becoming stronger during this era. The 1960's saw increased lodge activity. Woody Harrison, from Wilson, was elected lodge chief in 1960. Dick Auger served as the staff adviser from this year through 1964. The first lodge flap was issued with the restriction of "one per life," as remembered by many arrowmen from this era.

First Lodge Flap
One Per Life Restriction
February 17th, Executive Committee Meeting |
This was the first executive meeting for 1960. The bulk of the agenda was to plan the year round program and the details for the March Ordeal. Onslow and Arapahoe Chapters volunteered to handle activities at the ordeal. The Kinston Chapter volunteered for ceremonies.
Advisor Bill Bryan volunteered the lodge as a service group for the council camporee at Rich Square, which the committee approved.
Next, there was a proposal for the lodge to sponsor a wilderness trek. Ethan Davis was appointed to find a location, it was tenatively planned for August.
The year program was planned as follows:
March 18, 19, 20 |
Ordeal at Croatan |
April 13 |
Executive Meeting |
April 22, 23, 24 |
Camporee |
April 29, 30, 1 |
6-A Fellowship |
May 27, 28, 29 |
Ordeal at Charles |
August |
Adventure Trek |
November 4,5,6 |
Brotherhood Fellowship at Charles |
December 30 |
O of A Banquet |
Woody Harrison reminded everyone that the "Where To Go Camping Booklet" must be completed soon.
April 13th, Executive Committee Meeting
Respus James Restaurant, Greenville |
Toisnot, Onslow, Pitt, and Roanoke Chapters represented. There was a short report about the recent ordeal at Croatan. Dick Auger spoke about the forthcoming 6A Fellowship which included the campfire program, discussion groups, Indian dancing, and the campaign for Floyd Bryan for Area Chief. Next, preparations for the camporee were made including attendance, teepees, sashes, costumes, dance team.
The May Ordeal responsibilities included Tau for ceremonies, Pitt for torches, and Onslow for campfires. Each chapter was reminded to contribute to the scrapbook, newspaper, and camping booklet.
The first lodge newsletter, "Smoke Trails" was started with Wilbur Ormand as the editor. This particular newsletter continued through 1969, when the name changed.
The lodge received a trophy for the "Best Display" at the 6A Area Conference. Arapahoe Chapter was given recognition as being the first chapter to hold a chapter fellowship, which was a Camp Croatan.
During the area congress at the fellowship, Croatan Lodge was asked to be host for the next area fellowship. Lodge leadership took time to investigate possible locations for the event. According to a lodge memo, "After thorough investigation, we have two plans to submit (Camp Lejeune or Camp Charles)."



November 4, 5, 6, the lodge held the 2nd "Brotherhood Fellowship" at Camp Charles. Smoke Trails Editor Wilbur Ormand reported:
"Friday night, after supper, everybody from Wilson, Greenville, and New Bern ventured to their various football games.
Saturday morning, the large group of members attending the fellowship divided into five groups for discussions, which were led by capable men. Chapter Admistration and organization was led by Charles Taylor; Unit Elections by Joe Tyson; Calling Out Ceremony by Edward Robbins, Interview of the Ordeal Candidates by Carl Hunter, Ordeal Ceremony by Frank Wilson. At 11am everyone was called together and one person reported what was discussed.
After the discssuon reports, Lodge Chief Woody Harrison asked for any ideas that anyone might have about the 6A Fellowship. A great number of things were brought up. At the conclusion of this discussion, everybody played games until lunch including volleball, football, softball, canoeing, horseshoes, and many other things
After lunch, the brotherhood members cleaned the council ring and prepared for the ceremony. The Vigil members prepared for that ceremony, and the 27 brotherhood candidates studied for their questioning at 5:00. The barbequed chicken feast was followed by the brotherhood ceremony in the OA council ring and a fun campfire at the camp's council ring. The Vigil tapout and and chapter dance cempetition was held and then a crackerbarrel. At the crackerbarrel, coup feathers were given out and films of the recent jamboree and the last 6A were shown.
Sunday morning, after breakfast and church, the business meeting was held. At the meeting, munutes of the last ordeal were read, the campsite booklet, newspaper and scrapbook were discussed, the 6A was mentioned again, the OA banquet was discussed and a report given by Harold Bowers of the Natsihi chapter. The last item of the fellowship was the election of new officers, to be installed at the banquet on December 30th. The highlight of the morning was the announcement of Will Bryan Pittlman becoming a Vigil member."
August 10th, Executive Committee Meeting
Camp Charles |
Toisnot, Onslow, Pitt, and Kinston Chapters were represented for a total attendance of fourteen members. After eating t-bone steaks and trimmings, the meeting was called to order.
There was discussion, since the Chowan Chapter was responsible to plan the adventure trek and was not present, to cancel the event until the next year. Due to the fact that an event was on the year round calendar already, a few members thought the trek ought be carried out. However, the motion was passed to postpone the trek.
The Brotherhood Fellowship at Camp Charles was planned. Toisnot would handle the ceremony, Pitt would be responsible for torches, Onslow the entertainment and field events. Darden Eure was asked to take care of the Vigil selection and ceremony.
Next, the lodge banquet was discussed. Dr. Ed Carter had already volunteered to take care of arrangements at East Carolina College. Pitt Chapter would take care of decorations, entertainment, and the speaker. A list of possible speakers was drawn up. It was definitely decided that the banquet would not be co-ed. This closed discussion about the banquet and some time was spent discussing the 6-A Fellowship. Nothing was definitely decided but many fine ideas were brought out.
Prior to closing, Chief Woody emphasized the importance of participating in the campsite booklet and newsletter. He asked every chapter activitiy to be recorded and a copy sent to him to put in the newspaper and scrapbook. Also mentioned was how "We, the executive committee and the Lodge, committed ourselves to complete a Camp Site Booklet this year. But as of this meeting it still had not been completed. He asked every chapter to send a map and information on a campsite in their area.
Strat talked some on costuming and mentioned it would be nice to have pictures of the members as they came into the lodge, which was discussed briefly. The meeting as closed by singing the OA Song at 9pm.
December 30th, the first lodge banquet was held at St. James Methodist Church in Greenville. After the introductions were made by outgoing Lodge Chief Woody Harrison, retiring Vice-Chief Bob Ross gave a review of the events for 1960 including 161 Ordeal members, 28 received Brotherhood, 1 received the Vigil Honor. Four executive committee meetings were held during the year. Ross mentioned Woody drove over 300 miles one night to be present at one of the executive meetings. The lodge handled traffic at the council camporee and did an outstanding job on Wednesday evenings for the Indian pageants during summer camp.
Scout Executive O.B. Roberts gave the address titled "Service by the Order." Bill Mickey, the area 6A Chief was also present. The following day after the banquet, brother Mikey planned to go to Camp Lejeune to see the site of the 1961 6A Fellowship.
Outgoing Lodge Chief Woody Harrison wrote a letter to lodge members in the lodge newsletter.

Dick Auger's Vigil Sash
from 1955 as a member of
Iti Bapishe Iti Hollo #188
Central North Carolina Council
March 30th, Executive Committee Meeting
Respress James Restaurant, Greenville |
The meeting was called to order by Lodge Chief Bob Ross. Immediately Mr. Auger discussed the group plans for the ordeal to be held on May 26, 27, 28. Chapters were given their individual assignments.
Vice Chief Edward Robbins gave a report on the Ordeal held at Camp Croatan recently. Thirty-seven canidates were inducted by Arapahoe and Onslow Chapters. Rob Ross placed Henry Skinner in charge of the lodge scrapbook and Tom Harris was appointed editor of the newspaper.
District Executive Joe Tyson informed the group of preparations for the 6A Fellowship. An area had been cleared for use and the U.S. Marines have done everything in their power to make "our stay" at Camp Lejuene enjoyable. Mr. Auger reported on the program for the 6A. Each lodge would have a gateway to their respective camping areas. A prize would be awared for the best gateway. As well as, awards would be given to the best Indian Dance Team and Best All-Around Lodge.
Next, each chapter gave a brief report on their respective preparations. A motion was made and passed that deliquent members be required to pay 50 cents in addition to the $1 yearly dues in order to be reinstated . A motion was also passed to pay $20 of the $26 National Conference fee that was to be held in August. Six delegates were planning to attend. The committee unanomously decided to nominate Bob Ross for 6A Chief.
The meeting was closed in the traditional manner.
Tom Harris, Secretary
Seven youth and two adult leader arrowmen from the Onslow Chapter participated in a 100 mile canoe trip down the Cape Fear River. The itenerary was from Fayetteville to Wilmington and took approximately six days.



Second Hosted Area Fellowship
The lodge hosted it's second 6A Fellowship, this time at Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, due to larger space provided. Recreational activities included markenship, an obstacle course, exhibition of the base judo team, a helicopter demonstration, and a tour of the base. Beyond registration of delegates the lodge was responsible for the evening campfires and a discussion group for service projects. At the event, Croatan received the coveted 6A Honor Lodge Trophy. Bob Ross, from Kinston, was lodge chief and was elected Area Chief for the next year.



Six members the National OA Conference (NOAC) in Bloomington, Indiana. This is the first national event, since the 1940 National Meeting, that lodge members attended. Woody Harrison and Bob Ross led discussion groups at the conference.
Motions were passed at the fall ordeal to construct a lodge building and to establish the Chapter Trophy Contest.

Natsihi Chapter Dancers
(Greenville area)
May 1961

Tom Peason, from Jacksonville, was elected lodge chief. Lodge chapters held pancake suppers in their communities to raise money towards a new building for camp, which over $1,000 was raised. The first fall fellowship patch was issued and the only neckerchief issued at a fall fellowship. Dick Auger conducted a patch auction.

Lodge member Bob Ross served as the Area Chief, which the fellowship was hosted at Camp Raven Knob by Wahissa Lodge #118. Woody Harrison served as the area secretary. Croatan was responsible for all bulletins, publications throughout the weekend, and crackerbarrell entertainment Saturday night. The lodge was also responsible for the discussion group theme "Chapter Organization.


Lodge Chief Tom Pearson

Banquet Fellowship
Henry Skinner from Wilson served as lodge chief. Motions were passed to change the flap patch design, which an Indian village scene was chosen. The flap was not fully embroidered and the border was only red.
The lodge was responsible for displaying the Ordeal tapout and pre-Ordeal ceremonies at the 6A Conclave hosted by Occoneechee Lodge in Raleigh. Croatan also held a discussion group regarding service projects. A special guest at the conference was Chief Red Fox of the Sioux Tribe. Tom Pearson remembers the chief "talking about the Battle of Little Big Horn."

Chief Red Fox Talking to Tom Pearson
1963 6A Area Fellowship
Camp Durant

1963 Area 6A Fellowship
Indian Dance Competition





Eight delegates attended the national conference at the University of Illinois at Champaign, led by chapter advisor Pratt Williamson. Tom Pearson served on the administrative staff at the conference. Afterwards, Tom represented the lodge as one of twenty-four Eagle Scout arrowmen from across the nation for a special service troop at the 12th National Training Conference for Scout Executives.
At this point, Pratt Williamson's contribution to the lodge is noteworthy. He grew up in Swan Quarter and was a Scout as a youth. He was actually inducted into the Ti'ak Lodge #404 located in the Pine Burr Area Council in Southern Mississippi while in the U.S. Air Force.

Explorer Vocational Conference 1952
Third from left, Pratt Williamson
When he returned from the service, Pratt got active in the Croatan as the Machapunga Chapter Adviser serving the Washington and Beaufort areas. He received the Vigil Honor in 1963 and was continuously active in the lodge as some type advisor through 2004.
At the fall fellowship at Camp Charles, apparently the patch issued was the same one from the previous year. Machapunga Chapter serving Washington and Beaufort Counties was starting to become real active under the advisorship of Pratt Williamson.
The council annual report listed 181 candidates inducted, 28 Brotherhood honors conferred, for a total membership of 502. Banquet attendance was 71.

Machapunga Chapter Tap Out Ceremony
Beauhywaty District
September 7th, 1963

Machapunga Chapter Early 1960's
Chuck Pearson served as lodge chief in 1964. Lay Adviser Stratton Murrell and professional adviser Dick Auger served through this year, then ended their tenure with the lodge as advisers. Tom Pearson was elected 6A Area Chief.
Based on the council annual report the lodge inducted 213 members, conferred Brotherhood to 31 members, and ended lodge membership with 613. Arapahoe Chapter wond the Lodge Trophy for the third year. Attendance at the end of the year banquet was 150 in fellowship.


Cro-Jam-Pam Chapter (New Bern area)
Delegates to the 1964 6A Area Conference

Onslow Chapter (Jacksonville area)
Delegates to the 1964 6A Area Conference




The lodge chief this year was Scout Jimmy Wells from Greenville. A trivial sidenote, Jimmy's uncle Ed Wells was the second Eagle Scout in Greenville in 1932. The lodge hosted it's second area conference at Camp Lejuene in Jacksonville. Former lodge chief Tom Pearson served as the area chief. Chick Harvey served as the area vice-chief. The conference was highlighted as the 50th Anniversary of the Order of the Arrow. The lodge received the coveted 6A Honor Lodge.
According to the Area 6A flyer, each lodge was allotted two youth to receive their brotherhood and one member to take the Vigil Honor. The lodge did not paticipate in the discussion groups. However, was responsible for the Vigil cermony.


Colonel G.H. West, the Institutional Representative for Scouting
at Camp Lejeune Marine Base making last minute preparations for the Area 6A Fellowship.
He is discussing the camp layout with Major J.M. Glenks, who was the base coordinator for the fellowship, with Dr. Stratton Murrell, Croatan Lodge Adviser, and Staff Adviser Joe Tyson.
At the fall fellowship, motions were passed to lift the restriction of the lodge flap of "One per Life" because membership was trying to raise money to build a lodge building. No members are known to have attended the national conference.
The council annual report mentioned the lodge inducted 216 candidates and conferred 26 Brotherhood members. Lodge membership ended the year with 536 brothers.


1965 Lodge Banquet
Max Whitely from New Bern served as the chief. The lodge held ordeals in March and May, the fall fellowship in October. The lodge newsletter "Smoke Trails" reminded arrowmen "to bring their Scout Uniform, O of A sash, personal effects, raincoast, bedroll and work clothes. If you happen to have extra tools at home, including paint brushes, hammers, saws, rakes, shovels, pitch forks, sling blades, etc. We always need extra tools for this ordeal."

Lodge Chief Max Whitley
The area conference was hosted by Tslagi Lodge at Camp Cherokee April 22-24th. Approximately 300 hundred arrowmen within the 6A participated. The lodge delegation participated in the Quest for the Golden Arrow and had an Indian display for the Lodge Display Competition. According to the area congress, rules for the lodge displays consisted of the following criteria:
1. Each of the eight lodges will be allowed to have only one display; the display must be able to fit in a 6 x 5 foot space.
2. The exhibit must pertain to some phase of Scouting.
3. The judging will be based on the originality of the display and research put into the display.
4. The host lodge will not furnish any supporting equipment for the display.


Croatan Lodge Display

Wahissa Lodge Training Session

The Maycheck Quest Event

Patch Trading

Retreat Ceremony

Osage Eagle Dance

The Hunter Dance by Uwharrie Lodge

David Boone is Installed as 6A Chief

A History of the 6A Area
Issued by Tali Tak Taki
Historical text written by
Bob Wolff.
Machapunga Chapter took a weekend camping trip to Ocracoke Island in July. The Coastland Times in Manteo reported:
"The chapter serving the Beauhywaty District of East Carolina Council climaxed three days of camping activities at Ocrakoke by attending the United Methodist Church and afterward electing three officers.
Pratt Williamson, Jr., chapter advisor and Danny Pittman, secretary of the chapter, were the officers present and in charge. The following members of the order were present for the weekend camping: Pratt Williams, Jr., Bob Prescott, Ward Miller, Allan Buckley, Billy Dudley, Wayne Harris, Tim Elks, Danny Pittman, William Sullivan, Herman Gaskins, Vernon Woolard, Jim Buckman, Bob Culler, Weldon Sullivan, C.W. Clagget, Jesse Beatty, and the Rev. T.H. House.
Swimming, fishing, cooking, camping, hiking were the program for the three days."

Machapunga Chapter at the United Methodist Church in Ocrakoke

Pratt Williamson
The lodge executive committee met in October at Harold Bowers house in Greenville to plan the fall fellowship. Natsihi chapter prepared an evening meal for everyone at a cost of fity cents per person. At this meeting, the executive committee decided to create a special trophy in honor of Joe Tyson to the chapter winner of the Silver Arrow Quest. Joe Tyson was a district executive and former staff advisor. Whitley appointed John Hinnant, Jimmy Congleton, Bill Bishop, Danny Pittman, and Bill McCain to serve as the Nominating Committee at the forthcoming fellowshop.
After the meeting a bulletin was issued to share chapter assignments for the fellowship, which would include an Ordeal. Neusiok performed the Pre-Ordeal ceremony, Machapunga the Ordeal, and Tearora the Brotherhood. Also mentioned in this lodge bulletin, a new lodge neckerchief was ordered and expected to arrive after the event. Arrangements were made to reserve neckerchiefs at the cost of $3.
Lodge members were encouraged to participate in ceremonies but reminded in order to attend, "it is required that a costume be worn, or an Indian Blanket be placed around your shoulders."
The last order of business for the year was the banquet held Friday, December 30th at the First Christian Church in Washington, which was attended by 196 people. The speaker was District Executive Joe Tyson of the Central Georgia Council in Macon. Other awards presented were the Honor Chapter Trophy, a wall plaque presented to the chapter with the Best Percentage of Attendance at the banquet. Lodge dues for 1967 were $1.
The council annual report listed 203 candidates inducted and 52 Brotherhood members installed. Total membership ended with 540 brothers.
The chief's bonnet was passed to Joe Oliver from Snow Hill. A fully embroidered flap was issued without restriction. At this time the flap only had a red border.
The lodge executive committee met in February at Harold Bowers house in the form of a dinner meeting. The adgenda included planning for the 6A Fellowship, revising the chapter trophy criteria, discussing the National Conference, and the spring ordeal.

First Fully Embroidered Lodge Flap (S1)
Issued Only with a Red Border, No Restrictions
Wahissa hosted the area conference at Camp Raven Knob. Natishi Chapter performed a special Brotherhood ceremony at the fellowship. The area congress asked each lodge to put on a "special demonstration" relating to their respective areas of the state. Jimmy Congleton was appointed chairman for the lodge with the assistance of Bob Chandler and Bob Fleming. Toisnot Chapter represented the lodge with a team dance.




Croatan Lodge Display
2nd Place

Croatan Lodge Display
2nd Place
Individual Indian Dance Competition

1st Place - Frank Lagrange

2nd Place - Ray Mendenhall

3rd Place - Mike Bennett
Lodge Member Represented Region Six
for Annual Report to Congress |
At this time in Scouting, the nation was divided into twelve geographic regions, which were assigned a number. The region serving North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida was known as "Six." Each year a representative, from each region, was selected to participate in the "Boy Scouts Annual Report to Congress" held in Washington, D.C. And this year lodge arrowman and future lodge chief Jimmy Congleton, of Stokes, was selected. Participants met their local congressman, toured the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, met the Chief Scout Executive, and among other dignitaries, the President, who was Lyndon B. Johnson.



Presenting the National BSA Report to President Johnson

Walter B. Jones Meets
Eagle Scout Jimmy Congleton

One of the other participants in this trip was Ed Pease, who would later serve as the National Order of the Arrow Committee Chairman (1993-1999). In the 1990's, Ed fostered a friendship with a future Croatan lodge chief and became a key supporter for this chief's innovative idea.
John Hinnant and Ashborn Wichard attended the national conference in Lincoln, Nebraska. John recollected that on their flight to the conference, E. Urner Goodman was on their plane from Chicago. He was telling stories about the early days of the Order to about ten Scouts gathered around him.


1967 Silver Beaver Presentation
to Lodge Member Eugene Kolczynski (on left),
Willie Long, Jr. (on right) received the award in 1966.
Jimmy Congleton, from Stokes, served as the lodge chief. The council annual report listed 291 candidates inducted and 53 Brotherhoods conferred. Total membership ended the year with 642 brothers. Attendance at the end of the year lodge banquet was 109.


Opening Ceremony


Indian Dancing Team Competition

Indian Dancing Solo Competion


Patch Trading

A New 6A Area Chief is Installed

Area 6A Officers

The elected chief was John Kiser from Jacksonville. He had been inducted in Amangamek Wipit Lodge #470, which services the area of the nation's capitol, in 1965. He received his brotherhood at Camp Charles in 1967.
On a morbid note, brotherhood member Ronald Gilman Alcock, from Greenville, was killed in action serving in South Vietnam on May 17th. Ronald took his ordeal at Camp Charles in 1960 and received his Brotherhood two years later. He was serving in the U.S. Navy and left behind a wife and child. At the National Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C., Alcock's name is listed on Panel 24 West, Line 27.


John Hinnant
1969 NOAC
The area did not hold a fellowship this year. However, three lodge members did attend the national conference in Bloomington, Indiana. Herman Gaskins, Danny Pittman, and John Hinnant were exposed to an invigorating atmosphere. In training sessions, the three learned that youth actually ran the strong lodges. This experience had a profound impact on the three and planted a seed to take new program ideas back to Eastern North Carolina, as well as, seize the opportunities as youth leaders.

Fresh ideas to lodge program would energize membership and help retention. Herman, Danny, and John brainstormed innovations they could immplement, which included a planbook, a stronger newsletter newsletter with a different format, training for both lodge and chapter officers, the lodge committee system, "Where To Go Camping" booklet, emphasis promoting the council camps to troops. Also at this time, Herman corresponded frequently writing letters with Danny and Steve Worsley, who was becoming an understudy to Herman.
Motivated to make positive changes, Herman was elected lodge chief at the Fall Fellowship. Immediately out of the gate, he started to implement his adgenda. Prior to the lodge banquet, the first Lodge Officers Training Conference (LOTC) was held December 20th at Camp Bonner in the reception center. Herman discussed extensively the duties of each officer with lodge adviser Tom Marr. This list along with an organization plan was forwarded to lodge officers before the training conference.
The council annual report listed 289 candidates inducted, 37 were conferred Brotherhood honors, and ended the year with a significant increase of 762 members. The annual banquet was 129 attendees.
Beyond service to the council properties, the lodge contributed to $4,400 in cash and $950 in equipment and labor estimated at thousands of dollars towards the new reception center at Camp Bonner.

Danny Pittman
1969 NOAC


Tenative Officer Organization
December 23, 1969
"Dear Sirs,
As we approach the new year, there will be many changes in the organization and activities of the Croatan Lodge. Many decisions were made at the recent Lodge Officer Training Conference. One of these centered on the duties of our three Vice-Chiefs. These Vice-Chiefs will be the Chairmen of our Operating Committees (Induction, Camping Promotion, Service and Activities)..................I hope to speak to each of your individually at the Lodge Banquet and make plans for 1970."
Herman Gaskins, Jr.
Lodge Chief - 1970