Due to the Second World War, Camp Charles was closed in 1942 until the summer of 1945. Camp Charles was not used again during the summer until 1949. However, when it reopened, it was only open for three weeks Based on council records, the lodge was inactive from 1943 through 1948.

William Clifton Wall, known to youth as "Captain Bill", was a veteran Scouter. He grew up in New Albany, Mississippi where he received Eagle Scout in 1929 and served on the local camp staff. He graduated from Union University in Tennessee and reentered Scouting as a volunteer for several years prior to joining the professional service. Wall was commissioned as an assiatant field Scout executive
in Asheville in 1942. He served on the recently formed North Carolina OA Committee from 1946 through 1947, when he accepted a job transfer.

Camp Daniel Boone Staff
Early 1940's
Asheville, North Carolina

Jenny and Bill Wall
Circa 1953
Wall transferred to the East Carolina Council as a field executive on September 3rd. Due to his successful tenure on the state OA committee, he was eager to establish lapsed Croatan lodge in his new council. Scout Executive Freeman Self supported his interests and efforts. Captain Bill wrote to the area adviser Ned Vaughan-Lloyd requesting a charter application in June of 1948. However, the lodge was not
activated until the following summer. Wall served as the staff adviser from 1949 through 1952.
He remained on the council staff halfway through 1955 when he was promoted to Scout Executive of the Cape Fear Area Council based in Wilmington.

Letter from Bill Wall to Ned Vaughan-Lloyd
Requesting a new charter
Courtesy of the
Camp Raven Knob Historical Association
Mount Airy, North Carolina
Two youth who played integral roles at both Camp Charles and the new lodge of this era were Stratton and Vann Murrell, from Jacksonville. Many consider Stratton the first Eagle Scout in Onslow County in 1943, which was still a relatively rural area. Vann received the award in 1947. Growing up during the war years, both brothers
attended summer camp in Tuscorora Council based in Goldsboro.
Scouting in the Goldsboro area was rich with adult leadership and program during the 1920's. The council had twenty three Eagle Scouts between 1924-1929, sent the first Region 6 expedition to Philturn in 1941 (the next year Philturn became known as Philmont), and had one of the first honor organizations in the state at camp to
help maintain interest in Scouting for the older boy.

Kunieh membership patch earned by
Statton Murrell
As far back as 1929, the council instituted Kunieh. This was an honor organization, similar to the Order of the Arrow, but not recognized by the national council. This society was used until the formation of the council Order of the Arrow lodge in 1945 which was named Nayawin Rar #296. There was a stipulation when the
lodge by-laws were being drafted, that existing Kunieh members would automatically become lodge members.
Croatan Connection to Early North Carolina Order Member |
The Tuscorora Scout Executive during this time was Robert Wolff, a 1934 inductee of Hunnikick Lodge #76 based in Burlington County Council in New Jersey. Originally a Greensboro
native, when Wolff returned to North Carolina he became heavily involved in Tali Taktaki #70. Under Wolff's leadership, he promoted the Order and helped start many lodges throughout the South. He is also credited with organizing the first couple of North Carolina OA meetings. He was one of the Order's first recipients of the Distinguished Service Award (DSA) in 1946.
Wolff left professional service in 1949 and resided in Greenville from that time through 1967 where he befriended the young Roger Billica. Wolff, a nature enthusiast, volunteered many hours at Camp Charles and later the new Camp Bonner.

Robert Lee Wolff, Jr.
1937 World Jamboree
Courtesy of the
Hammerstone Scout Museum
Lillington, NC
In fact, the nature area of Camp Bonner was dedicated to Robert Wolff. Ironically, Roger Billica later received the DSA years later. Wolff passed away in Greensboro in 1969.
Camp Charles staff member Robert Ross, during the early 1960's, remembered Bob Wolff:
"He was like a second father to me. I give him a lot of credit for shaping my values and character as I was growing up. He spent a lot of time with me as I was the nature counselor at two camps for four years and that was one of his areas of specialty.
All the staff members loved him and eagerly looked forward to his weekley visit to camp. He
was witty, funny, and had a great way about him of being able to criticize a kid without being offensive. He brought the camp staff an ice cream machine one time and then during each of his weekly visits, he would bring a large sack of peaches, bananas, and so forth to make ice cream."
The Murrell brothers both served on the aquatics staff. According to the council annual report, "Strat was responsible for aquatics, ceremonies, and devotionals. Vann also oversaw aquatics and the Order of the Arrow." Strat was the first known lodge chief, serving in 1949 and 1950. Vann followed in 1951.

Stratton Murrell at a
Camp Charles campfire
Circa 1949

Stratton Murrell with three Indians
at a Camp Charles campfire
Circa 1949
The degree team was the name referred to for ceremonies. Strat served as the medicine man, equivalent to Meteu in modern terms. Ironically, Stratton later became a real medicine man, an eye specialist. Under Strat's second term as chief, he led lodge members down the Tar River on an exciting 200 mile canoe trip.
According the records maintained by the national office, 32 candidate were inducted in 1951 and 6 brotherhood honors were conferred for a total of 78 active memberships. Several officers and chiefs were elected from the 1950-1951 camp staffs including Jack Menius, Charles Duffy, and Johnny Stallings.

1951 Camp Charles Staff
Back row, left to right: Ward Gibbs, ? , ? , Vann Murrell, ? , Stratton Murrell. Front row, left to right: ?, Rudolph Manning, Charles Duffy, Jack Menius, ? , Johnny Stallings, W.C. Wall. Unidentifiable names on back of photo: Alex Taylor, David L. Bridgers,
Hugh Lindsey.

Flag raising at Camp Charles Circa 1951
Small child on far right is Bill Wall, Jr.
Jack Menius from New Bern was elected lodge chief, Johnny Stallings from Wilson was elected vice-chief, Lee Denny from Wilson was elected treasurer, and Charles Duffy from New Bern was elected secretary. By now the lodge was getting organized as it was divided into three chapters.
Area One covered Wilson, Nash, Rocky Mount, and Edgemcombe districts under the adminstration of Ed Griffin of Nashville and Charles Boone from Rocky Mount.

Jack Menius
1952 Lodge Chief
Area Two covered Halifax, Roanoke, Chowan, Wasmaty, and Pitt Distructs under Warren Wayne from Roanoke Rapids and Jimmy White from Colerain. Area Three covered Cra-Jo-Pam (New Bern Area) Contentnea, Onslow, Carteret, and Beaufort-Hyde districts under Roy Fagan from New Bern and Jimmy Fagan from Morehead City.

At the area conference hosted by Nayawin Rar lodge in March, Bill Wall received the Vigil Honor, Croatan's first recipient. Captain Bill's Vigil name was interpreted as Little Fox. Field Executive Lester Dollar was appointed staff adviser at this time and served until 1955.

Chapter tapout in 1952
at a Shrine camp, New Bern
Courtesy of Roy Fagan

OA Handbook used by a lodge member, Circa 1948-1952
from the collection of Adam Long
Camp Charles Early 1950's







Camp Charles map
Circa 1952
Under lodge chief Charles Duffy's term in 1953, the lodge issued it's first pocket patch. The shape was in the form of an arrowhead and depicted a deer jumping. The patches were issued with a one per life restriction. The inital issues had a wide border. Lodge membership grew to 85 active brothers, including 19 brotherhoods, and 1 Vigil.

Charles Duffey
1953 Lodge Chief

Lodge Arrowhead, 1953-1959
Large border (A-1)


Wooden lodge neckerchief slide
Made and worn by W.C. Wall

Backside of wooden neckerchief slide
for the "Cro-Jam-Pac" District serving the New Bern area
James Willis from Morehead City served as the lodge chief in 1954 and Alex Warren from Snow Hill served as the Treasurer. Steve Farrish from Ayden was elected the following year. Alex Warren was re-elected treasurer. Richard Veronne from Rocky Mount served as secretary.
There lodge inducted 32 members. The year ended with 63 Ordeal members, 23 Brotherhoods, and 2 Vigil recipients.

At this time in the lodge, the lodge served more as an extension of summer camp. There were not too many activities beyond camp. During the era the council leased land fron the National Forest Service near New Bern to be used as a summer camp. The parcel of land had been used in the 1930's as a Civilian Conservation Corps site and the Scouts used the
same name "Camp Croatan."

Camp Croatan Staff
Early 1950's

Camp Charles Wilson Hall
Late 1950's

Camp Croatan Staff
Early 1950's
By 1955, active membership increased to 109, brotherhood membership to 31 and 2 more Vigil Honors were conferred.

The lodge hosted the first of two area conferences for 1955 in March at Camp Croatan near New Bern. The camp was leased to the council for summer usage from approximately 1953 until the early 1960's. This was the first area event hosted by the lodge.
According to the March 25th issue of the New Bern Sun Journal,
"Area 6-A comprises of most of the state and this meeting will be for members and advisers of lodges. This is an annual program of fellowship and marks the first time such a gathering has been held in the East Carolina Council. Lin Adams of Reidsville will serve as the advisor to the conference. Ed "Buddy" Tyndall from New Bern is area chief and wll be the chairman of the conference. Camp will be crowded to capacity with 225 participants."
There was no patch given to participants, only a green neckerchief slide which is considered rare.

Another item that has surfaced in recent years is a small wooden sign recognizing the conference. Typically the board has been signed on the back by attendees. Perhaps this was a commemoration of the event given to area or lodge officers or all attendees. The significance is unknown.
Scout Executive Ralph Mozo, a veteran Scouter, received his Vigil Honor at the fellowship. As well as, staff adviser Lester Dollar.

Area Chiefs and the National Planning Meeting |
Traditonally in former days of area conferences through the early 1970's, the area chief was selected from the host lodge. This was not always the case, however, more often than not. Another highlight as an area chief was to participate in the national planning meeting to layout the forthcoming national conference (NOAC). At this
time national officers were elected too. Until the early 1970's, only half the sections in the nation were represented at planning conferences. Sections alternated turns every two years. Therefore, your section was represented at the national planning meeting once every four years. This made exposure to the national level of the Order limited and special.
Prior to hosting the area conference, it is unclear if membership participated in many statewide events. However, after hosting the conference, lodge participation started to gradually become active outside the council.
Ed "Buddy" Tyndall was elected lodge chief in 1956. Alex Warren was elected for his third term as treasurer, Eddie Stallings served as secretary.

Forty-four members were inducted, twelve brotherhood memberships were conferred and ther were two vigil honor recipients registered in the lodge for a total membership of 83. Robert Gordon was appointed staff adviser for 1956 and 1957.
Based from the lodge charter application retrieved from the national office, three inductions were held between Camp Charles and Camp Croatan near New Bern. Service projects included general repair work at council camps including developed campfire rings, repair to buildings, conservation projects, fixing up the waterfronts, and camp promotion through unit visitations.
Floyd Bryan from Ahoskie, a University of North Carolina Morehead Scholar, was elected chief. Already a veteran Scout, Floyd had been to Philmont, the 1955 World Jamboree in Canada, and a special national Scout program to assist the 1956 Berlin Airlift.
Under Floyd's term, the lodge established a standard calling-out ceremony, held three lodge inductions, promoted summer camp regularly to council troops, as well as maintained six chapters. Lodge officers included one vice-chief, a secretary/treasurer, ceremonial committee, fellowship committee, election committee, and a program committee.The now Dr. Stratton Murrel served as the lay adviser.
Field Executive Carl Knott served as the staff adviser in 1958 and 1959. Carl was a North Carolina native and an Eagle Scout, who had previously been the staff adviser for Muscogee Lodge #221 based in Columbia, South Carolina. Carl later became the first field director in the East Carolina Council. Years later he resigned from professional service and became a Scoutmaster in Greenville.
A professional Scouter on the council staff at this time was G.E. Ashwill, who was based in Williamston. Mr. Ashwill was a veteran arrowman who had been inducted in the Order in Findley, Ohio in 1934. He received his brotherhood in Wahissa in 1942 and took his Vigil in Concord in 1945, one of the first in the state. He received both Eagle Scout and Sea Scout Quartermaster in 1934.
First Vigil Honor Youth Recipients |
Robert Rhodes, also a Morehead Scholar, was from Kinston. He served as chief in 1958. The lodge awarded the Vigil Honor, the the third set of presentations, to four members. And the first two awards to youth, Floyd Bryan and Robert Rhodes. Carl Knott and Stratton Murrell were the other two recipients. All
four received the honor at the area fellowship hosted by Tali Tak Taki #70.
Each lodge hosted a "Discussion Group" at the area conference, which was a training session. Croatan ran a session called Lodge Annual Program.


Tommy Gray from Ahoskie was chief in 1959. Under his leadership the lodge held the first fall fellowship at Camp Charles. At this time, the first lodge neckerchief was issued. The neckerchief was white with red letters and had a place reserved for the lodge arrowhead to be sewn on the center. The restriction was placed at
one per life.
Lodge members also participated in the Wilson Scout Exposition. Members presented a dramatization of the legend of the Order of the Arrow which was directed by Stratton.

First Lodge Neckerchief
Issued 1959
One Per Life


Lodge members attended the area conference hosted by Occonneechee lodge based in Raleigh. The lodge was responsible for the Vigil Tapout and ceremony, introducing canidates for Area Chief, as well as, hosted a discussion group on Election Procedures.
National Committeman G. Kellock Hale, from Wahissa, installed the new area chief and national committeeman Captain Jack Obermeyer gave the closing address titled "Challenge to Service."
A professional Scouter, on the council staff, who received the Vigil Honor this year was Frank H. Gay, Jr. He had been inducted into Nayawin Rar lodge in 1951. He was the staff adviser for the Bob White lodge in Augusta, Georgia where he received his Brotherhood in 1954.